Research Administration Information Network
Presented by: the folks in RDA with today’s emcee, Jennifer Crosby-Meurisse
Date: January 17, 2013
RAIN Agenda
Jennifer Crosby-Meurisse
• Introduction
• Updates & timely information:
Office of the VPR
Special Guest: SOM
OSHU Foundation
Special Guest: CWE
Export Controls
Human Resources
• Q & A
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- Office of the Vice President for Research
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Office of the VPR
Katie Wilkes
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- University Shared Resources
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USR: University Shared Resources
Andrew Chitty
OHSU’s Cores
Advanced technology centers dedicated to the success of your project. Take advantage of the state-of-the-art resources within the OHSU community.
Accessible experts offer:
Expert advice - Pre-award consulting -
Experimental design - Scientific collaboration
RAIN: 1-17-2013
USR: University Shared Resources
Andrew Chitty
ACC Advanced Computing Center
ALMC - Advanced Light Microscopy
BMISR - Biomedical Informatics
DNA Services
EIDC - Electronics and Instrument Design
Flow Cytometry
GMSR - Gene Microarray
MPSSR - Massively Parallel Sequencing
PSR - Proteomics Shared Resource
TGMM - Transgenic Mouse Models
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USR: University Shared Resources
Larry David
What does Proteomics Shared Resource Do?
We very accurately measure the masses of proteins and their fragments .
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USR: University Shared Resources
Larry David
Proteins: The bricks & mortar of the cell.
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USR: University Shared Resources
Larry David
Proteins: The bricks & mortar of the cell.
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USR: University Shared Resources
Larry David
A lot can happen to a building or a protein after construction…
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USR: University Shared Resources
Larry David
A lot can happen to a building or a protein after construction…
• Abundance changes
• Phosphorylation
• Interaction with other proteins
• Secretion or loss from cell
• Damage from aging
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USR: University Shared Resources
Larry David
Medical Relevance of Proteomics
Every disease is associated with a change in proteins.
•Important for discovering the mechanisms of disease
•Development of better diagnostic tests
•Realization of personalized medicine
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USR: University Shared Resources
Larry David
Medical Relevance of Proteomics
Every disease is associated with a change in proteins.
Measuring differences in protein phosphorylation may lead to new cancer drugs, such as
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USR: University Shared Resources
Larry David
Many people are familiar with ‘mass specs’ from watching CSI.
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USR: University Shared Resources
Larry David
Adding a New Instrument: The Orbitrap
Our present instruments The Orbitrap
Resolution: <5,000
Mass error: >100 ppm
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Resolution: >200,000
Mass error: <5 ppm
USR: University Shared Resources
Larry David
Flying Through the Orbitrap
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USR: University Shared Resources
Andrew Chitty
Expandable Listings
• Description of service
• Contact info
• Link to full site
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– Research Grants & Contracts
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Research Grants & Contracts
Deborah Golden-Eppelein
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Proposed
Project Questionnaires (PPQs) are paper and do not require Dean/VPR sign-off until further notice.
20 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Deborah Golden-Eppelein
When another entity works for OHSU on a sponsored project, how do we determine whether it’s a subrecipient or a vendor?
• If the entity is included on the application, RGC and the PI decide which it is.
• If included on the application, OHSU will be committed to that decision at the time of award.
An accurate determination is critical .
21 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Deborah Golden-Eppelein
The Subrecipient
• Expends Federal awards received from a passthrough entity to carry out a Federal program.
• Does not include an individual that is a beneficiary of such a program.
• May also be recipient of other Federal awards directly from a federal awarding agency.
22 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Deborah Golden-Eppelein
The Subrecipient
• Has more than $500,000 in expenditures on all Federal awards.
• Generally, is a not-for-profit entity.
• Is subject to A-133 monitoring.
• Requires executed Subrecipient Agreement initiated by RGC.
• These transactions should be charged to
GR.Subcontractor Expenditure category.
23 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Deborah Golden-Eppelein
Also… Subrecipients perform a significant amount of proposed/approved project & maintain control over their work.
• Examples include:
– a Co-Investigator who has expertise in analyzing and compiling genome data.
– a portion of project that provides outreach services to a community based entity.
Generally, these arrangements are dependent on the expertise of subrecipients and are not generally available for purchase.
24 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Deborah Golden-Eppelein
The Vendor
• Is a dealer, distributor, merchant, or other seller providing goods or services that are required for the conduct of a Federal program.
• Vendor services may usually be competitively purchased.
• developing software for a specific purpose; gene sequencing, lab testing, evaluation services, educational consultants.
25 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Deborah Golden-Eppelein
• These goods or services may be for an organization’s own use or for the use of beneficiaries of the Federal program.
• May or may not have less than $500,000 in expenditures on all Federal awards.
• For-profit entity.
• May be foreign company .
26 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Deborah Golden-Eppelein
The Vendor
• Is not subject to A-133 monitoring.
• If the entity is a vendor, it receives a Personal
Services Contract initiated and executed by OHSU’s
Logistics Consultant Agreements.
27 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
Anyone that will be a PI (even for a Fellowship) must have an HR record - either paid appointment or non-employee HR Record
(a.k.a. External PO).
28 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
Security must be set so that PI can view and approve their proposals and for a delegated person to see or route that PI’s proposals.
Send requests for security to:
29 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
PI delegation to allow someone to route a proposal no longer requires an email from the
PI since the PI must be included in the route.
To request delegation, contact:
30 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
If proposal includes Key Personnel from a different department with 5% or more effort, proposal must be routed to:
– Key Person
– Department Chair
– Department Dean
31 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
Proposal will need re-routing if:
• Significant changes to budget (10% or more)
• F&A changes
• Off campus vs. on campus
• New space required was “No” and is now “Yes”
• Cost Sharing is added or changed by 10% or more
• Contents of the proposal change dramatically
32 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
New Reviewer Dashboard!!!
InfoEd Reviewer Dashboard User Guide
Amendment/Supplements - new step to link them to the original proposal. (PPQ # will have -00# at the end)
InfoEd Amendment Supplement User Guide
More resources: InfoEd Course & Support Documents
33 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
New version released Monday – please use
“ePPQ updated 011413”.
• Original ePPQ was renamed to “zDO NOT USE original ePPQ” and will be retired in a couple of weeks when all proposals using it are submitted.
ePPQ User Guide now reflects changes.
34 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
Preparing and routing the ePPQ and proposal are no longer separate processes.
The ePPQ is a COMPONENT of your proposal and should not be marked “Complete” until you have entered all other proposal information.
35 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
If the ePPQ has been marked “Complete” and you need to make changes to your proposal, un-complete the ePPQ to unlock the form.
Otherwise, it will remain locked down and your changes won’t be reflected on the ePPQ.
36 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
• Answer Yes if committed cost sharing – mandatory
(sponsor-required) or voluntary (descision made to not request salary, even in when there is effort)
Enter $$ on the Cost Sharing tab in the budget.
Upload Cost Sharing Agreement form on InfoEd’s
Internal Documents tab.
• Answer No if unallowable (e.g.
– salary over cap)
37 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
Proposals should be routed when all required documents have been uploaded & all required data entered.
• Please, do not route proposal with only the ePPQ completed.
• Please, do not route proposal with only the ePPQ and “placeholder” documents uploaded.
38 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert Submission Required Documents
• Setup Questions
• Sponsor-Required Forms
Administrative Components – final version for routing
Scientific Components (project summary, research plan, abstract, etc) – draft for routing/final for submission
• Personnel
• Biosketches (if required by sponsor)
• Budget
• ePPQ on Internal Documents tab
• Any other internal documents like cost-sharing agreement;
39 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert Required Documents
• Setup Questions
• Abstract (draft)
• Personnel
• Biosketches (if required by sponsor)
• Budget
• Project Summary/Description or copy of entire application
(draft for routing/final for submission/approval)
• ePPQ tab
• Any other internal documents, e.g.- Cost Sharing
Agreement, VA PPQ, MOU
40 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
Progress Reports
(when Signing Official approval/submission is required)
• PPQ No Longer Required!!!
• New PPQ # will NOT be generated.
• PI concurrence w/standard PI Certification language is required (GCA will request).
• Email progress report information to GCA (either report, or what system it’s in, e.g.- eRA Commons).
• If sub-in going to Prime, submit budget and budget justification for checking compliance.
41 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
Progress Reports Requiring
• Prepare in InfoEd.
• Follow steps outlined in InfoEd Amendment
Supplement User Guide to link this to the original proposal (PPQ # will have -00# at the end).
• submission requirements are applicable, including ePPQ and routing.
42 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Grants & Contracts
Kellie Guentert
RGC Questions:
InfoEd & ePPQ training classes are posted on the RATE Course Calendar .
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Special Guest
Director of Research Operations & Finance
School of Medicine
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OHSU School of Medicine
Elaine Rowzee
SOM Institutional Training Grant (T32)
Task Force thoroughly reviewed Training Grants
Key driver - funding gap between IDCs & OCA
Recommended centralization of T32s in Office of the Dean
RAIN: 1-17-2013
Costs, IDC, and revenue will flow to Office of the
Dean which will manage IDCs & OCA
Once awarded, management of training grants will continue at department level according to current model.
OHSU School of Medicine
Elaine Rowzee
SOM Institutional T32 Centralization
Centralizing current awards over two-year period.
• FY 2013: centralize seven T32 grants based on the following rationale:
T32s with end dates prior to June 30, 2013 excluded from eligibility in FY13
Of remaining active T32s (14), one grant from each department centralized
• FY 2014: centralize all active T-32 grants in
Office of the Dean
46 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU School of Medicine
Elaine Rowzee
SOM Institutional T32 Centralization
Eligibility process for new and competing renewals:
• Two page application gets committee review
• Current Deadlines:
Grant Deadline
January 25
May 25
September 25
Application Deadline
November 1
March 1
July 1
47 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU School of Medicine
Elaine Rowzee
SOM Institutional T32 Centralization
Instructions and Application
• T32 Bridge site
• Graduate Studies website
For additional questions, contact:
Elaine Rowzee
48 RAIN: 1-17-2013
– Sponsored Projects Administration
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OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
James Trotter
Research Career Development K Awards
Clarification for Mentored K Awards
(K01, KO8, K12, K22, K23, K25, K99, KL2)
• Salary Support on K award & GL only
• Authority to re-budget to compensate for salary limitations
• In final 2 years, salary support on other grants allowed for PI or Co-PI
50 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
James Trotter
NSF Awards
• NSF changing to individual award cash draws in April for OHSU
• Expenditure settings placed on all NSF awards in OGA this month
• Likely all Federal agencies will transition to this in the future
51 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
James Trotter
Effort Certification Time!
• Jul 1 to Dec 31, 2012: Effort period ended
• Feb 8, 2013: Last day for LCTA forms to SPA
• Feb 26, 2013: Effort forms distributed
• Apr 16, 2013: Effort forms due to SPA
Contact Hope Asana
503-494- 6984
52 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
Cari Benveniste
Changes to Account Set-up Process
• New Process begins in February.
• OGA will send automated data requests for:
– Project Short Name
– Building Location
– Research Type
• Requests repeat daily until data is complete.
• Requests sent to Project Department Fiscal
Managers (PDFMs).
53 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
Cari Benveniste
RAIN: 1-17-2013
Please click here.
You will be asked to log into Oracle.
You will see the following notification…
OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
Cari Benveniste
RAIN: 1-17-2013
Click on ‘Open PPQ Form ’
OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
Cari Benveniste
RAIN: 1-17-2013
“N/A” auto-populates for Mission Codes 51 or 12.
OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
Cari Benveniste
Active “Research Type” Field, when clicked, will produce this dialogue box. Make selection & click “OK”.
RAIN: 1-17-2013 57
OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
Cari Benveniste
The “Primary Location” Field, when clicked, will also produce a drop-down dialogue box with all OHSU on- and off-campus location choices.
You’ll be able to select & click “OK” for this.
RAIN: 1-17-2013 58
OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
Cari Benveniste
The Project Short Name defaults to the project number. You may choose to change this by typing into that field.
This must be limited to 35 characters and also must be unique or the user will receive the following error:
RAIN: 1-17-2013 59
OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration
Cari Benveniste
Tip for New Account Set-up Process
If either the Primary Location or the Research
Type fields are left blank, the PDFM will continue to receive data requests for those
Projects on the list until they are updated.
Cari Benveniste
60 RAIN: 1-17-2013
– OHSU Foundation
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OHSU Foundation
Bonnie Schade, Director, Office of CFR
Gift vs Grant - Making the Determination
OHSU Policy No. 04-40-015
Distinguishing Gifts from Grants, Contracts and
Other Sponsored Projects
OHSU Policy Manual, Chapter 4
62 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Foundation
Lori Mueller, VP, Finance & Administration
Understanding Gift Agreements
• These document donor preferences
• Completed prior to acceptance of gift
Types of Gift Agreements
• OHSUF/DCHF template agreements
• Donor/Grantor-initiated grant agreements
63 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Foundation
Lori Mueller
Donor/Grantor-Initiated Agreements
• Both Foundation & OHSU likely need to sign
• Review for terms causing OHSU to be recipient:
Oversight of research
Provision of insurance for research
Intellectual property rights
Indemnification re: research done with grant funds
• Agreement must properly reflect roles & responsibilities of Foundations & OHSU
64 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Foundation
Lori Mueller
Gift Flow – OHSU vs SPA
• OHSUF & DCHF – primary recipients of gifts benefiting OHSU
• PRP is assigned on all gift funds
• PRP is responsible for determining use of funds
65 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Foundation
Lori Mueller
Gift Flow – OHSU vs SPA
• Gifts NOT USED for animal/human research –
Foundation receives and administers
• Gifts USED for animal/human research –
Foundation receives, SPA administers
• Gray Areas : Foundation & RDA work together to assess proper administration.
66 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Foundation
Lori Mueller
Gift Reporting – Where’s the Money?
• Private philanthropic support tracked by entity
OHSU Foundation
DCH Foundation
• CASE guidelines
Council for Advancement Support of Education
• Differs from financial statement reporting
67 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Foundation
Lori Mueller
Ins & Outs of Administrative Fee
• Effective July 1, 2011
• 2.5% fee
• Applied to all new gifts
• Option - receiving department to pay fee
68 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Foundation
Lori Mueller
No Administrative Fee
• Unrestricted gifts
• Amount exceeding $10 million
• Grants (defined by OHSU Policy 04-40-015)
• Additional gifts from donors of $25+ million
69 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSUF: OHSU Foundation
Bonnie Schade & Lori Mueller
We’re here to help!
Corporations & Foundations Relationships Team
Bonnie Schade Cathy Kemmerer
Amanda Horton Melissa Krzeminski
Justine Burt Ashley McDonough
Bonnie Schade, OHSUF Corporate & Foundation Relations
Lori Mueller, OHSUF Finance & Administration
70 RAIN: 1-17-2013
– Research Administration
Training & Education
71 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Research Administration Training & Education
Margaret Gardner
Upcoming Classes:
• Jan 17 – InfoEd & ePPQ
• Jan 23 – Effort Certification
• Jan 30 – DHHS Salary Cap
• Feb 13, 20, & 26 – Essentials of Grant
Administration (3 afternoons)
More details
72 RAIN: 1-17-2013
– OHSU Research Integrity Office
RAIN: 1-17-2013 73
OHSU Research Integrity Office
Ames Elliot
Analyst Brown Bag Session
Thursday, January 24 th
11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. in UHS 8B60
74 RAIN: 1-17-2013
OHSU Research Integrity Office
Ames Elliot
Friday, February 8 th
First Floor VGTI Seminar Room, West Campus
9:30 to 10AM Printing Approval Letters
10 to 10:30AM Modifications, Annuals
10:30 to 11AM 3-year Renewals
11 to 11:30AM Q & A
75 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Special Guest
OHSU/AFSCME Career & Workplace
Enhancement Center (CWE)
76 RAIN: 1-17-2013
CWE Center:
OHSU/AFSCME Career & Workplace Enhancement Center
Nicole D’Onofrio
Our mission is to transform and enrich the workplace and work lives at OHSU.
77 RAIN: 1-17-2013
CWE Center:
OHSU/AFSCME Career & Workplace Enhancement Center
Nicole D’Onofrio
• 25 Courses
• By Request
• Coming soon
– Managing
Your Email,
Building with
DiSC, EQ in the Wkplace
• Lean
• Conflict resolution
• Gemba
• e-Skills
• OHSU Career
System (CIS)
• Rosetta
Stone –
• Library Thing
• Walk-in
• Inter-office mail
• Career
• Professional
78 RAIN: 1-17-2013
CWE Center:
OHSU/AFSCME Career & Workplace Enhancement Center
Nicole D’Onofrio
Conflict Coaching Program
Through one-on-one coaching employees will:
• Gain tools and formulate plans to address a matter with a coworker
• Increase skills to minimize and resolve interpersonal issues
Coaches are:
• Professionally-trained
• Neutral and supportive
• Committed to confidentiality
79 RAIN: 1-17-2013
CWE Center:
OHSU/AFSCME Career & Workplace Enhancement Center
Nicole D’Onofrio
Measure of Program Impact
FY13 – Q1
# of Classes Held
Survey Question
I received value for my time invested.
Training was high in quality.
I would recommend this class to others.
I will be able to immediately apply some or all of what I learned.
# of Respond.
0% 3%
0% 5%
0% 9%
Data above collected from an online survey distributed after each class.
Survey rating scale is 1 (unfavorable) to 5 (favorable) with 3 equaling neutral.
RAIN: 1-17-2013 80
CWE Center:
OHSU/AFSCME Career & Workplace Enhancement Center
Nicole D’Onofrio
Measure of Increase in knowledge
Pre- and Post- Testing
Average participant knowledge pertaining to the topic of a given class increased by 29% in Q1 with a range of 9% to 40% .
81 RAIN: 1-17-2013
CWE Center:
OHSU/AFSCME Career & Workplace Enhancement Center
Nicole D’Onofrio
Multnomah Pavilion, 1312
Mail Code: UHN49
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Portland, OR 97239
Tel. 503-418-0273
Fax. 503-418-0275
82 RAIN: 1-17-2013
Wrap Up
Q & A
Next RAIN Meeting:
February 21, 2013, 9:30 – 11:00am
Send agenda item requests to:
Or use the RAIN Feedback Form
83 RAIN: 1-17-2013