HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Mrs. Valentine Subject : ESL L.A. Level B Start Date(s): 2/23/14 Grade Level (s): 8 Building : HEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: “Our Living Planet” Essential Questions: What lives around the water? Describe the Earth. What are some things you like about nature? What is a habitat? Who was Rachel Carson? What are the syllable types? What is a science article? What is an ecosystem? What are its parts? What must human have to keep living? How do you write a fact-and-opinion article? Standards: CC.1.2.8.J: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. CC.1.2.8.K: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools. CC.1.4.8.A: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information clearly. CC.1.4.8.B: Identify and introduce the topic clearly, including a preview of what is to follow. CC.1.4.8.C: Develop and analyze the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples; including graphics and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. CC.1.4.8.D: Organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories; use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts; provide a concluding statement or section; include formatting when useful to aiding comprehension. CC.1.4.8.F: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage. CC.1.4.8.T: With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed. With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen ‘ writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed. CC.1.4.8.U: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others. CC.1.5.8.A: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions, on grade level topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. CC.1.5.8.G: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English when speaking based on grade 8 level and content. ELP Standards: 1.4.8.A-C: Write phrases or short sentences using a graphic organizer. R.8.A.1: Classify visually supported vocabulary in context associated with genres associated with various genres read within a small group. Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Students will display their understanding of the new academic vocabulary from each selection within the unit, strategize how to identify syllable types, comprehend how to write a fact-and-opinion article and what a science article is, analyze graphs, understand ecosystems and why they are important and comprehend who Rachel Carson was and her importance. Assessment Method (check one) __X__ Rubric ___ Checklist __X__ Unit Test ____ Group __X__ Student Self-Assessment __X__ Other (explain) Students will also be graded on the organization of their notebooks (PDN’s and notes), and also through their portfolios. Day 1 (2/23) 2 (2/24) 3 (2/25) Objective (s) Students will learn about animals and habits, respond to visual images, strategize how to preview and build background, use graphic organizers (mind map), generate ideas, make comparisons, and classify. Students will listen actively, repeat spoken language, recite, and give their opinion. Students will strategize how to describe places and use basic vocabulary: animals and habitats. DOK LEVEL 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 Activities / Teaching Strategies Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus on the strategy used Critical Thinking Think-Pair- Share Grouping DAILY PLAN WG SG I Materials / Resources Practice Book p. 37 Mind Map Rosetta Stone Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- Practice Book Summative- Mind Map Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Please Do Nows Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools WG SG I Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used WG SG I Academic Language Frame 8 Practice Book p. 38 Language CD 1, Track 7 Rosetta Stone Formative- Practice Book SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Practice Book p. 39 Rosetta Stone Formative- Practice Book Summative- Students will strategize how to make a suggestion and use words about plants and animals. 1 3 4 (2/26) Students will strategize how to use sensory adjectives. 3 5 (2/27) 6 (3/3) Students will use words about animals and habitats, listen to a preview and a selection, recognize the biography genre, strategize how to activate prior knowledge through previewing and setting a purpose, interpret and analyze visuals, identify sequence and details, and use sensory adjectives. Students will recognize and spell high frequency words. 1 2 3 4 1 7 (3/4) Students will recognize and spell high frequency words. 1 8 (3/5) 9 (3/6) Students will develop phonemic awareness: identify and match syllables, recognize syllable types (r-controlled), and decode multisyllabic words. 1 2 3 Critical Thinking Technology Tools Think-Pair-Share Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools Thin-Pair-Share Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools Think-Pair-Share Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. WG SG I Language CD 1, Track 8 Practice Book p. 40 Vocabulary Routine 6 Rosetta Stone Formative- Practice Book Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. WG SG I Language Transfer Transparency 2 Practice Book p. 41 Rosetta Stone Formative- Practice Book p. 41 Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. WG SG I “Rachel Carson: A Woman Who Loved Nature” Theme Book Theme Book CD 1, Track 5 Detail Chart Rosetta Stone Formative- Detail Chart Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Practice Book p. 43 Rosetta Stone WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I Formative- Practice Book Summative- Practice Book p. 44 Rosetta Stone Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Formative- Practice Book Summative- Transparency 62: Types of Syllables Practice Book p. 45 Decodable: “The Perfect Moose” p. 171 Rosetta Stone Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Formative- Practice Book Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. 10 (3/9) 11 (3/10) 12 (3/11) 13 (3/12) 14 (3/13) 15 (3/16) Students will develop phonemic awareness, recognize syllable types, decode multisyllabic words, and spell syllable types. Students will recognize syllable types to decode multisyllabic words, blend sounds to decode words, recognize high frequency words, strategize how to activate prior knowledge and set a purpose, analyze captions, read with fluency and accuracy. Students will describe places, use content-area vocabulary, identify details, and write in response to literature. Students will use content-area vocabulary: line graph, y-axis, xaxis, scale, point, title, x-axis label, and y-axis label and analyze how to use line graphs. Students will use key vocabulary, strategize how to build background, and respond to visuals. Students will recognize the science article genre, strategize how to preview, identify main idea and details, interpret and analyze visuals, set a purpose, and analyze captions, diagrams, and line graphs. 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 4 1 3 1 2 3 4 Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Think-Pair-Share Technology Tools Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools Graphic Organizer WG SG I WG SG I Language CD 1, Track 9 Rosetta Stone Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Fluency Models and Selection Readings CD, Track 3 Practice Book p. 46 Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Formative- Practice Book Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I Academic Language Frame 11 Chart Rosetta Stone Line Graph Rosetta Stone Formative- Chart Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Formative- Line Graph Summative- Practice Book p. 47-48 Vocabulary Routines 2 & 3 Rosetta Stone Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Formative- Practice Book Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. WG SG I Fluency Models and Selection Readings CD, Track 12 Graphs and Diagrams Mind Map Rosetta Stone Formative- Ticket Out the Door SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Students will use key vocabulary, identify details, summarize, and write in response to literature. 1 2 16 (3/17) 17 (3/18) Students will research a wild animal that lives in their community Students will analyze a student model: fact-and-opinion article. 2 4 4 18 (3/19) 19 (3/20) 20 (3/23) Students will prewrite, choose a topic, gather facts, write opinions, and reflect on their writing. Students will edit and proofread, reflect on their writing, use adjectives, use commas correctly, and spell correctly. 1 3 1 3 Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Note-Taking Technology Tools Please Do Nows Note-Taking Research Critical Thinking Technology Tools Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus on the strategy used Critical Thinking Chart Technology Tools Please Do Nows Note-Taking Chart Technology Tools Please Do Nows Proofreading Poster Focus on the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools WG SG I WG SG Academic Language Frame 12 p. 98 in textbook Rosetta Stone Research p. 95 in textbook Formative- Practice Book Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- WG SG I Fact-and-Opinion Chart Rosetta Stone Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. WG SG I WG SG I Fact-and-Opinion Chart Practice Book p. 49 Rosetta Stone Practice Book p. 52 Rosetta Stone Formative- Fact-and-Opinion Chart Summative- Student Self - AssessmentFormative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- 21 (3/24) 22 (3/25) Students will publish and share their writing, reflect on their writing, deliver an informational presentation, read loudly and clearly, speak at an appropriate pace, listen attentively, and distinguish fact and opinions. Students will be able to show their knowledge of identifying the types of syllables, spelling multisyllabic words, recognizing high-frequency words, sensory adjectives, and 1 2 4 1 Please Do Nows Note-Taking Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking Technology Tools Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus in the strategy used Critical Thinking WG SG I WG SG I InsideNG.com Writing Rubric in the Assessment Handbook Presentation Rubric Rosetta Stone Study Guide Rosetta Stone Formative- Writing Rubric Summative- Assessment Rubric Student Self - Assessment- Student Rubric Formative- Study Guide Summative- opinion words, and understanding of key vocabulary. 23 (3/26) Students will be able to identify the types of syllables, spell multisyllabic words, recognize high-frequency words, sensory adjectives, and opinion words, and understand key vocabulary. Review Technology Tools 1 Assessment Technology Tools Student Self - Assessment- Unit 3 Quick Check WG SG I FormativeSummative- Unit 3 Quick Check Student Self - Assessment-