HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : MrsRutkowski Building : WHEMS Subject : Social Studies Proposed Dates: September 2015 Grade Level (s) 7th Unit Plan Unit Title: An Introduction to Social Studies. (A two week unit that introduces the who, what, when, where, why and how of history.) This opening unit briefly introduces the eight skills most historians utilize, and the different types of activities we will do throughout the year. It is also an introduction of the Five Highways of History (geography, society, technology, government and economics), as well as show students the importance of learning history. This takes roughly two weeks. Essential Questions: Why do we study history? Where can history be found? What skills do historians use? What happened on 9/11/01? Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject) CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Students Will__x__ Rubric ___ Checklist ____ Unit Test ____ Group __x__ Student Self-Assessment __x__ Other (explain) Assessment Method (check one) DAILY PLAN Day Objective (s) Students will be introduced to teacher and when presented with artifacts ,be able to analyze evidence about the teacher. DOK LEVEL 1,2 3,4 1 G r o u p i n g Activities / Teaching Strategies Share 5 artifacts with students from life to W help them answer the questions. Explain the I importance of evidence Go over their answers and share the real ones with a few more video clips. Talk about how their first impressions of me were probably way off and how the evidence is what drove their answers. Then discuss and tell them that tomorrow will be their day to start sharing their lives with me. Assign their first homework of the year (which is actually for their parents to do) and tell them that homework, while rare in my class, is very important. Materials / Resources W/S-Who is this Teacher? Artifact 1: Tickets -Admission ticket from Longwood Gardens. Artifact 2:Pictures of my children on my desk Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- SummativeStudent Self - Assessment-HW “Tell me about your kid” Artifact 3: NYYankee items on my desk. Artifact 4: Pandora - Two 30second plays of songs that randomly come up on my personal Pandora station. Artifact 5: Plants from the window. Students will complete a basic inventory of their 2 and own interests. Students 3 will then set up their interactive notebooks. 4 Students will be introduced to the concept of why we study history. 1,2,3 4 Who Are You? A basic inventory of stuI dent interests and background, utilizing a centric graphic organizer. smartboard, notebook, pencils, crayons. FormativeSummativeStudent Self - Assessment-graphic organizer 1,2 3,4 In this fun and highly interactive presentation students are introduced to why we study history. Students take Cornell notes during the presentation. W, PPT-Why History? I Formative-notes SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Students will be able to describe a skill of historians. 1,2,3 4 Students will read the directions on the notes section below each slide. Cornell notes. w, Module 1-PPT -Historians Collect I 5 Formative-Cornell notes Summative- Student Self - Assessment-exit ticket Students will be able to describe a skill of historians. 1,2,3, Students will read the directions on the notes section below each slide, and take Cornell notes. 4 W, Module 2-PPT -Historians Consider. i 6 Formative-Discussion Questions Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Exit ticket Remembering 9/11 7 Students will cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. Students will be able to describe a skill of historians. 1,2,3 4 1,2,3 4 -View a Nick News video about 9/11. -Then, read an article about how America has changed since 9/11. -After reading the article individually, work as a class to ‘map’ the article. Start with the topic (the attacks of 9/11), move to the main idea (the attacks on 9/11 changed America), and focus on the key details the article used to support the main idea. -Use Google Earth and view live images of the Twin Towers Memorial, as well as, the Pentagon Memorial. G http://www.podcast.tv/videoepisodes/what-happened-thestory-of-september-11-200115862017.html Students will read the directions on the notes section below each slide, and take Cornell notes. w, Module 3-PPT -Historians Comg municate. Copies of Article “How 9/11 Changed America” for each group of students. (CC aligned) Formative-Questions from article. Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Organization map for each student. 8 Formative-Discussion questions, graphic organizers. Summative- Student Self - Assessment Exit ticket Students will be able to describe a skill of historians. 9 1,2,3, Students will read the directions on the notes section below each slide, and take Cornell notes. 4 w, Module 4-PPT -Historians Coopg erate Formative-Discussion questions, graphic organizers. Summative- Student Self - Assessment Exit ticket 10 Students will be able to describe a skill of historians, cooperation. 1,2,3, History Skills: Introduce students to the 8 key history skills 4 Cooperation challenge. Handout of skills. crayons Formative-Discussion questions, graphic organizers. Summative- Student Self - Assessment Exit ticket Students will analyze a reading “The Nacirema”. 1,2, 3, 4 11 After reading the article, students are instructed, through a PPT presentation, on how to cite, interpret and analyze. Handout-The Nacirema for each. PPT for instructions. Formative-Questions from article. Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Students will apply and use the 8 history skills to analyze an artifact 1,2, 3, 4 12 Students will apply and use the 8 history skills to analyze an artifact 13 14 Students will decide which source would be more reliable given the topic. 1,2, 3, 4 Artifact Lab- Break students into groups each with an unidentified artifact. Items can be found fairly cheaply or you can simply print pictures of them. Pass out the worksheet and instruct students to work in their groups to complete the 8 tasks. Allow groups to "present" their artifact to the class at the end. G, PPT- Artifact Lab- Break students into groups each with an unidentified artifact. Items can be found fairly cheaply or you can simply print pictures of them. Pass out the worksheet and instruct students to work in their groups to complete the 8 tasks. Allow groups to "present" their artifact to the class at the end. G, PPT- Formative-Lab sheet http://betterlesson.com/com Summativemunity/document/218191/be-thehistorian-pptx Student Self - Assessment-exit ticket Formative-Lab sheet http://betterlesson.com/com Summativemunity/document/218191/be-thehistorian-pptx Student Self - Assessment-exit ticket Formative-questions on 1,2,3, PPT on Source Reliability : Present the PPT on W, Source Reliability : sources. (A series of topics with two sources https://www.dropbox.com/s/rc sources 4 I of possible information.) un27v302j1i0y/Source%20Rel Summativeiability%20Activity.pptx Student Self - Assessmentexit ticket 15 16 17 18 Students will be introduced to the idea that history is everywhere. They will be asked to speculate the origins of the war in the book. 1, 2,3,4 Students will learn the basics of geography, the study of lands and environment 1,2,3, Students will follow a 4 point checklist asking them to list specifics of their 4 Butter Battle Book by Dr. Seuss. Read Dr. Suess' The Butter Battle Book to students. (an allegory on the Cold War. Students speculate how it relates to them. w, Book by Dr. Seuss (or youtube Formative-Handout video of same). i Handout: https://docs.google.com/file /d/0B_LeBqE6KPRRN1NEa1hJ TVFJdkU/edit Summative- Student Self - Assessment Exit ticket Have them complete the worksheet, a set of questions to go along with The Butter Battle Book by Dr. Seuss. Use this book to show that history can be found everywhere. school and classroom, their environment, their world. w, Handout “One Day of Geg,i ography” Formative-Handout pens, pencils, globe, maps textbook Students will interpret the 1,2,3 level of advancement of 4 ancient Romans by analyzing pictures and facts from ancient Rome Set-up slide show on smart board: I https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1D bbyAa54XkuPRLPNoxxIYwWiL6HkjrYn JgqJgDuCIHU/edit#slide=id.p4 Students will be intro123 duced to the concept that 4 one person, one action, can change the coarse of history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LKe 8V-h7h8 PPT-Lessons from Pompeii W, Anberlin “We Can Change G, the World” I https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=rK6Age5f1TE Formative-Questions from PPT SummativeStudent Self - Assessment Exit ticket Summative-