“Indigenous Cultures of Mexico, Yesterday and Today” A) Kathy Didier/No Co-Leader. I am requesting a One Leader Trip as I am well acquainted with Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community who will coordinate and guide this trip. You can verify with Jan Taylor of the ME Committee that Charles Goff and the Cemanahuac EC are well qualified. Saturday, March 17 -- Thursday, March 29, 2007 B) APPLICATION TO LEAD AN AMC MAJOR EXCURSION (Use the F1 key to summon help for most fields) (Forms and General Information: http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/ ) 1. SUMMARY INFORMATION A) Trip Title: “Indigenous Cultures of Mexico, Yesterday and Today” B) Leader: Kathy Didier C) Co-Leader(s): No Co-Leader. I am requesting a One Leader Trip as I am well acquainted with Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community who will coordinate and guide this trip. You can verify with Jan Taylor of the ME Committee that Charles Goff and the Cemanahuac EC are well qualified. D) Dates: Saturday, March 17 -- Thursday, March 29, 2007 E) F) Total # of days: 13 G) Type of Trip: Field Study Trip - Cultural, Historical, Archeological Studies, Extensive Walking H) Participants: (not counting leaders) Minimum: 14 Maximum: 20 Advertised Cost: $2695 (without air) Air estimated at under $700. Most likely $600. 2. TRIP DETAILS A) Executive Summary: Brief outline of trip and trip activities. Chiapas, Mexico. Educational field study program. Vist many archeological sites with an educator. Learn about the economics and politics of Mexico in past and today. Much rugged walking. This Field Study Trip will be created and guided by Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community. (www.cemanahuac.com ). Charles P. Goff Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 1 of 9 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion Application Submitted 07/15/16 “Indigenous Cultures of Mexico, Yesterday and Today” A) Kathy Didier/No Co-Leader. I am requesting a One Leader Trip as I am well acquainted with Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community who will coordinate and guide this trip. You can verify with Jan Taylor of the ME Committee that Charles Goff and the Cemanahuac EC are well qualified. Saturday, March 17 -- Thursday, March 29, 2007 B) Charles Goff has been leading educational tours through Mexico, Central America, and South America for over 25 years. He is well known for providing field study small villages and out-ofthe-way places in every country and state he visits. Cemanahuac provides seven trips a year for Interhostel (sponsored by the University of New Hampshire) each year; in each, much of the focus is on the people of the areas being visited, the small villages, and the customs and lives of the people who inhabit them. On each field study trip, he presents information on the social, political, economic, and historic aspects of the country and area being visited. He grew up in Colombia and attended college in California, where he majored in anthropology at the California State University at Northridge. He has also studied at the Autonomous University in Mexico City, and he has also taken graduate courses taught by the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City and California State University at Sacramento. He is bilingual and has been asked to do simultaneous translations for many visitors to Mexico. He is a co-founder and director of the Cemanahuac Educational Community, the best and most academically-oriented program of its kind in Mexico. At Cemanahuac, a Spanish language school for those who want to study the language in a context of total immersion, he leads field study trips for students of all ages each weekend. It is largely through his interests that a program entitled "Mesoamerica in the Classroom" is taught each year at Cemanahuac. Currently over 50 school systems in the United States, including Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. encourage their teachers to study at Cemanahuac. In March 2003 and March 2005, I led AMC Major Excursions to Cuernavaca where my group studied at Cemanahuac Educational Community. Participants on my trips found Charlie to be an engaging, interesting educator. Many are eager to return to Mexico if Charlie is our guide and instructor. B) Accommodations: Please describe your plans for accommodation(s). Hotels, double occupancy, single supplement is possible. C) Meals: Please describe your plans for meals. All breakfasts, lunches and nine dinners are included. Three dinners are not included. Breakfasts and dinners at our hotels. Lunches may be picnic lunches or stops at small restaurants. D) Permits: Does the trip require special permits (required on all U.S. federal lands No E) Equipment: Does the trip require special/technical equipment? No F) Pre-trip activities: Do you plan to get your group together before the major excursion for an activity or social event? No Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 2 of 9 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion Application Submitted 07/15/16 “Indigenous Cultures of Mexico, Yesterday and Today” A) Kathy Didier/No Co-Leader. I am requesting a One Leader Trip as I am well acquainted with Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community who will coordinate and guide this trip. You can verify with Jan Taylor of the ME Committee that Charles Goff and the Cemanahuac EC are well qualified. Saturday, March 17 -- Thursday, March 29, 2007 B) G) Conservation/Education/Recreation:: Given that the AMC Mission Statement is as follows Founded in 1876, the Appalachian Mountain Club is America's oldest conservation and recreation organization. We promote the protection, enjoyment, and wise use of the mountains, rivers, and trails of the Appalachian region. We believe that the mountains and rivers have an intrinsic worth and also provide recreational opportunity, spiritual renewal, and ecological and economic health for the region. We encourage people to enjoy and appreciate the natural world because we believe that successful conservation depends on this experience. We fulfill our mission through the three interconnecting pillars of the AMC: conservation, education, and recreation How will this major excursion meet this mission of conservation, education, and recreation? For examples, please see <http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/mission/> Through lecture, discussion, and on-site field study visits to places of historical or anthropological interest, participants in a Cemanahuac educational program will gain insights into the people and the culture of each area visited that are not possible with most other types of educational travel. We will travel by boat down a river gorge, visit famous archeological sites, learn of the present day and past cultures of the indigenous people of the State of Chiapas, Mexico. Learn about the politics of the area and how it affects the preservation of the natural resources. Our physical activity will be walking. For those that love to learn, the entire experience will be recreational. H) Outfitters: Will this trip require an outfitter? Yes Name: Cemanahuac Educational Community Safety record: To date they have not had any problems. Liability insurance: They do not provide liability insurance in Mexico. Emergency response: Guides and bus driver will have cell phones. There are medical clinics/hospitals in the areas we plan to visit. Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 3 of 9 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion Application Submitted 07/15/16 “Indigenous Cultures of Mexico, Yesterday and Today” A) Kathy Didier/No Co-Leader. I am requesting a One Leader Trip as I am well acquainted with Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community who will coordinate and guide this trip. You can verify with Jan Taylor of the ME Committee that Charles Goff and the Cemanahuac EC are well qualified. Saturday, March 17 -- Thursday, March 29, 2007 B) 3. LEADER INFORMATION A) Contact Information: Leader: Kathy Didier PO Box C Woodstock, NH 03293 (home) 603-726-3553 (work) 603-726-3553 (e-mail) kdidier@coopresources.net Co-Leader: <Name> <Street Address> <City, State, Zip> (home) <home telephone> (e-mail) <e-mail address> (work) <work telephone> B) First Aid Training To lead a Major Excursion, you must have current CPR and Wilderness First Aid (WFA) or its equivalent at the time of your trip. Leader: CPR: April, 2006 WFA: April 2006 Other: Co-Leader: CPR: <Expiration Date> WFA: <Expiration Date> Other: <Describe course; expiration date> If CPR and/or WFA certifications will expire before your trip starts, describe your plans for re-certification: I plan to recertify with SOLO and CPR in April, 2006. This certification will be good until April, 2008. C) Leader Experience and Training New Leaders: If you are a new leader or co-leader, you must have submitted the form “Application to Become a Major Excursions Leader”. Experienced Major Excursions Leaders: Please list below the last three trips you have led for the AMC including destination, type of trip (backpacking, skiing, etc.), dates, and number of participants. Feel free to list additional trips you have led, particularly if they demonstrate experience related to the trip you are proposing. Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 4 of 9 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion Application Submitted 07/15/16 “Indigenous Cultures of Mexico, Yesterday and Today” A) Kathy Didier/No Co-Leader. I am requesting a One Leader Trip as I am well acquainted with Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community who will coordinate and guide this trip. You can verify with Jan Taylor of the ME Committee that Charles Goff and the Cemanahuac EC are well qualified. Saturday, March 17 -- Thursday, March 29, 2007 B) 1. Cinque Terre, Italy - April, 2005 2. Cuernavaca, Mexico - March, 2005 3. Cote d' Azur, France - September, 2004 Others: I have been leading at least two Major Excursions per year for many years. D) Scouting: Have you or your co-leader led this trip before or traveled in the area? <If "Yes" please describe> No E) Special Experience: Are any special skills or experience on the part of the participants required? Must be physically fit as there will be much walking over rugged terrain. Yes F) Couples: Do the Leader and Co-leader have a significant personal relationship? <If "Yes" please detail plans if one party cannot go> No 4. RISK ASSESSMENT Please assess the risks/hazards of your trip. Carefully consider each area of risk and how it may affect your trip with specific potential hazards. Then, devise a plan to attempt to prevent each hazard and to respond to it if it becomes necessary. A) Climate/Terrain Potential Hazards: Irregular ground - could sprain ankle Earthquake - Always a risk when you travel from California south Response: Recommend hiking boots and a hiking pole. B) Foreign Countries Potential Hazards: I have traveled to Mexico at least once a year for the past ten years. Never had any problems. Need to be street smart. Response: Will advise participants about how to prepare for a third world country. C) Transportation Potential Hazards: We travel in a 37-passenger Mercedes Benz motor coach driven by Marco Antonio Garcia, employed by Cemanahuac as their full time bus driver. I have traveled before with Marco Antonio. He is a good driver and I have confidence in him. Other drivers on the road are always a concern. But, no more in Mexico than in the US. Air travel to Villahermosa, Mexico. We are traveling in March when there could be snowstorms at home in the Northeast. As a precaution, we are spending the first three nights in Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 5 of 9 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion Application Submitted 07/15/16 “Indigenous Cultures of Mexico, Yesterday and Today” A) Kathy Didier/No Co-Leader. I am requesting a One Leader Trip as I am well acquainted with Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community who will coordinate and guide this trip. You can verify with Jan Taylor of the ME Committee that Charles Goff and the Cemanahuac EC are well qualified. Saturday, March 17 -- Thursday, March 29, 2007 B) Villahermosa. This gives participants three days to meet up with the group in case they are delayed by weather at home or missed/delayed flights. I will go out a day early to be sure that I am there when group arrives. Response: D) Participants Potential Hazards: Participants could become ill if they drink the water or eat raw unpeeled fruits and vegetables. A participant who is not physically fit could have problems keeping up with the group. Response: Screen participants prior to trip. Educate them about what they can and cannot eat and drink. E) Other Potential Hazards: Cannot think of any. Response: <Prevention or response to identified risks> 5. EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN Please describe your plans for dealing with emergencies. Please use as much detail as possible and attach additional sheets if necessary. A) Emergency Communication Prior to trip, participants will be given a list of hotels with telephone numbers. Cell phone numbers of our guides will be given. Where cell phones work, they will be used. We are going to be in public places at all times. We are not going into the backcountry. B) Evacuation We are never far from our bus. C) Medical Care The towns where we are staying have good medical facilities. Of course, they cannot match the care that we get in the USA. Our outfitters have run trips to this locale for Interhostel and many university groups. They get many elderly people on their trips (less strenuous than ours) who have had medical emergencies. These emergencies have been handled with ease. Our guides know who to contact since they run frequent trips to these towns. Before you leave for you trip, you will need to provide a list of participants and their emergency contacts in case something happens to someone in the field as well as an itinerary with phone numbers (where available) in case something happens at home. 6. COST INFORMATION Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 6 of 9 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion Application Submitted 07/15/16 “Indigenous Cultures of Mexico, Yesterday and Today” A) Kathy Didier/No Co-Leader. I am requesting a One Leader Trip as I am well acquainted with Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community who will coordinate and guide this trip. You can verify with Jan Taylor of the ME Committee that Charles Goff and the Cemanahuac EC are well qualified. Saturday, March 17 -- Thursday, March 29, 2007 B) A) What deposits are will be required from airlines, hotels, outfitters, etc. (and when): Participants are responsible for their own airline reservations. I will assist them. Cemanhuac asks for deposit of $1000 per person four months ahead of time and the full amount one month prior to trip with a check sent to their bank in the USA. If I bring 15 paid participants, my trip is free. B) What is the latest date for you to cancel and get a full refund? : trip. three months prior to C) What is the value of the deposit you will require of the participants? $ 700 D) What will be your cancellation policy for the participants? If participant cancels after being accepted on the trip, $100 of deposit is non-refundable. If participant cancels after October 1, 2006, we will hold funds to cover non-recoverable costs. However, we will establish a waiting list, and if participant can be replaced, he/she may receive most of his/her deposit back. E) Will trip run if minimum participant count not met? <If "Yes" describe conditions> No 7. PRIVATE TRIPS Are you currently (up to and including the time frame of this proposed trip) leading trips that are “private,” i.e. not sponsored by the AMC? Yes 8. AMC OUTDOORS INFORMATION Please see <http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/info/Trip_Notice_Rules.html> for the current rules and schedule for submitting notices for AMC Outdoors. E-mail both the long (150 words maximum) and short form (50 word maximum) trip announcements to goeke@space.mit.edu , preferably in plain text format, at the same time you submit the trip application. Although the trip notices travel a different route to the Committee, it helps to have the notices on the web site when the trip is reviewed. It your trip notice is somewhat preliminary at this time, that’s OK. You have plenty of opportunity to change it before the publication deadline. If you don’t want to have the first (long) notice appear at the normal time – see the above referenced rules – include your special request in the body of the e-mail containing the trip notices. Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 7 of 9 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion Application Submitted 07/15/16 “Indigenous Cultures of Mexico, Yesterday and Today” A) Kathy Didier/No Co-Leader. I am requesting a One Leader Trip as I am well acquainted with Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community who will coordinate and guide this trip. You can verify with Jan Taylor of the ME Committee that Charles Goff and the Cemanahuac EC are well qualified. Saturday, March 17 -- Thursday, March 29, 2007 B) After you trip is approved, please check your trip announcements as posted on the Major Excursions web site: http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/ ; we cut-and-paste directly from this site to AMC Outdoors ! 9. TRIP PROPOSAL AND APPROVAL PROCESS Trips cannot come before the Major Excursions Committee for approval unless the application is completed and received two weeks prior to MEC meetings for review. The ME Leader’s web site has the Handbook and all required forms: http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/handbook/ . As a minimum we need: This application form A detailed trip budget/costing form In addition the following are helpful during the review process, but need only be submitted after your proposal is accepted: 50 and 150 word notices for AMC Outdoors Trip prospectus – without application forms Finally, we need to have on file at Joy Street (again, after proposal acceptance) A filled out Confidential Medical Form for leader and co-leader Copies of first aid certifications for leader and co-leader We will accept snail mail applications, but electronic forms are preferred. Please save and forward your electronic documents with the following naming convention: Leader’s Last Name, Trip destination, Trip Activity (if applicable), Trip Start date. For example: Zukroff-New-Zealand-Hiking-12-03-Application.doc Email should be sent to both of the following two addresses: Stacia Zukroff, Major Excursions Committee Chair at mecchair@amcboston.org Heidi Reilly, AMC Travel Programs Coordinator at hreilly@amcinfo.org Or, if you unable to send electronically, please mail a single hard copy to: Heidi Reilly, Appalachian Mountain Club Five Joy Street, Boston, MA 02108 617-523-0655, x356 (voice) 617-367-8878 (FAX) 10. CONCLUSION By turning in this proposal, you are agreeing to the following: Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 8 of 9 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion Application Submitted 07/15/16 “Indigenous Cultures of Mexico, Yesterday and Today” A) Kathy Didier/No Co-Leader. I am requesting a One Leader Trip as I am well acquainted with Charles Goff of the Cemanahuac Educational Community who will coordinate and guide this trip. You can verify with Jan Taylor of the ME Committee that Charles Goff and the Cemanahuac EC are well qualified. Saturday, March 17 -- Thursday, March 29, 2007 B) I have read the Major Excursions Leader Handbook and I agree to follow all policies and procedures of the Major Excursions Committee and the Appalachian Mountain Club in preparing for and conducting my major excursion. Questions? Contact Stacia Zukroff at mecchair@amcboston.org or 781-648-5503. She can put you in touch with an experienced MEC mentor who can help you with trip planning. Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 9 of 9 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion Application Submitted 07/15/16