What is 4-H Afterschool? 4-H is a program that creates opportunities for youth to develop life skills. 4-H Afterschool is one way to provide those opportunities. 4-H EMPOWERS youth to develop practical knowledge and individual talents through hands-on experiences 4-H EMPOWERS youth to make positive decisions 4-H EMPOWERS youth to build strong leadership and communication skills 4-H EMPOWERS youth to develop friendships and gain a sense of community 4-H EMPOWERS youth to give back to their communities and understand the importance of that giving 4-H is a part of the ISU Extension Youth Development Program. Extension and 4-H programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability. Why Join a 4-H Club After School? Traditional Community 4-H Clubs meet once a month, generally in the evening or on weekends. This time frame may not work for you. Joining a club after school would allow you to meet at the school, and experience many of the same benefits as a traditional club member. 4-H Afterschool What do 4-H’ers do? 4-H clubs are just that; they are groups of youth who get together to do things they enjoy. The group, or club, decides the types of activities and projects they are interested in doing. The projects will usually be completed at the meetings, but members can do more projects at home. 4-H Club members will also have opportunities to: * Hold a leadership position in the club * Learn how to lead and participate in a business meeting * Participate in hands-on activities * Learn skills such as woodworking, cooking, visual arts, and much more! * Help others * Have fun * Meet new friends * Participate in the Mills County Fair ISU Extension Mills County 103 E. 5th St., P.O. Box 430 Malvern, IA 51551 712-624-8616 Code of Conduct: REGISTRATION FORM When? I understand that the following individual behaviors make group activities difficult and I will be asked to pick up my child if there is a problem such as: Youth name ____________________ Meetings will be held on Mondays: Jan. 31, Feb. 7, & 28, March 7 & 21, April 11 & 25, and May 9, 2005 physical harm (person, facility, materials) leaving the group without permission illness inappropriate language refusal to follow the rules unsafe behavior Parent/Guardian signature ____________________________ Date _________________ Sign up now! For our records only. Please circle all that apply: American Native Asian Black Hispanic White Hawaiian/Pacific Islands Farm City between 10,000 & 50,000 City over 50,000 Town under 10,000 Suburb of City over 50,000 Address ______________________ City, Zip ______________________ Male _____ Female _____ School ________________________ Grade ____________ Allergies, medications, or other information the leaders should know: ________________________________ ________________________________ _____________________________ Parent(s)/Guardian(s) _____________________________ _____________________________ Work /cell phone________________ Home phone ____________________ Photography Release Consent: ____ Yes, pictures of my child may be used for publicity and news articles and on the Mills County Extension web page(s) (Names will not be printed.) ____ No, do not use pictures of my child (Please return this portion of brochure) Time: 3:15– 5:00 p.m. Where? West Elementary Lunchroom Glenwood Who? 4th – 6th graders Fee? $20 per person (covers all 8 meetings, but some project supplies may be needed) Make checks payable to: Mills County Extension Registration deadline ______________________ Send registration & payment to: Mills County Extension P.O. Box 430 Malvern, IA 51551 (Keep this part of the brochure.)