JUNE 4 - 13, 2004
The Cotswold Hills, a 25 by 50 mile chunk of Gloucestershire, are dotted with
villages and graced with England’s greatest countryside palace, Blenheim.
A week of walking in the lovely Cotswolds - based in a charming old 16th century Coaching Inn (all lovely
rooms with private facilities) with excellent food - in the lovely village of Painswick, between Stroud and
Everyone has heard of Britain’s Cotswolds, but not everyone has seen the other side of the proverbial
coin. Obviously, within the Cotswold region, (Gloucestershire and parts of Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and
Warwickshire) there are well known gems that should not be missed, but there are also places that have
remained hidden to all but the locals and those visitors who seek out the rather less touristy places. We
have done that…
Over the years, our guide Martin Hunt has visited this beautiful region many times and has discovered
that although it is a very popular tourist destination, it is still possible to take beautiful scenic and historic
walks where you don’t often meet many others.
There seems to be a part of The Cotswolds that all tourists really do visit - the classic pretty villages and
towns, etc - and in so doing, they miss the other more secretive side - where we will take you. So
although we’ll include visits to some of the “honey pots” that you will have heard about, this will be a
walking tour that also visits the less well known areas of this wonderfully diverse region. It’s the beautiful
honey-coloured oolitic limestone that makes this region so very distinctive - and practically everything is
made from it - not just the houses and larger buildings, but the hedges and churches too.
We will visit some famous gardens, stately homes, castles and towns. On the day that we pass Prince
Charles' mansion, we'll visit nearby Westonbirt Arboretum - England’s finest collection of mature trees
(600 acres) from all over the world. It will take us some hours to see all this…and the National Acer
(Maples) collection is based here. At this time of the year, Spring will really be at its' peak and there will
be beautiful flowers everywhere. Bluebells and wild orchids will festoon the woods and the cottage
gardens will be dripping with lush growth.
Painswick is a village in the Gloucestershire countryside, surrounded by the Cotswolds. It developed as a
wool town. New Street, constructed around 1428 when the wool and cloth trade was flourishing, contains
the oldest building in England to contain a post office. Many of the town's beautiful buildings are
constructed of the mellow Cotswold stone, from the local quarry on Painswick Beacon.
We will be spending eight nights at The Falcon Inn in Painswick. This is the heart of the legendary
Cotswold countryside and the Falcon stands right on the ramblers “paradise” walk of The Cotswold Way.
The Falcon with its Cotswold stone exterior and warm traditional pub has an atmosphere that really is a
little bit special. Traditional warmth abounds with stone floors, wood panelling, log fires, and a calm and
comfort that is sure to appeal. There will be two to a room. Each room has it’s own bathroom, color TV,
tea and coffee making facilities, hair dryers, radios, alarm clocks, etc. The comfort and warmth of the
Falcon is complemented by food of excellent quality and variety. The restaurant being renowned for
offering “a taste of excellence” in the Cotswolds.
The Inn has a facinating history. Built in 1554, it served as a courthouse, as well as a licensed house
from the 17th century, and the court of the Baron was held at the Inn for 200 years. From the beginning of
the 19th century until the advent of the motoring age, the Falcon was the principal Coaching Inn and
Postin House for the region with stage coaches leaving regularly for destinations throughout the county.
The World’s oldest bowling green is on the grounds of the Falcon.
On Friday June 4, we fly from our US cities to London. After we arrive on Saturday morning, our driver
and mini-bus meet us at Heathrow Airport. The drive from Heathrow to Painswick will be a scenic drive
with a sight seeing stop along the way. Upon arrival in early aftternoon, we have the rest of the day to
unpack and settle in. A long walk after dinner will feel good after so many hours traveling.
Our holiday unfolds at a gentle pace. We will have seven days of hikes with our expert guides and
naturalists Martin Hunt, and John and Carole Sidgwick. You may choose to take one day off mid-week
for relaxing and/or exploring on your own. After a hearty English breakfast, we will set out each day in
our well-equipped mini-bus, to explore a different face of the Cotswolds. After a scenic drive through
picturesque countryside the magic begins....
Equipped with refreshments, daypacks, binoculars, we will set off, into Magical Cotswolds. We
will explore ancient ridgeways, wooded coombs, shady dis-used canals, and past quintessential
Cotswolds villages.creeks, estuaries, and cliffscapes. Our walks, five to eight miles in length, are
not overly strenuous, so there is plenty of time for observation of wildlife and nature, and to take
photographs without the need to rush. With so much to look at, you are given plenty of
opportunities to be alone with nature for reflection or relaxation. Our guide will explain all we see
- in an interesting and lighthearted way - so that the countryside and all it contains really comes
Our rainy day options include villages, gardens, museums, art galleries.
On Sunday, June 13, we will drive back to Heathrow Airport in London for flight home. There is public
transportation from the airport to London for those extending their trip.
Weather: Weather in the Cotswolds is beautiful in June. . We have long days of daylight. Sunset is
after 10:30 pm. Temperatures usually do not go above the mid-seventies. Being England, there is
always a possibility of a short shower.
Accommodations will be comfortable English Inn. (double occupancy). Each room has its own bath.
Meals: Breakfasts and most dinners will be provided at our Inn. Our mid-week lunches will be picnics
along the trail provided by our guide.
Travel: Within England we will travel by mini-bus and foot. Price of trip does not include airfare.
BUT…Kathy Didier will be happy to make your reservations using your credit card. She will let you know
when there seems to be a good price for the flights. You may also choose to use your frequent flyer
miles for your flight. You will be given a time and place at Heathrow Airport in London to meet the group
and the bus. Why did we not include the price of your airline tickets in trip cost?? Because a year in
advance, it is impossible to predict the cost of these tickets in order to build into the trip cost. You will still
receive the same assistance with the booking.
A passport is required by Americans to visit England.
Trip Leadership
Kathy Didier owns and manages Pembrook in Woodstock, NH. She is an AMC Boston Chapter leader
(hiking, backpacking, canoeing, and skiing). For the past fifteen years, Kathy has led an average of six
weeklong Interchapter and Major AMC Excursions each year. She has led trips to all continents of the
world….except Antarctica…well, not as yet….
Local Guide: Martin Hunt has lived in Cornwall all his life. In 1988, Martin and his wife Elizabeth
established “Adventureline”. Martin’s “Connect with Nature” walking and exploring holidays have proven
popular with groups worldwide. Featured on British television and radio travel programs and in
newspapers and magazines across Europe, “Connect with Nature” has been highly acclaimed by travel
writers and holidaymakers alike. He has led trips for National Geographic, Sierra Club, and Audubon
Society. The Connecticut Audubon Society initially recommended Martin to Kathy Didier. Martin was our
Cornwall guide in 1999 and 2001. Kathy was so impressed with Martin, that she engaged him for our
2004 trip to the Cotswolds.
Local Guides in Cotswolds are good friends of Martin’s….John and Carole Sidgwick. Carole is a “Blue
Badge Guide”. You can look that up on the Internet (search for Blue Guide, London).
Trip Insurance - Cancellation and Medical
We will provide participants with information and applications for trip insurance. This is not included in the
cost of the trip. We strongly recommend purchasing travel insurance when you book. This can reimburse
you if you need to cancel last minute due to sickness, family emergency, jury duty, job change, or any
other unforeseen occurrence. It is a good idea to have the offered evacuation insurance as well.
Requirements to Participate
a) To fully enjoy this trip, recent, on-going hiking experience is required. We will be hiking from four to
eight miles each day. Our pace will be slow to moderate. The idea of the trip is to enjoy the scenery that
surrounds us. If a participant is not up to hiking eight miles, he/she has the option of staying in Painswick
and doing a local walk on his/her own.
b) Adaptability: An important criterion for this trip is the ability to be flexible. Our itinerary could change
from day to day, planes can be delayed, and weather could cause changes. Everyone is expected to be
able to “roll with the punches” as much as possible, be cooperative, abide by leader decisions, and add to
the total group experience while enjoying themselves. Safety will always take priority in the leaders’
c) Understanding Purpose of Trip: This trip is designed for everyone to experience the natural wonders,
history and culture of the Cotswolds, England while enjoying the company of fellow hikers. Although each
person comes with his or her own expectations, this is primarily a group trip. Decisions will be made to
benefit the group as a whole.
Equipment - You provide your own daypack, hiking boots, and rain gear.
Cost Particulars - The cost is $1850.
Included in the price:
1. Land travel by private mini-bus while in England
2. Accommodations in comfortable B&B’s or Hotels (double occupancy)
3. Eight dinners, eight breakfasts, seven lunches
4. Local Guides and Naturalists
5. One AMC Leader
6. 10% AMC fee
Not included in price:
1. Transportation to/from your home and your local airport
2. Airline tickets and taxes
3. Alcoholic and bottled drinks.
4. Admissions to museums, gardens, etc.
5. Personal expenditures
6. Costs resulting from illness, injury, or emergency evacuation
7. Program changes and delays beyond our control
8. Any pre-trip costs such as Passport or anything else not in the above list of “included in the price”
9. Trip Insurance
Payment Schedule
Registration December 1, 2003
February 15, 2003
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation must be writing - Postmarked date below:
Prior to April 1 - All moneys returned except:
a) $250 non-refundable portion
b) Any moneys paid out to vendors and money necessary to keep the trip cost from increasing causing an increase for other trip members. If your airline ticket has been purchased.... you own it!
Therefore, you should have purchased travel insurance by this time.
After May 1 - NO REFUNDS for any reason, including accident, illness, or any other type of
Note: Sometimes additional moneys may be returned at a later date, if a cancellee’s spot can be filled
from the waiting list. This depends upon two factors:
1. That the trip is filled - 15 participants (in addition to the leader).
2. That there is a waiting list. This list is compiled by the leader through the application and screening
process only. No one may substitute another person for himself or herself.
Once a trip begins, there is absolutely no refund, partial or full, for any reason.
The minimum age for this trip is eighteen (fourteen if accompanied by an adult relative or legal guardian).
A separate application is required for each person. To reserve a space on the trip, please fill out the
application completely, sign the liability form and mail these with your deposit to:
Kathy Didier
PO Box C
Woodstock, NH 03293
Make checks payable to "Kathy Didier - AMC Trip". The leaders will promptly review your application.
Upon acceptance, a receipt and additional information will be sent to you. If not accepted, your deposit
will be returned.
If your application is received and accepted after December 1, please add scheduled payments to the
amount of deposit. Thank you. If you have any questions, please call:
Leaders: Kathy Didier
PO Box C
Woodstock, NH 03293
603-726-3553 (Tele. & FAX)
proposed walks programme
This is not a definite itinerary…but will give you an idea of the possible walks
Sunday - Slad Valley - 6 ½ miles Starting just outside Painswick, this walk takes us through picturesque
valleys and beech woodlands, passing through one of the local nature reserves. This is a fine example of
undisturbed Cotswold landscape which has remained much as it has always been, since these sheep
pastures are too steep to have been cultivated. We’ve seen deer grazing on this walk and we’ll be
unlucky not to spot at least a couple of buzzards floating on the air currents! We pass by Slad, home of
the late Laurie Lee, famous for his famous book “Cider with Rosie” - his story of country life in the area
between the wars. We finish the walk with views over the Severn Valley on the hills opposite Painswick,
so you can see your home base from a distance!
Monday - Golden Valley – 6 miles We start from Chalford at the bottom of one of the five Stroud valleys
which is a 20 min drive from Painswick. We follow the old Thames and Severn Canal, leaving it at the
Sapperton Tunnel. At the time of its construction in the 1790’s this tunnel was one of the longest canal
tunnels in England at 2 ¼ miles!
From here we trek up to Sapperton village and then head through woodland and fields to Frances Lynch
and Chalford, the largest parish in England, and back to our start point.
Tuesday - The Slaughters – 6 ¼ miles We have to go further afield to start this walk, which begins in
Lower Slaughter. The journey there will take us about 40 mins. Along with the neighbouring Upper
Slaughter, these two villages are some of the best known in the Cotswolds and consequently very
popular. However, by visiting mid-week we should be able to appreciate their charm and avoid the
majority of other tourists! We follow the upper reaches of the Eyre stream through the Slaughters and
then on through undulating farmland and picturesque woodland beside the River Windrush. We will pass
by some charming, quintessentially Cotswold hamlets and cottages on this fairly untaxing day. We can
return through Bourton-on-the-Water for a glimpse of this other famous village.
Wednesday - Whiteshill – 7 miles This walk begins a little further away from Painswick but is still only a
20 – 30 min drive (depending on how many tractors we meet in the narrow lanes!). We pass through
some splendid woods where we may see deer and definitely plenty of grey squirrels darting amongst the
trees! We climb up through a grassy common which in summer is rich in limestone flora and butterflies
and has a rewarding panoramic view to the west at the summit. From here we wander through more
woodland emerging on top of the local world with more breathtaking views west towards The Severn,
Wales and The Black Mountains. The walk meanders down from here, finally bringing us back to the
Thursday - Broadway and the Cotswold Way – 7 miles Although we again have to travel about 45
mins to the folly of Broadway Tower the journey is well worth the effort. This will be our only “linear” walk
of the week and takes us along part of the 100 mile Cotswold Way. From the Tower there is a stunning
view that takes in 12 of the surrounding counties (weather permitting!). From here we descend into the
classic Cotswold town of Broadway before setting off along the Cotswold Way, passing through the Iron
Age fort at Shenberrow, built between 700 BC and 150 BC and down into the sleepy, untarnished village
of Stanton. We then pass below the scarp slope and through parkland to finish in Stanway.
Friday - Painswick Beacon - 5 ¼ miles & The Painswick Valley – 5 ¾ miles These two walks both
start in Painswick, which allows for those who may prefer only a half day’s excursion. Painswick Beacon
is surrounded by the ramparts of an Iron Age fortress settlement and provides a tremendous panorama of
the surrounding countryside. We come back down through farmland, passing Holcombe House whose
ancient tithe barn was looted for its corn by the Roundheads in 1643 during the Civil War - and then back
into Painswick.
The afternoon walk takes us out past “Lovedays”, a fine example of an 18th century Cotswold town house,
named after an important local clothing family from the early days of the industry. We pass by Bull’s Cross
where the Slad walk began but we follow down to the west into the valley through the open grassland of
Juniper Hill, a wonderful place for birds, butterflies, orchids and other limestone plants. We skirt by
various old mills and through fields to return back to Painswick
June 4-13, 2004
Please take this form seriously. It must be completed and carefully filled out in order to be considered for this trip.
Registrants will be considered on a first come (deposit plus completed forms) first served basis. Each person must fill
out a separate application. Final selection will be determined by the leaders.
NAME: _________________________________
PHONE: hm (
CELL Phone ______________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________
wk (
_______________________________________________ Email Address: ________________________
OCCUPATION: ___________________________
DATE OF BIRTH: _____________
SMOKER: ____
NONSMOKER: ___________
SEX ____ HEIGHT _______ WEIGHT _______
NONMEMBER: ______________
PASSPORT NUMBER ______________________________ EXPIRATION DATE ________________
CHOICE OF HOME AIRPORT ________________________________________
If not, what dates would you like for your airline
NAME: ________________________________ PHONE: hm (
ADDRESS: _____________________________
wk (
_______________________________________ RELATIONSHIP: __________________________
Please be candid about your expectations concerning this trip. Why are you interested in coming on this trip?
Are you able to adapt to group living and changing itineraries?
Please describe your hiking ability. Describe the extent of your hiking experience over the past two years.
Include the frequency and level of difficulty.
List any disorders, however slight, for which you take medication. List medications and dosages.
Please describe any chronic disorders that you have (i.e. knee, ankle, back, etc.)
List any dietary restrictions that you have.
Describe any physical activity that you routinely do in order to maintain your health. Please include types of
activities, frequency of each, and duration of exercise.
List any AMC or other organized group excursions of one week or more in which you have
Title and Dates
Primary Activity
8. Other trips or comments: ___________________________________________________
Doctor’s note: A note from your doctor certifying that you are in satisfactory health to enjoy and complete
a trip
of this nature is not normally required. At the leaders’ discretion such a note may be required.
Thank you. Please mail this form along with your deposit ($800 prior to Dec. 1, 2001; $1500 from
Dec. 1, 2003 – Feb. 15, 2004; $1850 from Feb. 15…
Kathy Didier
PO Box C
Woodstock, NH 03293