Marshall County 4-H Exhibit Exhibit Goal Sheet Project Area:_______________________________ Exhibit:_______________________________________ Name:___________________________________ Grade:_______________ 4-H Year: 20 _______ Address:_________________________________ 4-H Club:______________________________________ This exhibit goal sheet must accompany most of your non-livestock exhibits to the Central Iowa Fair. (Exceptions are: photography classes where a photography label is required, communication posters where poster labels are required, and horticulture/produce classes.) Write your exhibit goals here: Be sure to tell “what-how-when”. What did you do or learn as you worked toward reaching your goal (s)? Where required (Visual Arts)(Clothing)(Home Improvement classes), identify the design elements and/or art principles used in your exhibit and tell how they are used: Evaluate: What were the most important things you learned as you worked toward your goals(s)? Expenses: Record the expenses you had for this exhibit. (Livestock have worksheets that must be completed.)