Comments on “Biotechnology: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution” Lawrence Busch University Distinguished Professor Director, Institute for Food and Agricultural Standards Michigan State University The various papers on biotechnology raise a number of fundamental issues of critical importance not only for scholars but for practitioners in a wide range of fields from bioprospecting to molecular biology. What I shall endeavor to do here is to critically examine the points made in several of the papers on biotechnology. Dr. Khush makes several important points with respect to the potential for agricultural biotechnology to contribute to enhanced food production in developing nations. There is little doubt that the potential for biotechnology is enormous, but few products have been made available to date. Consider the following points: The world is currently awash in a sea of cereals. Grain pieces are quite depressed worldwide, in part due to continuing subsidies to production in the US and the EU, and in part due to lack of effective demand. Moreover, were Eastern Europe to produce at levels similar to that of Western Europe, grain prices would fall even lower. We would do well to remember that a century ago, the center of the world grain trade was the Ukraine. Furthermore, while enhanced grain production is important, it cannot and will not end poverty in rural areas. Increased productivity certainly has a role to play, particularly in meeting the needs of farmers who are barely able to meet their subsistence needs. But one simply cannot produce one's way out of poverty. Rising production of grain is always followed by declining prices. The cost/price squeeze and technology treadmill will continue to limit the profitability of the production of undifferentiated agricultural commodities (Cochrane 1993). Rural poverty can only be reduced by increasing income and that is far better accomplished by switching to higher value crops (e.g., fruits and vegetables) and by post-harvest and non-farm rural development. It is also worth noting that while there is little question that biotechnology could enhance crop production in developing nations, the results to date are disappointing. The industrial world, for better or for worse, has delegated the development of agricultural biotechnology to the private sector, while simultaneously ignoring the needs of the developing world. Public expenditures for international agricultural research are a trivial portion of total global agricultural research expenditures. Even the relatively well-funded US public research institutions are unable to compete with the private sector in the production of agricultural biotechnologies. This is evident in the data on field trial permits issued by USDA. Only a small fraction of these are issued to public institutions (see Dr. Khush notes that the private sector has been seemingly willing to give free access to IPR in low income markets. This is hardly a surprise, as these markets are not commercially interesting and offer an inexpensive form of publicity. However, there is little or no evidence that such 1 access has resulted (or is soon likely to result) in improved varieties of staple crops for poor nations. Dr. Khush makes much of the potential for partnerships between the private sector and the International Agricultural Research Centres (IARCs). While the IARCs may find partnerships with the private sector desirable so as to enhance food security, the private sector has little reason to do more than display a minimal level of cooperation. Partnerships to date have been relatively inconsequential for at least four reasons: First, the agricultural biotechnology bubble has burst; investments in agricultural biotechnology globally are down. Many of the companies that invested in agricultural biotechnology have ceased to exist; others have experienced a marked drop in their revenues. Second, the easy to accomplish, highly profitable activities have already been done. Crops such as herbicide tolerant soybeans, maize, and cotton have been developed and are now commercialized. Third, farmers in developing nations have relatively little in the way of capital to spend on improved seeds. Thus, they offer little or no incentive to private sector investment. Finally, intellectual property regimes in developing nations are weak, making returns to investments there lower. One need only look at the impact of Roundup Ready seeds in Argentina – a middle income nation – to see the limitations on using intellectual property protection as an incentive for investments in the developing world (e.g., United States General Accounting Office 2000) Finally, golden rice is still an largely unproven technology. As Dr. Khush notes, it has not yet been incorporated into local germplasm, compared to other sources of Vitamin A, or even examined carefully for nutritional and food safety implications. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the product will even work as advertised – increasing vitamin A availability. Nor is it yet clear whether those at whom it is aimed – the poorest of the poor – will in fact accept it. In contrast to the technical overview provided by Dr. Khush, Dr. Hamilton focuses more on the regulatory surrounding agricultural biotechnology. However, there are several points on which I must take issue: The failure of Zimbabwe and Zambia to accept US grain that was genetically modified shows the lengths to which the biotechnology industry will go, and the degree to which the US government is willing to support it. Let me propose a simple thought experiment: Let us suppose that a Muslim nation was experiencing a food shortage and that their inhabitants were offered pork. While there would be no doubt that pork is safe to eat, and widely consumed by others, this act would be seen as unacceptable -- irrespective of the political views of the nations involved. At the time of the famine in southern Africa, there was plenty of non-genetically modified maize in the world that could easily have been sent to those nations that had reservations about GM food. While it might well be argued that the Zimbabwean government used GM maize as a means of advancing its political objectives, the specific reasons for not wanting to consume GM maize are beside the point. In a world in which food is available in abundance, why should hungry people be forced to eat things that they may not wish to eat, merely to satisfy the needs of industry? Dr. Hamilton also notes the importance of the Starlink affair. I agree with Dr. Hamilton as to its importance, but would also note that it demonstrated what the industry (and to a lesser extent the regulators) refuses to accept -- namely, that since pollen drifts and people move grain around 2 (either deliberately or accidentally), complete segregation of genetically modified crops is impossible. Moreover, once GM crops are released into the environment, their spread is virtually impossible to control. The creation of pharmaceutical crops take this to its logical conclusion. In a recent paid lecture at the 2003 annual meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Monsanto representative described that company's proposed solution to the problems posed by putting pharmaceuticals in corn. In addition to the truly heroic efforts required to engage in such an activity without risk to the nation's corn crop, what was described was a panopticon world of high security befitting a nuclear weapons plant.. It is no wonder that the food manufacturers are nervous about this development. In contrast, it would appear that any reasonable national policy would prohibit the introduction of all potentially toxic compounds into field-grown edible crops. There exists a vast array of inedible, self-pollinated plants which might be quite suitable for the production of pharmaceutical and industrial crops, provided that they meet other environmental requirements. In contrast, denial of these basic facts of biology and social organization means that there will inevitably be a serious accident involving illness or death if we insist on going down the road we are currently following.. The only thing debatable is how long it will take for such a problem to emerge. Finally, let me comment on Dr. Benbrook’s paper. He raises a particularly important point: One cannot treat all biotechnologies in the same way. Virtually everyone is for biotechnology-based drugs that might cure cancer, while no one applauds the development of biotechnologically improved strains of anthrax. Dr. Benbrook frames the issue largely in terms of costs or risks v. benefits. In contrast, I would like to argue that we must go far beyond the utilitarian language of cost or risk (cf., Busch 1991; Thompson 1995). The new agricultural biotechnologies also pose issues with respect to rights (e.g., the right to know, the right to refuse, the right to participate in determining the future). In addition, one might argue for obligations. For example, we have an obligation not to foreclose choices of future generations; indeed, we might wish to increase the number of options open to our progeny. It might also be argued that we have an obligation to protect the natural world from our meddling. It might be further argued that there are certain virtues -- truth, justice, beauty, integrity -- that should be upheld in our quest for material gain. We need not limit our actions to a utilitarian concern for consequences. Dr. Benbrook argues eloquently for his eleven principles. In general, it is hard to quibble with them. But I would suggest what I hope will be taken as a friendly amendment. Specifically, these new technologies promise to transform dramatically and perhaps irreversibly the entire agrifood system. Yet, in most nations (including this one) there are no procedures, no rules, no policies to ensure that such decisions are made in a democratic way. Here we have decisions that affect everyone on the planet and yet we refuse to recognize that neither the market nor science are capable of providing answers to these questions. Of course, in a market economy innovations must be profitable. Of course, we must take scientific information into account in making decisions about safety, nutrition, and environmental impact. But the market and science must not be allowed to become tyrants that rule over us. There is a small but growing body of literature that attempts to develop means by which problems such as the introduction of profoundly new technologies can be made the subject of 3 democratic debate (e.g., Middendorf and Busch 1997; Sclove 1995)}. The Danish consensus conferences in particular have shown a way in which such decisions might be made in a more democratic manner (Danish Board of Technology 2002). That said, the points made by Dr. Benbrook about herbicide tolerant, insect resistant, and vitamin enhanced plants appear to me to be reasonable ones. But they are too important to leave to experts. They raise the kind of questions that should be the subject of prolonged deliberation in virtually every nation. Dr. Benbrook also argues for greater attention to local knowledge. I find his remarks compelling. However, their implication should be made explicit: They rightly suggest that no particular technology is likely to be a magic bullet, resolving all the world's food problems. It is the worst form of hubris to think that food security can be improved solely by clever people doing clever things in well equipped laboratories. Finally, Dr. Benbrook is surely right in suggesting that our regulatory systems work like traffic lights -- either restricting or giving the green light to new technologies, rather than allowing gradual introduction so as to avoid large scale mistakes. But the regulatory system is also in need of repair in other ways. As is well-known, the current regulatory system for GMOs was established by patching together a "coordinated framework" in response to Monsanto's demand for regulation (Charles 2001; Eichenwald 2001). In particular, it is absurd to argue that only scientific concerns should be incorporated into regulatory decisions. The new agricultural biotechnologies are means for transforming how we live and who we are. Those issues must be central to any debate about biotechnology that is worthy of the name. References Busch, Lawrence, William B. Lacy, Jeffrey Burkhardt, and Laur R. Lacy. 1991. Plants, Power, and Profit: Social, Economic, and Ethical Consequences of the New Biotechnologies. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. Charles, Daniel. 2001. Lords of the Harvest: Biotech, Big Money, and the Future of Food. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing Company. Cochrane, Willard. 1993. The Development of American Agriculture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Danish Board of Technology. 2002. “Teknologirådet.” Eichenwald, Kurt. 2001. “Redesigning Nature: Hard Lessons Learned.” New York Times. January 25:A1. Middendorf, Gerad, and Lawrence Busch. 1997. “Inquiry for the Public Good: Citizen Participation in Agricultural Research.” Agriculture and Human Values 14:47-57. Sclove, Richard E. 1995. Democracy and Technology. New York: Guilford Press. Thompson, Paul. 1995. Food Biotechnology in Ethical Perspective. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Publishers. United States General Accounting Office. 2000. “Biotechnology: Information on Prices of Genetically Modified Seeds in the United States and Argentina.” Washington, DC: General Accounting Office, GAO/T-RCED/NSIAD-00-228, GAO/T-RCED/NSIAD-00228. 4