FSAQ Jeopardy Answers

FSAQ Jeopardy Answers
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What to Do
$300-January 2nd
Project Management
$100-40-45 degrees Fahrenheit
$200-All of the Above
$300-17 million lbs. of meat, milk & eggs
$400-Veterinarian Client Patient Relationship
$500- Label-exactly like the label
Off label-producer uses the drug different than what label says
Extra Label-Veterinarian prescribes the drug to be used different than
Animal Treatment
$100-Food & Drug Administration
$200-Water, Feed, Injection or Tropical
$300-Amount of time required for medication to be metabolized or broken down by
the animal’s body before marketing.
$400-Provide for welfare of animal
Treat disease or parasite
Prevent disease or parasite
Improve Rate of Gain
Improve Feed Efficiency
Minimize production costs
$500-Intramuscular (IM)-in the muscle
Subcutaneous (SQ)-under the skin
$100-The Neck region b/c there is good circulation & low value cuts of meat
$200-All of procedures used to maintain & improve the health of your herd.
$400-All of the Above
$500-Violation of Federal law. People may be sensitive to certain drugs, may react
if traces of drug are in the meat. People may develop allergic reaction. Consumers
expect safe residue-free meat, may lose confidence in quality of food producers.
Animal Care
$100-Directly behind the animal
$200-Microbial contamination
$300-humane death occurring without pain or distress
$400-60-70 degrees Fahrenheit
$500-1.5 gallons of water
Feed your Animal
$100-Feed refusal, variation in feed intake, caking of feed, darkening of feed grains,
heating of feed grains, unusual odor.
$300-A minimum of 18%
$400-Retain feed records for 1 year after feed is used, sample of feed for 6 months
$500-Anytime you don’t want 1 feed cross-contaminating with another batch of feed.
Final Jeopardy Question
All family members, other exhibitors, the people who bought your animal, 4-H
agent, fair manager, 4-H adult volunteers (many correct answers)