Welcome to 4-H! We’re so glad you’ve decided to join us!

Welcome to 4-H!
We’re so glad you’ve decided to join us!
My name is Morgan Heim and I am the Allamakee County Youth Coordinator. In short,
4-H is my job and I am here to help and give you the best 4-H experience possible.
4-H has so much to offer, and because it has so much to offer, there’s a lot of
information to take in and lots of things to learn as you work through your first year. So,
we’ve put together a few quick tips for you.
1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Leaders and other 4-H
members are excellent resources. They’ve done this all before
and can often answer your questions. Also, always feel free to
contact the Extension Office and talk to us. 4-H is our job and we
will do whatever we can to help you.
2. Read your newsletter. The newsletter is the tool we use to get information out to
everyone in the county. Everything you need to be informed about is in the newsletter.
It’s an excellent resource, so use it! It is emailed to enrolled 4-H families monthly
through 4-H online.
3. Write down important dates. In order to help the 4-H program run smoothly, there
are several important deadlines which occur through out the year. They are in the
newsletter, many are listed on the Allamakee County Extension website, and should be
discussed at your club meetings.
4. Keep a special box or folder for all of your 4-H “stuff”. This is an easy way to keep
yourself organized. If you have a question about something related to
4-H, you’ll always know where to find it.
5. Have fun! That’s what 4-H is all about. Enjoy yourself, experience a new opportunity,
learn something new, and make a new friend.
Let me know if I can help you with any questions. You are joining a great club and we
know your leaders can help you too!
Think Green,
Morgan Heim
Allamakee County Youth Coordinator
Adapted from “Welcome to Greene County 4-H” by Ashley Blake.