 Expectations of Youth who serve on Johnson County Youth Council 2014-2015

Expectations of Youth who serve on
Johnson County Youth Council
 Attend the Mandatory Youth Council Retreat: On the fairgrounds, Date TBA, (usually
last Sunday in August), 2:00PM-5:00PM. You’ll set the goals for 4-H events, service projects,
and recreational activities for the 4-H Council.
 Attendance:
The Youth Council will meet the Second Thursday of each month. Attendance
IS important! You must attend at least 75% of the 15 anticipated Youth Council meetings and
activities. Excused absences include: School activities in which you participate, Church
activities, 4-H Club meetings, Illness, Family Emergencies. Call one of the advisors if
something comes up and you can’t attend. (Dave/Michele 626-4152 or Camie 337-2145). OR
e-mail: Farms4R@juno.com or cmarshek@iastate.edu
 Participation:
Come prepared. Bring your calendar. Be on time. Be willing to work outside
of meeting times. Be active on committees.
 Plan and Lead: Johnson County 4-H events and activities including Awards Night in
November, New Member Night in January and Fair Set-up and Take-down in July. You will also
select from some of the following events to help with: 4-H Find-out, Project Extravaganza, 4H Afterschool, 4-H Urban Programs, etc.
 Follow Through:
Be responsible. Report back to clubs about what the Youth Council is
doing. Organize more=Accomplish more.
 Communication:
Stay on subject. Cooperate. Work well with others. Participate in
discussions. Spread the word about 4H.
 Attitude:
Have a positive attitude and an amazing work ethic! Be a good role model. Have
fun with what you do.
 Respect:
Listen to the speaker. Eliminate side conversations while the group is holding a
discussion or someone is talking. Keep cell phones off or on silent. Team work!
4-H Council Member Signature
I, the parent/guardian of the above named 4-H member, have also read the Code of Conduct
and support participation of my son/daughter on the Johnson County Youth Council
Parent/Guardian Signature