HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Mrs. Valentine Subject : ESL L.A. Level A Start Date(s): 11/16/15 Grade Level (s): 7 Building : HEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: “Set the Table” Essential Questions: - What does it mean to “set the table?” How can you express your ideas? How do you tell the difference between short and long vowel sounds? Standards: CC. 1.2.7.F: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade level readings and content, including interpretation of figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. CC.1.2.7.J: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. CC.1.2.7.K: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools. CC.1.3.7.E: Analyze how the structure or form of a text contributes to its meaning. CC.1.4.7.B: Identify and introduce the topic clearly, including a preview of what is to follow. CC.1.4.7.D: Organize ideas, concepts, and information using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; use appropriate transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts; provide a concluding statement or section; include formatting when useful to aiding comprehension. CC.1.4.7.F: Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of conventions of standard English grammar and spelling. CC.1.4.7.T: With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well a purpose have been addressed. CC.1.5.7.A: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions, on grade level topics, , texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. CC.1.5.7.G: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English when speaking based on grade 7 level and content. ELP Standards: R8.A.1: Classify visually supported vocabulary in context associated with various genres read within a small group. 1.4.8.A-C: Write phrases or short sentences using a graphic organizer. Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Students will analyze the sounds and spellings of short I, short u, ch, and tch and how to spell words with these sounds, recognize high frequency words, identify action verbs and adjectives, strategize how to use words about colors, shapes, sizes and foods, and understand key vocabulary. Assessment Method (check one) __X__ Rubric ___ Checklist __X__ Unit Test _X___ Group __X__ Student Self-Assessment __X__ Other (explain) Students will also be graded on the organization of their notebooks (PDN’s and notes), and also through their portfolios. Day 1 (1/12) 2 (1/14) 3 (1/16) (Personal Day) 4 (1/20) Objective (s) Students will learn about colors, shapes, sizes, and foods, interpret a visual image, strategize how build to preview and build background, use graphic organizers (mind map), generate ideas, make judgments, and describe through speaking. Students will listen actively, repeat spoken language, recite, express likes, describe, and use basic vocabulary: color, shape, and size words. Students will complete review activities concerning colors and descriptions to prepare for their quiz. DOK LEVEL 1 2 3 4 1 1 Activities / Teaching Strategies Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Graphic Organizer Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Please Do Nows Review Cooperative Learning Grouping DAILY PLAN WG SG I WG SG I Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) Practice Book p. 19 (Mind Map) Home-School Connection (Funny Food) Vocabulary Chart (Funny Foods p. 34) Rosetta Stone Formative- Ticket Out the Door Language CD 1, Track 5 Academic Language Frame 4 Vocabulary Routines 6 & 10 Practice Book p. 20 Multi-Level Strategies (Writing Support: Sentences) p. T37 Rosetta Stone Formative- Ticket Out the Door Review Activities Formative- Review Activities WG SG I SummativeStudent Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down SummativeStudent Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Students will show their knowledge of colors and 1 Please Do Nows Technology Tools WG Colors/Descriptions Quiz Rosetta Stone Formative- Colors/Descriptions Quiz descriptions, strategize how to describe, and use basic vocabulary: food words. Students will use present tense action verbs. 2 1 5 (1/22) Note-Taking Guided Practice Assessment Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share SG I WG SG I Language CD 1, Track 6 Vocabulary Routines 5 & 9 Multi-Level Strategies (Writing Support: Chants) p. T38 Practice Book p. 21 Rosetta Stone Multi-Level Strategies (Writing Support: Sentences) p. T38 Language Transfer Transparency 7 Practice Book p. 22 Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down 6 (1/26) 7 (1/28) 8 (1/30) ACT 80 Day Students will use words about foods, colors, shapes, and sizes, listen to a preview and a selection, recognize the career sketch genre, strategize how to activate prior knowledge, preview, and set a purpose, and interpret and analyze visuals. Students will read a selection, use words about foods, colors, shapes, and sizes, identify steps in a process, express likes, describe, and use action verbs. Students will recognize and spell high frequency words. 1 2 3 4 Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Graphic Organizers WG SG I Rosetta Stone Webs Theme Book CD 1, Track 3 Scaffold Language p. T41b-T41g Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down 1 2 1 9 (2/3) Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Graphic Organizers Please Do Nows Technology Tools Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking WG SG I WG SG I Rosetta Stone Sequence Chains Practice Book p. 23 Rosetta Stone Daily Practice PD51 Practice Book p. 24 Formative- Sequence Chain p. 41 Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down Students will recognize and spell high frequency words. 10 (2/5) 1 Please Do Nows Technology Tools Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking WG SG I Rosetta Stone Daily Practice PD51 Practice Book p. 25 Formative- Ticket Out the Door SummativeStudent Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down 11 (2/9) 12 (2/11) 13 (2/13) 15 (2/19) 16 (2/23) 17 (2/25) Students will develop phonemic awareness, isolate sounds, associate sounds and spellings /i/i, blend sounds to decode words, and spell words with short i. Students will develop phonemic awareness, isolate sounds, associate sounds and spellings /u/u, blend sounds to decode words, and spell words with short u. Students will develop phonemic awareness: listen for rhyming words: blend onset and rime, associate sounds and symbols: phonograms –ig, -it, -in, -ug, -un, -up, and blend sounds to decode words. Students will develop phonemic awareness: blend onset and rime, associate sounds and symbols: /i/i, /u/u, /ch/ch, tch, blend sounds to decode words, and spell words with short i, short u, ch, and tch. Students will associate sounds and spellings: /i/i, /u/u, /ch/ch, /tch/tch, blend sounds to decode words, recognize high frequency words, strategize how to activate prior knowledge, analyze how to use text features: captions, and read with phrasing, accuracy, and rate. Students will use negative sentences, use present tense verbs (am, is, are), and strategize subject/verb agreement. 1 1 1 1 Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I Rosetta Stone Reading Routine 1 p. T44a Transparency 16: Short i Decodable Passage 4: Dip Tips p.337 Script 16 Procedure p. T44b Formative- Ticket Out the Door Rosetta Stone Reading Routine 1 p. T44c Transparency 17: Short u Decodable Passage 5: Jim and Big Gus p. 338 Script 17 Procedure p. T44d Practice Book p. 26-27 Formative- Ticket Out the Door Rosetta Stone Transparency 18: Short I and Short u Phonograms Decodable Passage 6: Dig into a Bun Script 18 Procedure p. T44f Practice Book p. 28-29 Formative- Ticket Out the Door Rosetta Stone Language CD 1, Track 7 Multi-Level Strategies (Blending Review) Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down 1 3 4 1 3 Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Cooperative Learning Whisper Reading Partner Reading Group Reading Choral Reading Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice WG SG I Rosetta Stone Fluency Models and Selection Readings CD, Track 2 Practice Book p. 30 Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down WG SG I Rosetta Stone Multi-Level Strategies (Writing Support: Negative Sentences) Language Transfer Transparency 8 Practice Book p. 31 Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down 18 (2/27) Students will use content-area vocabulary: classify, picture chart, list, categories, labels and use text-features : picture charts and category labels. 1 Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Rosetta Stone “Think It Over” WG SG I Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down 19 (3/3) 20 (3/5) Students will use key vocabulary, strategize how to build background, and respond to visuals. Students will recognize the essay genre, strategize how to preview, comprehend how to classify, and interpret and analyze visuals. 1 1 2 3 4 Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Graphic Organizers Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice WG SG I WG SG I Rosetta Stone Cultural Perspectives (Food Around the World) p. T50 Vocabulary Routines 7 & 9 p. T51 Word Web Practice Book p. 32-33 Formative- Ticket Out the Door Rosetta Stone Fluency Models and Selection Readings CD Track 11 Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down 21 (3/9) Students will use key vocabulary, strategize how to set a purpose, analyze how to use text features: picture charts , category labels, captions, and labels, comprehend how to classify and summarize, express likes, and write in response to literature. Students will analyze a student model: How-To Card and plan and write. 1 2 3 4 3 22 (3/11) Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Graphic Organizer Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Pre-Writing WG SG I Rosetta Stone Multi-Level Strategies (Reading and Language Support) Academic Language Frame 6 Mind Map Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down WG SG I Rosetta Stone Multi-Level Strategies (Planning Support) Practice Book p. 34 Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down 23 (3/13) Students will revise and share, reflect on their writing, use action verbs , capitalize the first word in a sentence, speak clearly, and listen attentively. 1 Please Do Nows Technology Tools Critical Thinking Revising WG SG I Rosetta Stone Presentation Rubric Practice Book p. 35 Formative- Presentation Rubric Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down Students will show their understanding of Unit 2 vocabulary and concepts. 1 Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice 24 (3/17) Rosetta Stone Study Guide WG SG I Formative- Study Guide Summative- Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down 25 (3/19) Students will show their knowledge of Unit 2 vocabulary and concepts. 1 Assessment Technology Tools Unit 2 Quick Check Rosetta Stone SG I FormativeSummative- Unit 2 Quick Check Student Self - AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down