May 2016 BELOW is the “Clothing Event Packet” of information with the PRE-form your participants need as soon as they are chosen. Revise the letter to come from your county and fill in needed information. Make sure to give them a hard copy of the proper Participant Report Form for the Clothing Event area in which they were selected. County Intent to Participate is due in Fair Entry before or on July 25, 2016. Participant Report form with any required receipts and a color photo of the participant in the selected outfit must be entered/uploaded in Fair Entry before or on August 1, 2016. Late fairs contact Cayla Taylor,, to negotiate your deadline! Cancellations must be emailed to Cayla by July 29, 2016. All participants registered as of August 1, 2016 (or later), will be charged to the County in the post-fair billing. 2016 county fee is $30 per participant. See other forms and information in the Iowa State Fair 4-H Handbook,, or on the Clothing Event webpage, Summer 2016 Dear Iowa State Fair 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Participant: Congratulations! You have been selected to represent your county in the 2016 Iowa State Fair 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event. What an outstanding achievement! We are excited that this year’s event will be held at the Memorial Union on the Iowa State University campus in Ames, Iowa. Fashion Revue, Clothing Selection, and The $15 Challenge representatives from your county and Extension and Outreach will participate with 4-H’ers in the one-day Awardrobe Clothing event. As a representative of your county, you are expected to participate in all activities related to the Awardrobe Clothing Event on your scheduled day. During the State Fair 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event you will have opportunities to: Attend exciting educational workshops facilitated by a variety of presenters including college students enrolled in ISU’s Apparel, Merchandising, and Design Program Engage in hands-on learning activities Learn from professional retail staff about current clothing trends Model your outfit in a public runway show at the Great Hall in the Memorial Union Visit with a judge about your clothing goals and the outfit you constructed or selected Meet 4-H’ers from across Iowa Please take time to carefully read all the information included in this letter. To prepare for this special opportunity, it is critical that you complete and return the enclosed 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event County Participant PRE-Form to your County Extension and Outreach Office as soon as possible. Be sure to note you will also need to complete and submit the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Report Form (6-J), with any required receipts, and an electronic photo of you wearing your constructed/selected garment to your County Extension and Outreach Office as instructed. Your county must then electronically submit these items in Fair Entry by Monday, August 1. The appropriate document for your event category can be found at: All 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event participant forms and helpful information can be found at If you would like help completing the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Report Form, see the appropriate “Helpful Hints” for your event category located on the webpage. 2016 State Fair 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Participation Schedule Please locate the name of your county to determine which day you will be participating in the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event during the 2016 Iowa State Fair. State Fair Clothing Event Groups Thursday, August 11 (North Group) 48 Counties to include Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11. Counties included: Allamakee, Black Hawk, Boone, Bremer, Buena Vista, Buchanan, Butler, Calhoun, Cerro Gordo, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Clay, Clayton, Delaware, Dickinson, Dubuque, Emmet, Fayette, Floyd, Franklin, Grundy, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardin, Howard, Humboldt, Ida, Jackson, Kossuth, Lyon, Marshall, Mitchell, Monona, O’Brien, Osceola, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Pocahontas, Sac, Sioux, Story, Tama, Webster, Winnebago, Winneshiek, Woodbury, Worth, and Wright. Friday, August 12 (South Group) 52 Counties to include Regions 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Counties included: Adair, Adams, Appanoose, Audubon, Benton, Carroll, Cass, Cedar, Clarke, Clinton, Crawford, Dallas, Davis, Decatur, Des Moines, Fremont, Greene, Guthrie, Harrison, Henry, Iowa, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones, Keokuk, Lee, Linn, Louisa, Lucas, Madison, Mahaska, Marion, Mills, Montgomery, Monroe, Muscatine, Page, Polk, East Pottawattamie, West Pottawattamie, Poweshiek, Ringgold, Scott, Shelby, Taylor, Union, Van Buren, Wapello, Warren, Washington, and Wayne. Good luck! We hope the 2016 Iowa State Fair 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event will be a fun and rewarding learning experience for you. We look forward to seeing you this summer. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cayla Taylor at the State 4-H Office in Ames at 515-294-1877 or at Regards, Enclosures: 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event County Participant PRE-Form - Complete and return to your County Extension and Outreach Office as soon as possible Objectives in 4-H Textiles and Clothing Program (6-B1) 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event information sheet Tentative general 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event program schedule Maps of ISU Campus and Memorial Union VI-100304-KT; May 2016 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event County Participant PRE-Form All Iowa State Fair 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event participants are required to complete and submit this pre-form to their County Extension and Outreach Office as soon as possible. Youth will also need to complete and email or send the appropriate 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Report Form with any required receipts and a color photo wearing the selected outfit to their County Extension Office before Monday, August 1. The County Extension and Outreach Office uses information from this PRE-form to complete the online Fair Entry that is due Monday, July 25. Consequently, please return this pre-form to your County Extension and Outreach Office ASAP. Event Category: Fashion Revue Clothing Selection The $15 Challenge Participant Instructions You must type in your information on this form. OR, you may access this form at under “Clothing Event Participant Letter, PRE-Form, & Information” to download and type into the outlined information boxes. DO NOT USE THE TAB KEY. Using your MOUSE, position the cursor within the boxes to start typing. USE ONLY THE SPACE GIVEN. DO NOT ADD TO THIS FORM. Text must be readable, no smaller than 10 font size. The boxes should NOT expand. County: Name: Address: Street, City, State, Zip Home Phone Grade last completed: Email address Years in 4-H: Years in 4-H Clothing Project: Participant Stage Commentary (3 points) Participants should write commentaries indicating exactly what they want to hear announced about themselves and their outfits while modeling on stage. Commentaries should be written in the third person and should include a participant’s name, county, age, features of the outfit that audience members can see from a distance, important lessons learned in developing or selecting the outfit, and clothing related and/or educational goals for the future. Include attention-grabbing phrases that emphasize the uniqueness or specialness of the outfit. Suggestions for describing outfits can be obtained by looking at the back of pattern envelopes, magazines, or catalogs. Use detail phrases like “brown belt pulls together brown shoes and cream shirt” or “wrapped-front dress is accented with side tie closure.” Commentaries should be brief and concise; minimum of 55 words and maximum of 100 words. Assistance with writing stage commentaries can be found by linking to the Awardrobe Clothing Event webpage for Commentary Help and Helpful Hints at 6-I 1 VI-1023-SAS; May 2016 Textiles and Clothing: 4-H Objectives YOUTH WILL LEARN... ... to select or construct clothing to enhance appearance and self-esteem by applying design elements and principles. ... about textile fibers and fabrics and apply this knowledge in choosing, buying, or making clothing or household textiles. ... to choose clothing not only for its beauty or fashion appeal, but also for its value in safety, comfort, protection, and/or capacity to help with special physical needs. ... the importance of good grooming and hygiene in developing strong personal selfesteem and quality relationships with others. ... about diversity in textile and clothing design and its relationship to cultural or ethnic heritage. ... about historic costume and textiles as well as decorative processes such as dyeing, printing, quilting, and embroidery. ... about career opportunities in apparel merchandising, production, and design; fashion; and textile businesses and industry. ... to work cooperatively with others and apply communication, leadership, and citizenship skills to evaluate 4-H experiences at the local, county, state, and national levels. … to consider resale venues as a way to recycle and reuse clothing. … and justice for all The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call 800-795-3272 (voice) or 202-720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cathann A. Kress, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa. 6-I 1 VI-1030-KT, May 2016 IOWA STATE FAIR 4-H AWARDROBE CLOTHING EVENT INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW 1. What do I do to prepare for the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event? First, complete and return the PRE-Form to your County Extension and Outreach Office as soon as possible. Next complete and submit electronically—via email attachment—the appropriate 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Report Form (6-J) for your specific category (Clothing Selection, Fashion Revue, or The $15 Challenge). The report form must include an attached electronic color photo of you in the selected outfit. Your completed report form, any required receipts, and the color photo need to be at your County Extension and Outreach Office before Monday, August 1. Your 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Report Form (6-J) must be neatly typed so it is easy for judges to read; 2 points will be taken off by judges during the Awardrobe Clothing Event if the report form is hand-written. County staff must upload all items in Fair Entry by Monday, August 1. All 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event participant forms and helpful information can be found at or may be obtained at your County Extension and Outreach Office. If you would like help completing the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Report Form, see the appropriate “Helpful Hints” for your specific event category located on the webpage. 2. Do I need a State Fair ticket? No – The Awardrobe Clothing Event will be held at the Iowa State University Memorial Union where no ticket is necessary to enter the Memorial Union. 3. What will I be doing during the day at the Clothing Event? During the morning educational workshops, you will learn about a variety of topics such as clothing trends, careers in apparel industries and businesses, ISU clothing/textile labs, and various life skills. You will also have an opportunity in the morning to practice modeling for the afternoon runway show that will take place at 4:15 PM in the ISU Memorial Union’s Great Hall. During the afternoon at the Memorial Union, you will eat lunch, visit with a judge about your outfit, have your photo taken, participate in a fourth educational workshop, and have a little free time to visit the ISU Bookstore. 4. Who will be there if I need help? A 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Group Coordinator from your Clothing Event County Group (North or South), 4-H volunteers, 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Assistants, and ISU Extension and Outreach 4-H Youth Program Specialists will provide guidance and watchful eyes to help you during the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event. We are always ready to answer questions or assist with last-minute concerns! 6-I 1 VI-1030-KT, May 2016 5. Should my parents come? Unfortunately, adequate space is not available to include parents/family members in the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event educational workshops. Parents/family members should drop you off at the back entrance located on the south side of the Memorial Union on the ISU campus. As you enter the building, you will be greeted by a 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event volunteer. You will need to prepare for the afternoon runway show and judging without assistance from parents/family members. HOWEVER, family members and friends are invited to attend the runway show and awards ceremony at the Memorial Union’s Great Hall from 4:15 – 5:45 PM. You can meet your family at the conclusion of the afternoon runway show and recognition award ceremony. Parents can also volunteer to assist throughout the day with the Awardrobe Clothing Event. If parents are interested in this opportunity, please contact: Cayla Taylor,, 515-294-1877. 6. Where will I meet the program participants in the Memorial Union? As you enter the Memorial Union from the back entrance on the south side of the building (the side closest to Lincoln Way and the Iowa State University Bookstore), you will be greeted by a 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event volunteer who will direct you to the orientation room where you will meet other 4-H’ers from across the state. 7. What about meals? Meals will NOT be provided for 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event participants. Participants will, however, be provided a granola bar for a mid-morning snack. Youth will be responsible for purchasing their own lunch during the Awardrobe Clothing Event at the Memorial Union’s food court. Plan at least $8 -$10 for lunch and for any additional snacks you may want to purchase throughout the day. 8. What should I wear? The morning of the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event you may wear a comfortable, casual outfit, but please do not wear jeans or shorts. Bring your 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event outfit with you and all required outfit accessories. There will be time for you to change into your outfit after lunch prior to meeting with judges. Consider bringing a sweater/light jacket as the Memorial Union can be cool in the morning. Youth participants will be walking on campus so please wear comfortable walking shoes. 9. How can I get ready for being on stage and judging? Find someone in your county to practice with, such as last year's 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event participants. If you don't know them, ask County Extension and Outreach staff to recommend someone. There will also be a modeling workshop during the morning of the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event. Fashion Modeling Your 4-H Garment is available as a PDF at 4HGarment.pdf. 10. How will I be evaluated? Evaluation is based on the responses you provide in your 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Report Form, your appearance in your outfit, and a short interview with a judge. Please remember if your report form is incomplete, does not have a photograph, or is hand-written, points will be deducted by the judge. It is important to proofread your report before it is submitted and confirm the report is readable. 6-I 2 VI-1030-KT, May 2016 Review the program objectives and the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Judge’s Evaluation Form for your specific event category before you come to the Awardrobe Clothing Event. The evaluation form that will be used by Awardrobe Clothing Event judges can be found at (if it is not automatically sent to you by your County Extension and Outreach Office). Becoming familiar with the judging criteria will help you know what to expect. Judges ask questions based on the points listed on the evaluation form. 11. What recognition will there be? Congratulations are extended to each of you on the noteworthy accomplishment and recognition of being selected during your local level 4-H Clothing Event to represent your county during the State Fair 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event. During the 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event, all participants will receive a green participation ribbon presented at the public runway show held each afternoon in the Great Hall at the Memorial Union. Up to 10% of participants in each of the Fashion Revue, Clothing Selection, and The $15 Challenge categories will be selected for special recognition. Special recognition will also be sponsored by the Central Iowa Sewing Guild to one participant in the Fashion Revue program. Additionally, special recognition will be sponsored by Iowa State University’s College of Human Sciences’ Apparel, Merchandising, and Design Program to one participant whose outfit most represents the latest fashion trends. One scholarship will be sponsored by Iowa State University’s Department of Apparel, Events, & Hospitality Management to participants interested in pursuing higher education and career goals in the field of textiles and clothing, event management, hospitality management, and/or family and consumer sciences. Photos of 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event participants will be posted on Flickr for County Extension and Outreach Offices to use in local/area newspapers. 12. Can youth participants come for only part of the day? No - It is a requirement that all participants attend the entire day of the Awardrobe Clothing Event. All participants must participate on the date scheduled unless the 4-H'er is involved in another Iowa State Fair 4-H activity at the same time with a non-flexible schedule. 13. What else is expected of me? Participants will be accountable at all times for taking responsibility for their own personal behavior and belongings. Participants are also expected to fully engage in all 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event learning sessions. We trust all participants will represent the Iowa 4-H Program in an extremely positive light while interacting with learning session facilitators, Awardrobe Clothing Event staff and volunteers, and the public while at the Iowa State University Memorial Union. Additionally, each participant will be provided thank you notes and addresses of Iowa State Fair 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event supporters. Participants are asked to please show their 4-H spirit and exemplary communication skills by sending thank you notes to Awardrobe Clothing Event supporters. . 6-I 3 VI-1030-KT, May 2016 2016 State Fair 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event Schedule: ISU Memorial Union 2229 Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50011-1130 Time Activity Location 9:00 AM Welcome and Introductions South Ballroom (2nd Floor) 9:20 AM Transition to First Workshop 9:30 AM - 11:55 AM Behind the Scenes: Educational Workshop Rotation Great Hall (2nd Floor) Oak Room (2nd Floor) Lebaron Hall (2nd Floor-2063) Program Groups Group A Group B Group C 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM Great Hall* Lebaron Hall** Oak Room 10:20 AM – 11:05 AM Oak Room Great Hall* Lebaron Hall** 11:10 AM – 11:55 AM Lebaron Hall** Oak Room Great Hall* *Take heels to modeling practice. **See directions to Lebaron Hall (map on white paper) for further information, if needed. Time Activity Location 11:55 – 12:30 AM Lunch on Own MU Food Court (1st Floor) 12:45 – 3:45 PM Rotation: Judging, Photos, Learning Table, Free Time, Workshop Judging: Pioneer Room Photos: Great Hall Learning Table: South Ballroom Workshop: 2019 Morrill Hall*** (Group A) J, P, L, F, W (Group B) W, J, P, L, F (Group C) F, W, J. P, L J = Judging (15 min.) P = Photos (15 min.) L = Learning Table (30 min.) F = Free Time (1 hr.) W = Workshop (45 min.) 3:55 – 4:15 PM Line-Up for Runway Show South Ballroom (2nd Floor) 4:15 – 5:15 PM 4-H Runway Show Great Hall (2nd Floor) 5:15 – 5:30 PM Recognition Awards Great Hall 5:30 – 5:45 PM Recognition Photos Great Hall: Back of Hall 5:45 PM Goodbyes and Safe Travels Home VI-1030-KT, May 2016 ISU MEMORIAL UNION AND CAMPUS MAPS ISU Memorial Union 2229 Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50011-1130 DRIVING DIRECTIONS: Exit I-35 onto Highway 30 West. From Highway 30 take the University Blvd-ISU exit. At the end of the exit ramp, merge right onto University Blvd. Drive north past Jack Trice Stadium and Hilton Coliseum to Lincoln Way and turn left (west). Continue west on Lincoln Way traveling past three lights at Beach Ave., Union Drive, and Ash Ave. Turn right immediately after the Ash Ave. light into the south entrance area of the Memorial Union. Enter the building through the glass doors near the large Memorial Union sign. An Awardrobe Clothing Event volunteer will meet you at the door and assist you in walking to the orientation room which is located on the second floor of the Memorial Union in the South Ballroom. VI-1030-KT, May 2016 Iowa State University Campus [Memorial Union circled] ISU Campus Map: Memorial Union Floor Maps: Please Note: The public 4-H Awardrobe Clothing Event runway show and awards ceremony will take place in the Great Hall (see second/main floor map) beginning at 4:15 PM and concluding at 5:45 PM. Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau: (For family members spending the day in Ames)