451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Thermal Hardware Specification April 3, 2007 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland National Aeronautics and Space Administration CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision – DRAFT CM FOREWORD This document is a Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Project Configuration Management (CM)-controlled document. Changes to this document require prior approval of the applicable Configuration Control Board (CCB) Chairperson or designee. Proposed changes shall be submitted to the LRO Project CM Office (CMO), along with supportive material justifying the proposed change. Changes to this document will be made by complete revision. Questions or comments concerning this document should be addressed to: LRO Project Configuration Management Office Mail Stop 431 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision – DRAFT Signature Page Prepared by: Charles Baker LRO Thermal Systems Lead GSFC/NASA, Code 545 __________ Date Reviewed by: David Everett LRO Mission Systems Engineer GSFC/599 __________ Date Approved by: Craig Tooley LRO Project Manager GSFC/NASA, Code 431 __________ Date CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision – DRAFT LUNAR RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER PROJECT DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD REV LEVEL DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet: 1 of 1 APPROVED BY CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. DATE APPROVED LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision – DRAFT List of TBDs/TBRs Item No. Location Summary Ind./Org. CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Due Date LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision – DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Scope................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1 General ................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Purpose................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Responsibility ...................................................................................................... 1-1 1.4 Documents ........................................................................................................... 1-2 1.4.1 Applicable Documents ............................................................................. 1-2 1.4.2 Reference Documents .............................................................................. 1-2 2.0 Heater Circuits ............................................................................................................... 2-2 2.1 Summary of all heater circuits ............................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Location of Heater Circuits ................................................................................ 2-12 3.0 Flight Interface Material Design .................................................................................. 3-1 4.0 Thermistor and PRT locations ..................................................................................... 4-3 5.0 Thermal Coatings......................................................................................................... 5-14 5.1 Thermal Radiator Coatings ................................................................................ 5-15 5.2 Launch vehicle interface and solar array Coatings ............................................ 5-16 6.0 Multi-Layer Insulation Coating Locations ................................................................ 6-17 6.1 Sunside –Y face ................................................................................................. 6-17 6.2 Anti- Sunside +Y face ........................................................................................ 6-17 6.3 NADIR -Z face .................................................................................................. 6-18 6.4 Zenith +Z face .................................................................................................... 6-19 6.5 +X face ............................................................................................................... 6-19 6.6 –X Face .............................................................................................................. 6-20 6.7 Internal Propulsion blankets .............................................................................. 6-21 6.8 Multi-Layer Insulation Blanket Grounding ....................................................... 6-21 6.9 Attachment of Multi-Layer Insulation Blankets ................................................ 6-21 Appendix A. Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................1 Appendix B: Blanket Descriptions and Designations .................................................................1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Figure 5-1 Spacecraft Radiator Locations and Thermal Coatings ............................................. 5-15 Figure 5-2 Thermal Coatings Overview ................................................................................... 5-15 Figure 5-3 HGAs Thermal Coatings Overview ......................................................................... 5-15 Figure 5-4 Launch Vehicle Thermal Coatings........................................................................... 5-16 Figure 6-1 Orbiter Reference for MLI ....................................................................................... 6-17 Figure 6-2 Mini RF MLI Closeout ............................................................................................ 6-18 ii CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision – DRAFT Figure 6-3 Figure TBD .............................................................................................................. 6-19 Figure 6-4 High Temperature Blankets by Insertion Thrusters ................................................. 6-20 Figure 6-5 –X Propulsion Tank MLI ......................................................................................... 6-21 Figure 6-6 IM MLI Venting Scheme ......................................................................................... 6-22 Figure 6-7 Orbiter Venting Scheme ........................................................................................... 6-23 Figure 6-8 Blanket Filter ............................................................................................................ 6-24 LIST OF TABLES Table Page Table 2-1 Solar Array and High Gain Heater Circuit Summary ................................................. 2-1 Table 2-2 Instrument Survival Heater Circuit Summary ............................................................. 2-2 Table 2-2 Instrument Survival Heater Circuit Summary (continued) ......................................... 2-3 Table 2-3 Instrument Operational Heater Circuit Summary........................................................ 2-4 Table 2-3 Instrument Operational Heater Circuit Summary (continued) .................................... 2-5 Table 2-5 Essential Heater Bus (Redundant Survival) Service ................................................... 2-6 Table 2-6 Software Controlled Heater Summary (Lunar Eclipse Warmup Heaters and Primary Survival Circuit Heaters) ............................................................................................................. 2-7 Table 2-7 Unswitched Battery and OMNI Heater Summary....................................................... 2-8 Table 2-8 Propulsion Heater Circuit Summary ........................................................................... 2-9 Table 2-8 Propulsion Heater Circuit Summary ......................................................................... 2-10 Table 2-9 Redundant Propulsion Heater Circuit Summary ....................................................... 2-11 Table 2-9 Redundant Propulsion Heater Circuit Summary ....................................................... 2-12 Table 3-1 Interface Material Design ............................................................................................ 3-1 Table 4-1 MAC Thermistors and PRTs ....................................................................................... 4-3 Table 4-1 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 1)................................................................. 4-4 Table 4-1 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 2)................................................................. 4-5 Table 4-1 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 3)................................................................. 4-6 Table 4-1 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 4)................................................................. 4-7 iii CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision – DRAFT Table 4-1 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 5)................................................................. 4-8 Table 4-1 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 6)................................................................. 4-9 Table 4-2 GCE 1 and 2 Temperature Sensors ........................................................................... 4-10 Table 4-2 GCE 1 and 2 Temperature Sensors (continued) ........................................................ 4-11 Table 4-3 Internal Box Thermistors ........................................................................................... 4-12 Table 4-4 GSE Umbilical Temperature Telemetry.................................................................... 4-13 Table 5-1 Orbiter Thermal Coatings Overview ......................................................................... 5-14 iv CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 GENERAL 451-SPEC-000913 Revision – DRAFT This Thermal Hardware Specification defines and controls the thermal system hardware configuration for heaters, interface material, thermistors/PRTs, and MLI on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft (SC). The specification details how the system level thermal hardware (heaters, thermistors/PRTs and MLI will be manufactured and qualified. Only system level components will be detailed in this specification while internal telemetry or heaters within components are on instruments will be detailed elsewhere. This document outlines: a. b. c. d. e. f. 1.2 Heater Circuit Ohmages and Setpoints Interface Material Specification of System Level Thermistors and PRTs Location of Thermal Coatings Location of heaters, thermostats, thermistors, and PRTs on the mechanical structure Specification of System Level MLI PURPOSE The purpose of this specification is to clearly define what the LRO thermal subsystem intends on delivering to the spacecraft. The actual installation Work Order Authorizations (WOA) will specifically address the installation method. 1.3 RESPONSIBILITY The Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) has the final responsibility for the LRO mission, the Orbiter, its subsystems, and any requirements specifically assigned to LRO in this document. LRO systems engineering and project management have the ultimate authority to specify thermal requirements. This document is an implementation of those requirements. This document shall be the vehicle by which the thermal hardware design is tracked. 1-1 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 1.4 451-SPEC-000913 Revision – DRAFT DOCUMENTS 1.4.1 Applicable Documents The following documents form a part of this Specification to the extent specified herein: 431-RQMT-000091 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Thermal Systems Specification 431-SPEC-000008 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Electrical Systems Specification 1.4.2 Reference Documents GSFC-STD-7000 General Environmental Verification Standards (GEVS) for Flight Programs and Projects GSFC-STD-1000 Goddard Gold Rules Document MIL-R-39009 General Specification for Resistors, Fixed, Wire-Wound (Power Type, Chassis Mounted) NASA GSFC S311-641 Switch, Thermostatic, Bimetallic, SPST, Narrow Differential, Hermetic NASA GSFC S311-P-079 Procurement Specification for Thermofoil Heaters S-311-P-18 Specification for Thermistor, (Thermally Sensitive Resistor), Insulated and Negative Temperature Coefficient S-311-XXXX Platinum Resistance Thermistor Specification 431-PLAN-000110 LRO Contamination Control Plan 2.0 HEATER CIRCUITS This specification outlines the system level heater circuits that will be placed at thermal interface. All heater circuits full under two designs: thermostatically controlled, and electronically controlled with an over temperature thermostat. All thermostatic heater circuits will be two thermostats in series. All electronically (software which switches the heater on and off in the C&DH box or the PSE) controlled circuits will have an over-temperature thermostat in series and on avionics panel, a secondary heater circuit that is thermostatically controlled at the minimum setpoint. All Kapton heaters will be overtaped with 3.5 mil aluminum tape with a minimum of 0.25” overlap. All thermostats on controlling thermistors will be bonded down with Stycast 2850FT (?) and grounded with Eccobond (?) 2-2 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 2.1 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT SUMMARY OF ALL HEATER CIRCUITS All mission level heater circuits are outlined in the following tables. Table 2-1 Solar Array and High Gain Heater Circuit Summary Circuit Location SA Gimbal (Y) SA Gimbal (XZ) SA Gimbal (Y) Redundant SA Gimbal (XZ) Redundant SAS Damper Heater 1 SAS Damper Heater 1 HGAS Motor Y HGAS Motor XZ HGAS Rotary Joint Y HGAS Rotary Joint XZ LR Heater HGAS Motor Y Redundant HGAS Motor XZ Redundant HGAS Rotary Joint Y Redundant HGAS Rotary Joint XZ Redundant Rotary Joint at HGAS Hinge LR Heater Redundant Circuit Number Overall Resistance (Ω) Qty of Size Of Htrs Heater (in2) Max Watt Density (W/in2) @35 V Setpoint Thermostat Part Thermostat Range Number Serial Numbers (°C) 32.00 72.00 32.00 72.00 255.15 255.15 32.00 72.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 32.00 72.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 2-1 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-2 Instrument Survival Heater Circuit Summary Circuit Location CRATER Surv. Heater 1 CRATER Surv. Heater 2 LOLA OTA Survival Heater LOLA MEB Survival Heater Surv LEND Rad Htr#1 Surv LEND Rad Htr#2 Surv LEND Rad Htr#3 LROC WAC Survival Heater LROC NAC +X Metering Survival Heater LROC NAC - X Metering Survival Heater LROC SCS Survival Heater LROC NAC - X Elec Survival Heater LROC NAC +X Elec Survival Heater Diviner Instr OBA Ext Surv #1 Diviner Instr Az Act Output Surv#2 Dirviner Instr Yoke A elbow (Node 2050) Surv#3 Diviner Instr Yoke A elbow (Node 2200) Surv #4 Diviner Instr Yoke B near El Act Surv #5 LAMP Instrument optical bench Surv. Heater Surv OB -Z panelHtr#4, LROC -X NAC Surv OB +Y Htr#1, LAMP Circuit # Overall Resistance (Ω) Qty of Size Of Htrs Heater (in2) Max Watt Density (W/in2) @35 V Setpoint Thermostat Part Thermostat Range Number Serial Numbers (°C) 48.70 48.70 21.90 20.10 108.00 117.00 53.50 177.80 68.80 68.80 220.90 70.80 70.80 72.9 102.1 85.05 255.2 63.79 145.80 314.00 146.00 2-2 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-3 Instrument Survival Heater Circuit Summary (continued) Circuit Location Surv OB +Y Htr#2, LAMP/MEB Surv OB +Y Htr#3, MEB Surv OB +Z Htr#1, LOLA/OTA Surv OB +Z Htr#2, LOLA/OTA Surv OB +Z Htr#3, LOLA/OTA Surv OB +Z Htr#4, LROC WAC Surv OB -Z Htr#1, LROC NAC +X Surv OB -Z Htr#2, LROC NAC +X/-X OB Star Cam -X Panel and SCS (~-Z side) Surv StarCam +X Rad Htr Surv StarCam -X Rad Htr Surv Diviner I/F Htr Circuit # Overall Resistance (Ω) Qty of Size Of Htrs Heater (in2) Max Watt Density (W/in2) @35 V Setpoint Thermostat Part Thermostat Range Number Serial Numbers (°C) 85.60 73.40 157.00 157.00 157.00 220.00 157.00 389.00 73.33 34.40 55.75 85.44 2-3 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-4 Instrument Operational Heater Circuit Summary Circuit Location LOLA MEB Heater LOLA 1 OTA Laser Bench LOLA 2 OTA Housing\ LROC NAC Adaptor Plate Heater LROC NAC Adaptor Plate Heater LROC WAC Op Heater LAMP Op Heater 1 Diviner I/F CRATER Op Heater 1 CRATER Op Heater 2 OP OB+X #1 (2 heaters combined) OP OB +X #3 OB OP +Y#2 Op Star Cam -X Radiator Heater @ star cam I/F Op Star Cam +X Radiator Heater @ star cam I/F OB OP +Y#3 OB OP +Y#4 OB OP +Y#5 OB OP Wac Baseplate OB OP -Y Panel#2 OB OP -Y Panel#3 OB OP -Y Panel#4 OB OP -Z Panel#2 OB OP -Z Panel#3 Circuit # Overall Resistance (Ω) Qty of Size Of Htrs Heater (in2) Max Watt Density (W/in2) @35 V Setpoint Thermostat Part Thermostat Range Number Serial Numbers (°C) 72.10 40.05 76.70 55.20 55.20 186.90 58.00 166.6 52.1 52.1 326.00 378.00 568.60 174.00 174.00 135.00 462.00 662.00 661.00 98.90 271.00 120.00 389.00 389.00 2-4 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-5 Instrument Operational Heater Circuit Summary (continued) Circuit Location -X Star Cam OB I/F Heater #1 -X Star Cam OB I/F Heater #3 +X Star Cam OB I/F Heater #2 +X Star Cam OB I/F Heater #3 OB OP +Z Panel near LOLA Circuit # Overall Resistance (Ω) Qty of Size Of Htrs Heater (in2) Max Watt Density (W/in2) @35 V Setpoint Thermostat Part Thermostat Range Number Serial Numbers (°C) 378.00 315.00 176.00 580.00 315.00 2-5 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-6 Essential Heater Bus (Redundant Survival) Service Circuit Location Battery Heater RWA 1 Heater RWA 2 Heater RWA 3 Heater RWA 4 Heater ITP CDH Heatpipe Heater ITP Sband Heatpipe ITP DREB Heatpipe Circuit Number Overall Resistance (Ω) Qty of Size Of Htrs Heater (in2) Max Watt Density (W/in2) @35 V Setpoint Thermostat Part Thermostat Range Number Serial (°C) Numbers 18.23 102.06 102.06 102.06 102.06 23.20 30.93 30.93 2-6 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-7 Software Controlled Heater Summary (Lunar Eclipse Warmup Heaters and Primary Survival Circuit Heaters) Circuit Location RWA Software Cntrl Heaters S-Band Pipe Software Cntrl Heater (single ITP circuit) KaTWTA Heatpipe Software Cntrl Heater (single ITP circuit) DREB Heatpipe Software Cntrl Heater (single ITP circuit) CDH Warm up Heatpipe Software Cntrl Heater (single ITP circuit) LEND I/F Op Heater (in C&DH) OB for LROC +X NAC I/F on Z panel Heater #1 (in C&DH) OB for LROC -X NAC I/F on -Z panel Heater #4 (in C&DH) OB -X Panel near NAC Heater #1 (in C&DH) ? OB -Y PANEL Heater#1(in C&DH) LROC NAC Structure Op Heater +X LROC NAC Structure Op Heater -X OB +Y Panel, Heater #1 -X Star Tracker OB I/F Heater #2 +X Star Tracker OB I/F Heater #1 Circuit Number Overall Qty of Resistance Htrs (Ω) 7.08 4 Size Of Heater (in2) Max Watt Density (W/in2) @35 V 21.40 21.40 21.40 9.42 80.30 321.00 156.80 100.80 161.00 40.50 40.50 103.00 212.00 294.00 2-7 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Control Sensor Setpoint Range (deg C) or PSE LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-8 Unswitched Battery and OMNI Heater Summary Circuit Location Battery 1/2 of Survival Heater Battery 1/2 of Survival Heater OMNI 1 Heater OMNI 2 Heater OMNI 1 Redundant Heater OMNI 2 Redundant Heater Circuit Number Overall Qty Resistance of (Ω) Htrs Size Of Heater (in2) Max Watt Density (W/in2) @35 V Setpoint Range (°C) 18.00 18.00 291.60 291.60 291.60 291.60 2-8 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Thermostat Part Number Thermostat Serial Numbers LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-9 Propulsion Heater Circuit Summary Circuit Location +X Tank Heater Circuit 1 (equator) +X Tank Heater Circuit 2 (+X pole) +X Tank Heater Circuit 3 (-X pole) -X Tank Heater Circuit 1 (equator) -X Tank Heater Circuit 2 (equator) -X Tank Heater Circuit 3 (equator) -X Tank Heater Circuit 4 (equator) -X Tank Heater Circuit 5 (+X pole) -X Tank Heater Circuit 6 (-X pole) HP Fill Drain Heater LP Fill Drain Heater Pressurant Tank Heater HP/LP Heater 1 HP/LP Heater 2 HP/LP Heater 3 HP/LP Heater 4 Insertion Thruster Heater 1 Insertion Thruster Heater 2 Insertion Thruster Heater 3 Insertion Thruster Heater 4 Circuit Number Overall Qty of Size Of Resistance Htrs Heater (Ω) (in2) Max Watt Setpoint Density Range (°C) 2 (W/in ) @35 V 145.80 146.00 179.20 91.00 91.00 91.00 91.00 146.00 44.80 145.80 145.80 145.80 145.80 145.80 145.80 145.80 189.00 189.00 189.00 189.00 2-9 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Thermostat Part Number Thermostat Serial Number LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-10 Propulsion Heater Circuit Summary Circuit Location ACS Thruster Heater 1 ACS Thruster Heater 2 ACS Thruster Heater 3 ACS Thruster Heater 4 ACS Thruster Heater 5 ACS Thruster Heater 6 ACS Thruster Heater 7 ACS Thruster Heater 8 Insertion Prop Line 1 Insertion Prop Line 2 Insertion Prop Line 3 ACS Prop Line 1 ACS Prop Line 2 ACS Prop Line 3 ACS Prop Line 4 Fill Drain Line 1 Fill Drain Line 2 Tank Liquid Line +X Tank Liquid Line -X Insertion Thruster Deck Heater Circuit Number Overall Qty of Size Of Resistance Htrs Heater (Ω) (in2) Max Watt Setpoint Density Range (°C) 2 (W/in ) @35 V 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 42.53 2-10 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Thermostat Part Number Thermostat Serial Number LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-11 Redundant Propulsion Heater Circuit Summary Circuit Location +X Tank Heater Circuit 1 (equator) +X Tank Heater Circuit 2 (+X pole) +X Tank Heater Circuit 3 (-X pole) -X Tank Heater Circuit 1 (equator) -X Tank Heater Circuit 2 (equator) -X Tank Heater Circuit 3 (equator) -X Tank Heater Circuit 4 (equator) -X Tank Heater Circuit 5 (+X pole) -X Tank Heater Circuit 6 (-X pole) HP Fill Drain Heater LP Fill Drain Heater Pressurant Tank Heater HP/LP Heater 1 HP/LP Heater 2 HP/LP Heater 3 HP/LP Heater 4 Insertion Thruster Heater 1 Insertion Thruster Heater 2 Insertion Thruster Heater 3 Insertion Thruster Heater 4 Circuit # Overall Qty of Size Of Resistance Htrs Heater (Ω) (in2) Max Watt Setpoint Density Range (°C) 2 (W/in ) @35 V 145.80 146.00 179.20 91.00 91.00 91.00 91.00 146.00 44.80 145.80 145.80 145.80 145.80 145.80 145.80 145.80 189.00 189.00 189.00 189.00 2-11 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Thermostat Part Number Thermostat Serial Numbers LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 2-12 Redundant Propulsion Heater Circuit Summary Circuit Location ACS Thruster Heater 1 ACS Thruster Heater 2 ACS Thruster Heater 3 ACS Thruster Heater 4 ACS Thruster Heater 5 ACS Thruster Heater 6 ACS Thruster Heater 7 ACS Thruster Heater 8 Insertion Prop Line 1 Insertion Prop Line 2 Insertion Prop Line 3 ACS Prop Line 1 ACS Prop Line 2 ACS Prop Line 3 ACS Prop Line 4 Fill Drain Line 1 Fill Drain Line 2 Tank Liquid Line +X Tank Liquid Line -X Insertion Thruster Deck 2.2 Circuit # Overall Qty of Size Of Resistance Htrs Heater (Ω) (in2) Max Watt Setpoint Density Range (°C) 2 (W/in ) @35 V 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 42.53 LOCATION OF HEATER CIRCUITS The location of the heater circuits in Table 1 are outlined in Appendix C. 2-12 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Thermostat Part Number Thermostat Serial Numbers LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 3.0 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT FLIGHT INTERFACE MATERIAL DESIGN Table 2 outlines the interface material requirements between various components and their mounting surfaces. Table 2 below lists the design temperature limits at the SC thermal interface. Table 3-1 Interface Material Design Subsystem/Instrument Component Interface Material Power Power Subsystem Electronics S/C I/F at PSE NuSil CV-2946/Teflon Film S/C I/F at Battery Dry Joint S/C I/F at Star Trackers (Radiator I/F) Cho- Seal 1285 S/C I/F at Inertial Measurement Unit Cho- Seal 1285 S/C I/F at Reaction Wheels Chotherm S/C I/F at Coarse Sun Sensors Dry Joint Propulsion and Deployables Electronics (PDE) S/C I/F at PDE Dry Joint/Cho- Seal 1285 C&DH S/C I/F at C&DH NuSil CV-2946/Teflon Film S/C I/F at 9500 Oscillator Dry Joint S Band Comm S/C I/F at S-band components NuSil CV-2946/Teflon Film Ka Band Comm S/C I/F at Ka Baseband Modulator Cho- Seal 1285 S/C I/F at Ka TWT NuSil CV-2946/Teflon Film S/C I/F at EPC Cho- Seal 1285 S/C I/F at Gimbal Control Electronics 1 (Hi-Gain) Cho- Seal 1285 S/C I/F at Gimbal Control Electronics 2 (S/A) Cho- Seal 1285 Cosmic Ray Telescope of the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) S/C at I/F to CRaTER Dry Joint Diviner S/C at I/F to Diviner Instr Dry Joint S/C at I/F to remote electronics box Dry Joint Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) S/C I/F at base of LAMP’s feet Dry Joint Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) S/C at I/F to LEND Dry Joint S/C at I/F to Optics Package Dry Joint S/C at I/F to Instrument Electronics Dry Joint S/C at base of NAC Dry Joint S/C I/F at base of WAC Dry Joint S/C I/F at base of SCS Dry Joint Attitude Control System (ACS) Mechanisms Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) 3-1 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Subsystem/Instrument Component Interface Material Mini RF S/C I/F at base of antennae’s feet Dry Joint S/C I/F at base of electronics feet NuSil CV-2946/Teflon Film RWA Heat Pipe Joints RWA Baseplate HPs RWA Baseplate HPs to Header HPs NuSil CV-2946 Header HPs to Isotherm Panel 3-2 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 4.0 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT THERMISTOR AND PRT LOCATIONS Table 3 specifies the number of spacecraft monitored temperature sensors allocated to each component. The telemetry types listed only apply to the column in the table labeled ‘Number of Telemetry Points’. The ‘Internal Box Telemetry’ sensors can be alternative telemetry types since they may be read by alternative avionics. The current baseline for temperature sensors is 2252 ohms 311P18-02-A-101 or Platinum Resistance Thermometer (PRT) (0118MM2000CEALGC, 2000 ohms @ 0°C) as specified by the LRO Thermal Systems Lead. The thermistor/PRT shall be capable of being read over all specified temperature ranges. The thermistor sensors shall be accurate within 1.5 degree C from -40 to +75 C. The PRT sensors shall be accurate within 3.0 degree C from -170 to +145 C. The thermistor electrical interface shall be per the relevant electrical ICD and the physical placement of each thermistor per the relevant thermal ICD Table 4-1 below outlines the conventions and limits for all MAC, GCE, and PSE external telemetry limits. Table 4-1 MAC Thermistors and PRTs Subsystem Details Telemetry Pt. # Op Limit Surv Limit Comp. Instrument Module IM +Y face Top near Star Trackers in –Z, +X IM +Y face Top in –Z, -X corner IM +Y face in +Z, -X corner IM +Y face in +Z, +X corner IM +Y face IM +X face IM +X face (+Z) Nadir Face near WAC (+Z) Nadir Face near LOLA (+Z) Nadir Face -X Nadir Face corner IM -Y face in -Z, +X corner flexure IM -Y face in +Z, +X corner flexure IM -Y face in +Z, -X corner flexure IM -Y face in -Z, -X corner flexure THM-1 THM-2 THM-3 THM-4 THM-5 THM-6 THM-7 THM-8 THM-9 THM-10 THM-11 THM-12 THM-13 THM-14 THM-15 4-3 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Reference Htr Circuit LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 4-2 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 1) Subsystem Details (-Z) Zenith face near Star Tracker -X (-Z) Zenith face near Star Tracker +X (-Z) Zenith face near NAC1 (-Z) Zenith face near NAC 2 (-Z) Zenith face near –X corner Star Tracker Radiator Star Tracker Radiator Telemetry Pt. # Op Limit Surv Limit THM-16 THM -17 THM-18 THM-19 THM -20 THM-21 THM-22 Thermal Avionics Radiator Avionics Radiator Calorimeter Calorimeter Spare Spare Spare THM-23 THM-24 THM-25 THM-26 THM-27 THM-28 THM-29 HGAS Deployment Hinge/Rotary Joint HGAS Damper SAS Dampers +Z SAS Dampers –Z S/A GCE 2 Box IF HGA GCE 1 Box IF THM-30 Mechanisms Thermal Thermal Control Heaters (two sensors per heater) THM-31 THM-32 THM-33 THM-34 THM-35 Rationale: If thermistor fails, circuit fails RWA Software Heater Cntrl RWA Software Heater Red Cntrl ITP Heat Pipe Software Heater Cntrl ITP Heat Pipe Software Heater Red Cntrl LEND Op Heater (in C&DH) LEND Op Heater (in C&DH) Red Cntrl THM-36 THM-37 THM-38 THM-39 THM-40 THM-41 4-4 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Reference Htr Circuit LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 4-3 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 2) Subsystem Details Optical Bench for LROC +X NAC I/F on –Z Panel (in C&DH) Optical Bench for LROC +X NAC I/F on –Z Panel (in C&DH) Red Cntrl Optical Bench for LROC -X NAC I/F on –Z Panel (in C&DH) Optical Bench for LROC -X NAC I/F on –Z Panel (in C&DH) Red Cntrl Optical Bench for LROC -X Panel near NAC (in C&DH) Optical Bench for LROC -X Panel near NAC (in C&DH) Red Cntrl Optical Bench for LROC +Z panel near NAC (in C&DH) Optical Bench for LROC +Z panel near NAC (in C&DH) Red Cntrl LROC Instrument –X NAC Structure Op Heater LROC Instrument –X NAC Structure Op Heater Red Cntrl LROC Instrument +X NAC Structure Op Heater LROC Instrument +X NAC Structure Op Heater Red Cntrl LROC OB +Y Panel LROC OB +Y Panel Red Cntrl LROC OB -Y Panel LROC OB -Y Panel Red Cntrl Star Tracker OB I/F +X Panel Star Tracker OB I/F +X Panel Red Cntrl Star Tracker OB I/F -X Panel Star Tracker OB I/F -X Panel Red Cntrl Telemetry Pt. # Op Limit Surv Limit THM- 42 THM- 43 THM-44 THM- 45 THM-46 THM- 47 THM-48 THM- 49 THM-50 THM-51 THM-52 THM-53 THM-54 THM-51 THM-52 THM-53 THM-54 THM-55 THM-56 THM-57 4-5 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Reference Htr Circuit LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 4-4 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 3) Subsystem Propulsion System Details Rationale: Need be able to turn off a thermostatic heater circuit if problematic. Fuel temperatures must be controlled. +X Tank +X face circuit #2 +X Tank equator circuit #1 +X Tank –X face circuit #3 -X Tank +X face circuit #8 -X Tank equator circuit #4 -X Tank equator circuit #5 -X Tank equator circuit #6 -X Tank equator circuit #7 -X Tank -X face circuit #9 Cylinder Heater Circuit +X hemisphere circuit Cylinder Heater Circuit -X hemisphere circuit Sensor #2 Pressurant Tank Heater Circuit Sensor #1 Pressurant Tank Heater Circuit Sensor #2 Insertion Prop Line 1 Insertion Prop Line 2 Insertion Prop Line 3 ACS Prop Line 1 ACS Prop Line 2 ACS Prop Line 3 ACS Prop Line 4 Fill Drain Line 1 Fill Drain Line 2 Tank Liquid Line +X Tank Liquid Line –X High Pressure Panel Low Pressure Panel Insertion Thruster Deck Insertion Thruster Valve #1 Sensor #1 Insertion Thruster Valve #2 Sensor #1 Insertion Thruster Valve #3 Sensor #1 Insertion Thruster Valve #4 Sensor #1 Telemetry Pt. # Op Limit Surv Limit THM-58 THM-59 THM-60 THM-61 THM-62 THM-63 THM-64 THM-65 THM-66 THM-67 THM-68 THM-69 THM-70 THM-71 THM-72 THM-73 THM-74 THM-75 THM-76 THM-77 THM-78 THM-79 THM-80 THM-81 THM-82 THM-83 THM-84 THM-85 THM-86 THM-87 THM-88 4-6 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Reference Htr Circuit LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 4-5 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 4) Subsystem Cat Bed Details ACS Thruster Valve #1 Sensor #1 ACS Thruster Valve #2 Sensor #1 ACS Thruster Valve #3 Sensor #1 ACS Thruster Valve #4 Sensor #1 ACS Thruster Valve #5 Sensor #1 ACS Thruster Valve #6 Sensor #1 ACS Thruster Valve #7 Sensor #1 ACS Thruster Valve #8 Sensor #1 Cat Bed PRTs Insertion Thrusters #1 Cat Bed PRTs Insertion Thrusters #2 Cat Bed PRTs Insertion Thrusters #3 Cat Bed PRTs Insertion Thrusters #4 Cat Bed PRTs ACS Thruster #1 Cat Bed PRTs ACS Thruster #2 Cat Bed PRTs ACS Thruster #3 Cat Bed PRTs ACS Thruster #4 Cat Bed PRTs ACS Thruster #5 Cat Bed PRTs ACS Thruster #6 Cat Bed PRTs ACS Thruster #7 Cat Bed PRTs ACS Thruster #8 Telemetry Pt. # Op Limit Surv Limit THM-89 THM-90 THM-91 THM-92 THM-93 THM-94 THM-95 THM-96 PRT-151 PRT-152 PRT-153 PRT-154 PRT-155 PRT-156 PRT-157 PRT-158 PRT-159 PRT-160 PRT-161 PRT-162 4-7 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Reference Htr Circuit LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 4-6 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 5) Telemetry Pt. # Subsystem Details Gimbals S/A Gimbal Y axis Actuator S/A Gimbal X axis Actuator HG Gimbal Y axis Actuator HG Gimbal X axis Actuator +Y HGAS Rotary Joint Heater Circuit +X HGAS Rotary Joint Heater Circuit High Gain Antenna High Gain Antenna High Gain Antenna S Band Patch LEND Radiator (?) THM-97 THM-98 THM-99 THM-100 PRT-163 CRaTER Radiator LR Telescope THM-102 PRT-169 Battery SC I/F PSE SC I/F Solar Array Substrate CSS Monitor +Z Solar Array Substrate CSS Monitor –Z PDE S/C I/F +X Star Tracker S/C I/F -X Star Tracker S/C I/F IMU S/C I/F Reaction Wheel +X +Y S/C I/F Reaction Wheel +X -Y S/C I/F Reaction Wheel -X +Y S/C I/F Reaction Wheel -X –Y S/C I/F C&DH Box Essential Heater Location 9500 Oscillator Internal Chassis (30 kohm thermistor) 9500 Oscillator Internal Oven (30 kohm thermistor) TT&C XPDR Stack (xmit) TT&C XPDR Stack (Rec) TT&C Omni Antenna +X TT&C Omni Antenna -X THM-103 THM-104 THM-105 Instrument Radiators Laser Receiver Telescope Power ACS C&DH S-Comm Op Limit Surv Limit PRT-164 PRT-165 PRT-166 PRT-167 PRT-168 THM-101 THM-106 THM-107 THM-108 THM-109 THM-110 THM-111 THM-112 THM-113 THM-114 THM-115 THM-116 THM-117 THM-118 THM-119 THM-120 THM-121 4-8 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Reference Htr Circuit LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 4-7 MAC Thermistors and PRTs (continued 6) Subsystem Details Ka Comm Ka Baseband Modulator Ka EPC Ka TWTA Sensor#1 Ka TWTA Sensor#2 Isolator CRaTER Telescope Diviner OBA Diviner Az Actuator Diviner Elev Actuator Diviner DREB Diviner Yoke LAMP Reference Point LAMP (instrument requested thermistor) LEND Elect LEND Doppler Detector LOLA OTA Laser Bench LOLA OTA Receiver Tube Flange LOLA MEB PCA Sidewall SCS FPGA WAC Focal Plane NAC+X FPGA NAC+X Focal Plane NAC+X Metering Structure NAC –X FPGA NAC –X Focal Plane NAC –X Metering Structure Mini-RF Transmitter Box Mini-RF Processor Box Mini-RF Analog Receiver Box (instrument requested thermistor) Mini-RF Antenna EPOC Camera Instruments EPOC Telemetry Pt. # Op Limit Surv Limit THM-122 THM-123 THM-124 THM-125 THM-126 PRT-170 THM-127 THM-128 THM-129 THM-130 THM-131 THM-132 THM-133 THM-134 THM-135 THM-136 THM-137 THM-138 THM-139 THM-140 THM-141 THM-142 THM-143 THM-144 THM-145 THM-146 THM-147 THM-148 THM-149 PRT-171 THM-150 171 Total 4-9 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Reference Htr Circuit LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 4-8 GCE 1 and 2 Temperature Sensors Telemetry Designation GCE Specification GCE 1 Primary Side GCE 1 Primary Side GCE 1 Primary Side GCE 1 Primary Side GCE 1 Primary Side GCE 1 Primary Side GCE 1 Primary Side GCE 1 Primary Side GCE 1 Redundant Side GCE 1 Redundant Side GCE 1 Redundant Side GCE 1 Redundant Side GCE 1 Redundant Side GCE 1 Redundant Side GCE 1 Redundant Side GCE 1 Redundant Side GCE 2 Primary Side GCE 2 Primary Side GCE 2 Primary Side GCE 2 Primary Side GCE 2 Primary Side GCE 2 Primary Side GCE 2 Primary Side GCE 2 Primary Side Details GCE1 Internal L/V I/F at S/C I/F HPCM LPCM Avionic Structure +Z face Avionic Structure -Z face Avionics Structure +Y face Avionics Structure Y face on Solar Array support structure GCE1 Internal GCE1PRTR-1 L/V I/F at S/C I/F GCE1PRTR-2 HPCM GCE1PRTR-3 LPCM GCE1PRTR-4 Avionic Structure +Z face Avionic Structure -Z face Avionics Structure +Y face Avionics Structure Y face on Solar Array support structure GCE2 Internal AP Radiators +Y +X Corner AP Radiators -Y +X Corner AP Radiators +Y -X Corner AP Radiators -Y X Corner AP Radiator Battery Radiator +Y side Battery Radiator -Y side GCE1PRTR-5 Operational Limit Survival Limit GCE1PRTP-1 GCE1PRTP-2 GCE1PRTP-3 GCE1PRTP-4 GCE1PRTP-5 GCE1PRTP-6 GCE1PRTP-7 GCE1PRTP-8 GCE1PRTR-6 GCE1PRTR-7 GCE1PRTR-8 GCE2PRTP-1 GCE2PRTP-2 GCE2PRTP-3 GCE2PRTP-4 GCE2PRTP-5 GCE2PRTP-6 GCE2PRTP-7 GCE2PRTP-8 4-10 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Heater Circuit Reference LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 4-9 GCE 1 and 2 Temperature Sensors (continued) Telemetry Designation GCE Specification GCE 2 Redundant Side GCE 2 Redundant Side GCE 2 Redundant Side GCE 2 Redundant Side GCE 2 Redundant Side GCE 2 Redundant Side GCE 2 Redundant Side GCE 2 Redundant Side Operational Limit Survival Limit Details GCE2PRTR-1 GCE2 Internal AP Radiators +Y +X Corner AP Radiators -Y +X Corner AP Radiators +Y -X Corner AP Radiators -Y X Corner AP Radiator Battery Radiator +Y side Battery Radiator -Y side GCE2PRTR-2 GCE2PRTR-3 GCE2PRTR-4 GCE2PRTR-5 GCE2PRTR-6 GCE2PRTR-7 GCE2PRTR-8 4-11 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Heater Circuit Reference LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 4-10 Internal Box Thermistors Subsystem Mechanis ms Details Measurement Location Telemetry Designation PSE internal PSE internal PSE internal PSE internal PSE internal PSE internal PSE internal Battery internal Battery internal S/A Panels S/A Panels S/A Panels S/A Panels PSETHM-1 PSETHM-2 PSETHM-3 PSETHM-4 PSETHM-5 PSETHM-6 PSETHM-7 PSEPRT-1 PSEPRT-2 PSEPRT-3 PSEPRT-4 PSEPRT-5 PSEPRT-6 Reaction Wheel +X +Y internal Reaction Wheel +X -Y internal Reaction Wheel -X +Y internal Reaction Wheel -X –Y internal RWATHM-1 C&DH Internal #1 C&DH Internal #1 C&DH Internal #1 C&DH Internal #1 C&DH Internal #1Heater C&DH Internal #1 C&DH Internal #1 CDHTHM-1 Op Limit Surv Limit ACS RWATHM-2 RWATHM-3 RWATHM-4 C&DH CDHTHM-2 CDHTHM-3 CDHTHM-4 CDHTHM-5 CDHTHM-6 CDHTHM-7 Total Allowable 4-12 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Heater Circuit Reference LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Table 4-11 GSE Umbilical Temperature Telemetry Telemetry Designation Subsystem Propulsion Op Limit Details +X Prop Fuel Tank -X Hemisphere +X Prop Fuel Tank +X Hemisphere -X Prop Fuel Tank +X Hemisphere -X Prop Fuel Tank -X Hemisphere Pressurant Tank UTHM-1 UTHM-2 UTHM-3 UTHM-4 UTHM-5 Total Allowable 4-13 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. Surv Limit LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 5.0 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT THERMAL COATINGS The S/C has six distinct radiator locations on its main body and four distinct radiators on the deployables. The isolated instruments all have radiators whose coatings are controlled by the instrument developers but verified via system level thermal analysis and instrument level thermal balance testing. The remainder of the spacecraft will be covered in MLI blankets with the exception of the solar array, instrument and RF apertures and antennas, launch vehicle interface and propulsion thruster shields and portions of the thrusters. Table 5-1 Orbiter Thermal Coatings Overview Subsystem Power ACS Mechanisms Instruments Location Back of Solar Array CSS Mount SAS Actuator Radiators Qty 2 but different designs HGAS Actuator Radiators Qty 2 but different designs 2 Omni Antennas Feed Horn +X Star Tracker Radiator -X Star Tracker Radiator LEND Radiator CRaTER Radiator Battery Radiator Avionics Radiator LROC WAC radiator and radiator shield LROC NAC+X and –X radiator and radiator shield LROC SCS radiator and radiator shield Instruments Instruments Instruments LAMP Radiator LOLA OTA LOLA MEB HGAS Comm Comm Thermal Thermal Thermal Thermal Thermal Thermal Instruments Instruments Thermal Coating RM-400 NS43C NS43C Outside Z306 Black Paint inside NS43C Outside Z306 Black Paint inside A276 NS43C NS43C NS43C 5 mil ITO OSRs 5 mil ITO OSRs 5 mil ITO OSRs 5 mil ITO OSRs NS43C outside + VDA inside NS43C outside + VDA inside NS43C on top face of electronics only NS43C NS43C NS43C 5-14 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 5.1 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT THERMAL RADIATOR COATINGS Small radiators, including the two star tracker radiators and the four deployables actuator radiators, will be coated with NS43C white paint. All of the remaining large radiators, including the Avionics radiator, will be coated with 5 mil Pilkington Optical Solar Reflectors (OSRs) TBD part number. The two small spacecraft radiators for the LEND and CRaTER instruments will also be covered with the same OSRs. The radiator locations are shown on Figure 5-2 and 5-3 for the spacecraft and deployables respectively. Figure 5-1 Spacecraft Radiator Locations and Thermal Coatings Avionics Radiator (OSRs) Battery Radiator (OSRs) CRaTER Radiator (OSRs) Star Tracker Radiators (NS43C) LEND Radiator (OSRs) Figure 5-2 Thermal Coatings Overview Figure 5-3 HGAs Thermal Coatings Overview 5-15 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 5.2 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT LAUNCH VEHICLE INTERFACE AND SOLAR ARRAY COATINGS The launch vehicle interface shall be covered to the largest extent allowable with MLI blankets. This is to minimize the radiative and flux coupling with the environment. The solar array has a M55J honeycomb structure. On the active side all gaps between the cells shall be left in bare M55J. On the backside of the array, all surfaces shall be covered with RM-400 white paint. The launch vehicle interface shall be coated as shown in Figure 5-4. White Paint Irridite Blanketed 1.2” 1.5” Additional White Paint 0.6” 0.9” Figure 5-4 Launch Vehicle Thermal Coatings 5-16 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 6.0 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT MULTI-LAYER INSULATION COATING LOCATIONS Appendix B outlines all of the blanket layups used on the spacecraft and assigns them B1-B7 designations. 6.1 SUNSIDE –Y FACE The blankets on the –Y FACE shall have a B3 blanket. This includes the OMNI boom. The only exceptions are the solar array standoffs which will be aluminum taped (?) and at the solar array deployment hinge, where MLI will be minimal so as not to interfere with deployment. 6.2 ANTI- SUNSIDE +Y FACE The blankets on the orbiter body shall be B3 Blankets. The Instrument Module (IM) shall have B5 Blankets. The instruments shall also have B5 blankets on their non-radiator surfaces. Between the IM and the orbiter body there will be MLI closeout. This closeout will be a single layer of 2.6mil scrim Germanium Black Kapton (GBK). See Figure 6.2 for reference. Figure 6-1 Orbiter Reference for MLI . 6-17 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 6.3 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT NADIR -Z FACE The blankets on the –Z orbiter body shall be B3 Blankets. There will be an opening in the MLI to access the propulsion high pressure panel. This opening will be able to be closed after the last propulsion activity on the pad. The MiniRF antenna will have a blanket closeout to the spacecraft body. This closeout will be a single layer (TBD) of 2.6mil GBK. The design is shown in figure 6.3. Figure 6-2 Mini RF MLI Closeout 6-18 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 6.4 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT ZENITH +Z FACE The blankets on the +Z orbiter body shall be B3 Blankets where possible. This side of the spacecraft is mainly the avionics and battery radiator. There are cutouts in the radiator to allow for High Gain Antenna (HGA) stowing and deployment. These areas shall be blanketed as much as possible with B3 and single layer GBK without interfering with the deployment of the HGA. Around the radiator there shall be a light tight closeout to prevent straylight from entering behind the radiator. This closeout will be single layer GBK. The MLI will closeout to the radiator. This attachment will be made with silver Teflon tape for 1” around the perimeter of the radiator. Under the tape there will be no blanket. Rather, the blanket shall end on the edge of the radiator. This will be done in order to minimize the amount of ineffective radiator. 6.5 +X FACE This face of the spacecraft has the battery mounted to it. This face is also framed with raised spacecraft walls that act as the HGA mounting structure. In order for sunlight not to get trapped in the crevices, the battery has an extra large MLI tent on all sides. See figure 6.5 for an illustration. This tent, as well as the rest of the deck MLI, will be made of B3 blankets. Figure 6-3 Figure TBD 6-19 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 6.6 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT –X FACE The –X face of the orbiter has a couple of unique features. There is a launch vehicle adapter (LVA) ring. This ring will be painted as well as blanketed (see Section 5.2 for more details). The blanket will be a B4 blanket with Kapton facing out. This face also has an insertion thruster deck, where the four twenty pound insertion thrusters are mounted. This deck will have a B4 blanket on the entire deck. Right around the thrusters there will be a B6 and B7 blanket on top of the B4 blanket. See figure 6.6 for sketch. Each of the thruster bodies (by the valves) will be wrapped in a B4 blanket. On top of the thruster mounting bracket there will a “hat” of B4 blankets. The front face of the thruster mounting bracket will have a B7 blanket on top of the B4 blanket. The ACS thrusters shall have B6 and B7 blankets on the thruster side of the bracket. The rest of the ACS bracket will be covered in B4 blankets. The aft deck is also located on the –X face of the orbiter. It is important for the aft deck to be well insulated due to the fact that the aft propulsion fuel tank mounts directly to it. The aft deck will have a B3 blanket on the +X side of the deck and a B4 blanket on the –X side of the deck. The –X side of the deck is deeply hogged out and the ACS propellant lines are routed there. In order to well insulate the propellant lines and facilitate the blanketing of a highly non planar surface, the –X aft deck blanket will be stood off of the deck by approximately 3” by using L-brackets designed for MLI attachment. Figure 6-4 High Temperature Blankets by Insertion Thrusters 6-20 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 6.7 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT INTERNAL PROPULSION BLANKETS The bottom of the –X propulsion tank will be blanketed with a B1 blanket. See figure 6.7 for a photo of the MLI on a mock up. The +X side of the –X propulsion tank shall have a single layer of VDA2 Kapton that covers the tank from the flange up for 4” towards the +X pole. The +X side of the +X propulsion tank shall have a single layer of VDA2 Kapton covering the entire half of the tank. Supporting the +X tank is the propulsion support cylinder. Running on the exterior of this cylinder are 75% of the propulsion lines, the high pressure, the low pressure and the filter panels. The cylinder, as well as all propulsion lines and panels within 5” (TBD) will be enclosed in one B1 blanket. This blanket will be supported off the walls of the cylinder by two (TBD) rings that will be stood off of the cylinder walls. All propulsion lines not supported off of the heater portion of the cylinder will be individually blanketed with B2 blankets, except for the insertion lines which will be blanketed with single layer of VDA2. The pressurant tank will also be blanketed. The pressurant tank will be surrounded by a 0.08” (TBD) thick aluminum expandable shell. This shell will support the MLI blanket as well as the pressurant tank heaters and thermostats. The MLI in this area will need to be loose enough to accommodate a 1” increase in diameter of the pressurant tank when it is fully pressurized. Figure 6-5 –X Propulsion Tank MLI 6.8 MULTI-LAYER INSULATION BLANKET GROUNDING All blankets shall be grounded in accordance with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Electrical Systems Specification (431-ICD-000008). 6.9 ATTACHMENT OF MULTI-LAYER INSULATION BLANKETS All exterior MLI blankets shall be mechanically constrained at least at one point or mechanically captured by another blanket or mechanical component. 6-21 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 6.10 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT VENTING OF MULTI-LAYER INSULATION MLI shall be vented according to Contamination Engineering specifications outlined in the following two figures. Figure 6-6 IM MLI Venting Scheme 6-22 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Figure 6-7 Orbiter Venting Scheme The maximum acceptable pressure differential within a thermal blanket during launch/ascent depressurization has been established as 0.1 psf (0.007 psi) to prevent “ballooning” of the blanket and possible detachment during launch/ascent depressurization. For the Delta II launch vehicle, having approximately 0.3psi/secdecay during launch/ascent, this requires 1 in2 of effective vent area for each 4000 in3 of enclosed volume. The use of filters to minimize particulate contamination from being blown out during depressurization requires vent sizing using the effective open area of the filter material. GSFC practice is to vent thermal blankets at the perimeter with filtered gaps in the taped edge closeout. These filters must present sufficient open vent area (AOPEN) to meet the maximum pressure differential requirement specified above. The standard filter used in NASA GSFC thermal blankets fabricated in Building 7 is a 70m filter (SpectraMesh PN: P-06630-74F) that provides 20% open area and has been approved (TBC) by the LRO contamination engineer based on GLAS testing. The filter “efficiency” proportionally reduces the volume that can adequately be vented to 800 in3 of enclosed volume for each 1 in2 of vent area. LRO vent/filters should be as shown in Figure 6-8, with a minimum of 1.0” exposed filter length (Figure 6-8) with care taken not to compress the edge of the blanket to < 1/8”. This should provide an area of 0.125 in2 per vent, which could theoretically vent up to 100 in3 of blanket (approximately 28” x 28” x 1/8” thick). However, to prevent air from being trapped in pockets created from conforming the blankets to the surfaces they are mounted to, blanket design should have a minimum of one vent per edge for regularly shaped blankets with a maximum spacing of 24” between vents around the blanket perimeter. For odd shaped blankets, at least 1 vent shall be provided in any “isolated” section of the blanket with each section subject to the perimeter spacing requirements above. 6-23 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Venting of the all honeycomb panels requires much larger vent areas due to the large internal volumes to be vented. [Vent areas needed go here] Again, at least one vent should be used on each edge of the honeycomb panels with no more than 24” spacing between them. All blankets mounted to components internal to the main LRO volume will be vented into the volume, but directed preferentially away from contamination sensitive optical surfaces, to the maximum extent practical. The volume is defined as the sum of the volumes formed by the planes of the Propulsion Panels. All blankets exposed to space are to be vented directly to space and not into the main LRO volumes. These vents shall be located away from thermal radiator surfaces and apertures (Star Tracker and Instrument) to the maximum extent practical. Figure 6-8 Blanket Filter 6-24 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Appendix A. Abbreviations and Acronyms Abbreviation/ Acronym ACS ºC C&DH CBE CCB CCR CDR CM CMO CRaTER Diviner ELV EPC EVD GEVS GSFC HGA HKIO Htrs I&T I/F ICD IR IMU Km LAMP LEND LOLA LROC LRO LVPC Max. Min. MLI Mo. MTG N/A NAC NASA NC OP DEFINITION Attitude Control System Degrees Centigrade Command and Data Handling Current Best Estimate Configuration Control Board Configuration Change Request Critical Design Review Configuration Management Configuration Management Office Cosmic Ray Telescope of the Effects of Radiation Diviner Instrument Expendable Launch Vehicle Electrical Power Conditioner Engine Valve Driver General Environmental Verification Standards Goddard Space Flight Center High Gain Antenna House Keeping Input Output Heaters Integration and Test Interface Interface Control Document Infared Inertial Measurement Unit Kilometer Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Low Voltage Power Converter Maximum Minimum Multi-Layer Insulation Months Mounting Not Applicable Narrow Angle Camera National Aeronautics and Space Administration Normally Closed Operational A-1 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification Abbreviation/ Acronym PDE PDR PER PRT PSE Psi Pts Pwr RF RGMM RTMM RWA S/A SBC SC SCS Sec. SINDA SOL Spec. SSR STS TBD TBR TSS TT&C TWTA USB VDA W w/o W/cm2 W/in2 W/m2 WAC XPDR V 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT DEFINITION Propulsion and Deployable Electronics Preliminary Design Review Pre-Environmental Review Platinum Resistance Thermistor Power Subsystem Electronics Pounds per square inch Points Power Radio Frequency Reduced Geometric Math Model Reduced Thermal Math Model Reaction Wheel Assembly Solar Array Single Board Computer Spacecraft Sequencing and Compressor System Seconds Systems Improved Numerical Differencing Analyzer Solar Spectularity Solid State Recorder Space Transportation System To Be Determined To Be Reviewed Thermal Synthesizer System Telemetry Tracking and Control Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier Universal System Bus Vapor Deposited Aluminum Watt Without Watts per centimeter squared Watts per inch squared Watts per meter squared Wide Angle Camera Transponder Volt(s) A-2 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT Appendix B: Blanket Descriptions and Designations B-1 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT B-2 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT B-3 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. LRO Thermal Hardware Specification 451-SPEC-000913 Revision - DRAFT B-4 CHECK WITH LRO DATABASE AT: https://lunarngin.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE.