OHSU Position on Limiting Indemnification:

OHSU Position on Limiting Indemnification:
OHSU must be indemnified against all losses resulting from claims resulting from
a sponsor’s actions or caused by circumstances within the sponsor’s direct
control, as OHSU is not insured for these claims. This includes all circumstances
that could result in a claim against OHSU that was directly due to the actions of
the sponsor, and OHSU cannot accept that potential liability. Examples include
but are not limited to:
 Damage to the subject from procedures required of the sponsor designed
study that they would not have otherwise occurred absent their participation in
the study.
 Third party claims against OHSU for a subject causing property damage or
personal injury to another person as a direct result of participation in the study
(excluding items over which OHSU bears the control).
 Sponsor’s business relationships or contractual relationships result in a claim
against OHSU.
 Confidentiality breach or intellectual property breach by sponsor resulting in a
claim against OHSU.
 Claims relating to sponsor’s malpractice actions, use of the final study or
other communications or relationships over which OHSU has no control.