Backcountry Skiing Yellowstone National Park Roger S Zimmerman> Lynne Zimmerman


Backcountry Skiing Yellowstone National Park

Roger S Zimmerman> / Lynne Zimmerman Jan. 20 to Jan 29, 2006


(Use the F1 key to summon help for most fields)

(Forms and General Information: )



A) Trip Title: Backcountry Skiing Yellowstone National Park

B) Leader: Roger S Zimmerman>

C) Co-Leader(s): Lynne Zimmerman

D) Dates: Jan. 20 to Jan 29, 2006

E) Type of Trip: Backcountry and Cross Country Skiing

Total # of days: 10

F) Participants: (not counting leaders) Minimum: 10 Maximum: 16

Advertised Cost: $2,350.00



A) Executive Summary: Brief outline of trip and trip activities .

This is the 19 th

winter that we have led this trip for the AMC. It is a backcountry and crosscountry ski trip to Yellowstone. We ski in three of the major areas of the Park; Mammoth, Old

Faithful, and Canyon/Washburn Hills. This year we may ski in the N.E. corner of the Park.

Skiing is both on and off trail, and in some very remote areas of the Park. The majority of the skiing is on ungroomed snow, on variable terrain, including flats, uphill, anddownhill. Big mountain skiing is offered as an option for participants with the skills necessary. Snow conditions are typically good to excellent, but not always, e.g. sometimes its "set-up" and

"manky" depending on freeze-thaw cycles. Passes that are exposed can be scoured by wind.

Trips are day-long with some shorter trips as an option when leader coverage permits.

Access to trails is via motorized snow coaches, with "out the back door" options in the Old

Faithful area.

Winter camping is not part of this trip. Lodging and food [via Xanterra facilities management corp.] is in hotel, cabins and lodges, and restaurant/ dining rooms at Mammoth and Old Faithful.

This trip is quite similar to the previous trips - we have never gotten tired of doing this trip.

B) Accommodations: Please describe your plans for accommodation(s).

As above. Rooms are double occupancy with two beds.

C) Meals: Please describe your plans for meals.

Breakfasts and dinners are included. Lunch supplies and box lunches are available for purchase.

Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 1 of 8 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion

Application Submitted 04/13/20

Backcountry Skiing Yellowstone National Park

Roger S Zimmerman> / Lynne Zimmerman Jan. 20 to Jan 29, 2006

D) Permits: Does the trip require special permits (required on all U.S. federal lands Yes

I correspond with the Park authority concerning this trip.

E) Equipment: Does the trip require special/technical equipment?

A group first aide kit, A pair of radios for communication


Backcountry ski equipment is strongly suggested, e.g. shorter,wider ski with side-cut and metal edge; stiffer, higher boots [vs traditional low-cut boot]; adjustable poles are useful; bindings that are a beefier system, e.g. NNNBC or 75 mm 3 pin and or cable [equipment list and article sent out to participants]; other personal gear, repair kit, and personal first aid kit..

F) Pre-trip activities: Do you plan to get your group together before the major excursion for an activity or social event? No

<If YES, explain the type of activities and when they will occur

Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 2 of 8 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion

Application Submitted 04/13/20

Backcountry Skiing Yellowstone National Park

Roger S Zimmerman> / Lynne Zimmerman Jan. 20 to Jan 29, 2006

G) Conservation/Education/Recreation: : Given that the AMC Mission Statement is as follows

Founded in 1876, the Appalachian Mountain Club is America's oldest conservation and recreation organization. We promote the protection, enjoyment, and wise use of the mountains, rivers, and trails of the Appalachian region. We believe that the mountains and rivers have an intrinsic worth and also provide recreational opportunity, spiritual renewal, and ecological and economic health for the region. We encourage people to enjoy and appreciate the natural world because we believe that successful conservation depends on this experience. We fulfill our mission through the three interconnecting pillars of the AMC: conservation, education, and recreation

How will this major excursion meet this mission of conservation, education, and recreation?

For examples, please see < >

Conservation - Protected wildlife abounds, including re-introduced Wolf

Education - Skiing in Yellowstone means skiing in a volcano, in the nation's premier National

Park, having some of the world's most spectacular geology, e.g. hot springs, geysers, mudpots etc.

The group is also introduced to the history of the Park.

Recreation - outstanding backcountry skiing; ski instruction is also an option [leader is a PSIA certified Nordic instructor].

H) Outfitters: Will this trip require an outfitter?


Name: The director of the Ski Shop at Mammoth, Chris Lyness has been used as an additional guide in the pastfor the Canyon/ Washburn Hills day tripto assist me with safety, trip organization for that day, snowpack analysis, weather, etc.

Safety record: excellent

Liability insurance: The Ski Shop is part of the Park conscession, operated by Xanterra. I do not know what their liability coverage is.

Emergency response: Emergencies are handled by the NPS rangers. For example, when we ski the Washburn Hills, the rangers are informed where we'll be, anticipated time of return, etc. Once on the scene, rangers would direct any rescue operation.

Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 3 of 8 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion

Application Submitted 04/13/20

Backcountry Skiing Yellowstone National Park

Roger S Zimmerman> / Lynne Zimmerman



A) Contact Information:

Leader: Roger Zimmerman

14 Pleasant Ave

Portland, Maine 04103

(home) 207-824-3763

(e-mail) <e-mail address>


Jan. 20 to Jan 29, 2006


Co-Leader: Lynne Zimmerman same same

(home) 207-824-3763 (work) 207-874-8988


B) First Aid Training

To lead a Major Excursion, you must have current CPR and Wilderness First Aid (WFA) or its equivalent at the time of your trip.

Leader: CPR: 1/17/07


Other: WFR 1/18/07, Anaphylaxis Workshop 1/18/07

Co-Leader: CPR: 9/06

WFA: 11/05

Other: <Describe course; expiration date>

If CPR and/or WFA certifications will expire before your trip starts, describe your plans for re-certification: plan to take WFA course this summer

C) Leader Experience and Training

New Leaders: If you are a new leader or co-leader, you must have submitted the form

“Application to Become a Major Excursions Leader”.

Experienced Major Excursions Leaders: Please list below the last three trips you have led for the AMC including destination, type of trip (backpacking, skiing, etc.), dates, and number of participants. Feel free to list additional trips you have led, particularly if they demonstrate experience related to the trip you are proposing.

1. Yellowstone Ski Trip 2005

2. Yellowstone Ski Trip 2004

3. Yellowstone Ski Trip 2003

Others: Both leaders have also led backpacking trips to Alaska, the Zillertal Alps, the

Dolomites, Canada.

Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 4 of 8 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion

Application Submitted 04/13/20

Backcountry Skiing Yellowstone National Park

Roger S Zimmerman> / Lynne Zimmerman Jan. 20 to Jan 29, 2006

D) Scouting:

Have you or your co-leader led this trip before or traveled in the area? Yes

Yes, many times.

E) Special Experience:

Are any special skills or experience on the part of the participants required? Yes

Basic ski ability

F) Couples:

Do the Leader and Co-leader have a significant personal relationship? Yes

Bob and Betsy Goeke have provided back-up in the past. We will check with them.



Please assess the risks/hazards of your trip. Carefully consider each area of risk and how it may affect your trip with specific potential hazards. Then, devise a plan to attempt to prevent each hazard and to respond to it if it becomes necessary.

A) Climate/Terrain

Potential Hazards: storms

Response: discussed prior to first ski; appropriate gear carried at all times

B) Foreign Countries

Potential Hazards:


C) Transportation

Potential Hazards: snow coaches


D) Participants

Xanterra trains all drivers, has emergency procedures

Potential Hazards: poor ski skills. health concerns discussed prior to trip.

Response: instruction is an option. action as necessary. room assignments could be changed as needed

E) Other

Potential Hazards:




Please describe your plans for dealing with emergencies. Please use as much detail as possible and attach additional sheets if necessary.

Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 5 of 8 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion

Application Submitted 04/13/20

Backcountry Skiing Yellowstone National Park

Roger S Zimmerman> / Lynne Zimmerman Jan. 20 to Jan 29, 2006

A) Emergency Communication

On past Yellowstone trips we've had a list of participants emergency contacts. The AMC receives a copy, and we carry a copy with us. If an emergency ocured, e.g. an injury, as necessary, the contact would be called as soon as possible and the AMC notified.

B) Evacuation

Evacuation is handled by the NPS, and I would be under their jurisdiction; untill their arrival on the scene I would be in charge, and have been trained in emergency/wilderness procedures, first aid, etc.

C) Medical Care

There is a Clinic at Mammoth. There are EMT services at Old Faithful. There is a major medical facility in Bozeman, 2 to 3 hours drive from the Park. There is also a hospital in

Livingston, about a 1 hour drive from the Park..

Before you leave for you trip, you will need to provide a list of participants and their emergency contacts in case something happens to someone in the field as well as an itinerary with phone numbers (where available) in case something happens at home.



A) What deposits are will be required from airlines, hotels, outfitters, etc. (and when): hotel 25% 3 months prior to trip. Airlines approx 10% after booking.

B) What is the latest date for you to cancel and get a full refund?

: to the trip.

Approx. 6 weeks prior

C) What is the value of the deposit you will require of the participants? $ 100

D) What will be your cancellation policy for the participants?

Full refund less $100 deposit up to 6 weeks prior to the trip if leader can find a replacement.

E) Will trip run if minimum participant count not met?

May be able to go with only 8.




Are you currently (up to and including the time frame of this proposed trip) leading trips that are “private,” i.e. not sponsored by the AMC?




Please see <

> for the current rules

and schedule for submitting notices for AMC Outdoors. E-mail both the long (150 words maximum) and short form (50 word maximum) trip announcements to

, preferably in plain text format, at the same time you submit the trip application. Although the trip notices travel a different route to the Committee, it helps to have the notices on the web site when the trip is reviewed.

Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 6 of 8 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion

Application Submitted 04/13/20

Backcountry Skiing Yellowstone National Park

Roger S Zimmerman> / Lynne Zimmerman Jan. 20 to Jan 29, 2006

It your trip notice is somewhat preliminary at this time, that’s OK. You have plenty of opportunity to change it before the publication deadline. If you don’t want to have the first (long) notice appear at the normal time – see the above referenced rules – include your special request in the body of the e-mail containing the trip notices.

After you trip is approved, please check your trip announcements as posted on the Major

Excursions web site: ; we cut-and-paste directly from this site

to AMC Outdoors !



Trips cannot come before the Major Excursions Committee for approval unless the application is completed and received two weeks prior to MEC meetings for review. The ME Leader’s web site has the Handbook and all required forms: . As a minimum we need:

This application form

A detailed trip budget/costing form

In addition the following are helpful during the review process, but need only be submitted after your proposal is accepted:

50 and 150 word notices for AMC Outdoors

Trip prospectus – without application forms

Finally, we need to have on file at Joy Street (again, after proposal acceptance)

A filled out Confidential Medical Form for leader and co-leader

Copies of first aid certifications for leader and co-leader

We will accept snail mail applications, but electronic forms are preferred. Please save and forward your electronic documents with the following naming convention:

Leader’s Last Name, Trip destination, Trip Activity (if applicable), Trip Start date.

For example: Zukroff-New-Zealand-Hiking-12-03-Application.doc

Email should be sent to both of the following two addresses :

Stacia Zukroff, Major Excursions Committee Chair at

Heidi Reilly, AMC Travel Programs Coordinator at

Or, if you unable to send electronically, please mail a single hard copy to:

Heidi Reilly, Appalachian Mountain Club

Five Joy Street, Boston, MA 02108

617-523-0655, x356 (voice) 617-367-8878 (FAX)



By turning in this proposal, you are agreeing to the following:

Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 7 of 8 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion

Application Submitted 04/13/20

Backcountry Skiing Yellowstone National Park

Roger S Zimmerman> / Lynne Zimmerman Jan. 20 to Jan 29, 2006

I have read the Major Excursions Leader Handbook and I agree to follow all policies and procedures of the Major Excursions Committee and the Appalachian Mountain Club in preparing for and conducting my major excursion.

Questions? Contact Stacia Zukroff at

or 781-648-5503. She can put you in touch with an experienced MEC mentor who can help you with trip planning.

Revised 02/13/05 Pg. 8 of 8 Application to Lead an AMC Major Excursion

Application Submitted 04/13/20
