HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Mrs. Valentine Subject : ESL L.A. Level A Start Date(s): 9/2/15 Grade Level (s): 7 Building : HEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: “Foundations of Reading" Essential Questions: - How do you identify a vowel? What are the long and short vowel sounds? How do you identify a consonant? What sounds do consonants make? Where is the initial sound of a word located? Where is the final sound of a word located? Why are high-frequency words important? Standards: CC. 1.2.7.F: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade level readings and content, including interpretation of figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. CC.1.2.7.J: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. CC.1.2.7.K: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools. CC.1.3.7.E: Analyze how the structure or form of a text contributes to its meaning. CC.1.4.7.B: Identify and introduce the topic clearly, including a preview of what is to follow. CC.1.4.7.D: Organize ideas, concepts, and information using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; use appropriate transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts; provide a concluding statement or section; include formatting when useful to aiding comprehension. CC.1.4.7.F: Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of conventions of standard English grammar and spelling. CC.1.4.7.T: With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well a purpose have been addressed. CC.1.5.7.A: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions, on grade level topics, , texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. CC.1.5.7.G: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English when speaking based on grade 7 level and content. ELP Standards: R8.A.1: Classify visually supported vocabulary in context associated with various genres read within a small group. 1.4.8.A-C: Write phrases or short sentences using a graphic organizer. Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Students will develop phonemic awareness, isolate sounds, count words in sentences/match initial sounds, associate sounds and spellings, say and spell consonant and vowel sounds, blend sounds to decode words, create rhyming words, match/identify sounds, and analyze long and short vowel sounds. Assessment Method (check one) __X__ Rubric ___ Checklist __X__ Unit Test __X__ Group __X__ Student Self-Assessment __X__ Other (explain) Students will also be graded on the organization of their notebooks (PDN’s and notes), and also through their portfolios for Literacy Groups. Day Objective (s) 1 Students will develop phonemic awareness: isolate sounds; count words in sentences/match initial sounds, associate sounds and spellings /s/s, /m/m, /f/f, /h/h, /t/, /a/a, and spell consonant and vowel sounds. 2 3 Students will develop phonemic awareness; isolate sounds; match initial sounds/match final sounds; associate sounds and spellings /a/a; blend sounds to decode words; and spell words with short a. Students will develop phonemic awareness; isolate sounds; count DOK LEVEL 3 3 Activities / Teaching Strategies Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Literacy Groups Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Literacy Groups Please Do Nows Technology Tools Grouping DAILY PLAN WG SG I WG SG I WG Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) Reading Routine 1 Sound/Spelling Cards 1-6 Transparency 1: Letters and Sounds Practice Book p. F2-F3 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative-Ticket out the Door Sound/Spelling Card 6 Reading Routine 1 Transparency 2: Blending Letter Tiles for: a, f, h, m, s, S, t Practice Book p. F7 (story)-F9 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Reading Routine 1 Sound Spelling Cards 7-11 Formative- Ticket Out the Door SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips Formative- Ticket Out the Door words in sentences/match initial sounds; associate sounds and spellings /n/n, /l/l, /p/p, /g/g, /i/i; and spell consonant and vowel sounds. 4 5 6 7 8 Students will develop phonemic awareness: isolate sounds; match initial sounds/match final sounds; associate sounds and spellings /i/i; blend sounds to decode words; and spell words with short i. Students will develop phonemic awareness: isolate sounds; count words in a sentence/match initial sounds; associate sounds and spellings /r/r, /d/d, /k/c, /v/v, /o/o; and spell constant and vowel sounds. Students will develop phonemic awareness; isolate sounds; match initial sounds/match final sounds, associate sounds and spellings /o/o. blend sounds to decode words, and spell words with short o. Students will develop phonemic awareness: isolate sounds; match initial sounds, associate sounds and spellings /j/j, /b/b, /w/w, /k/k. /e/e, and spell consonant and vowel sounds. Students will develop phonemic awareness: isolate sounds; create rhyming words, associate sounds and spellings /e/e, blend sounds to decode words, and spell words with short e. 3 3 3 3 3 3 Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Literacy Groups Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Literacy Groups Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Literacy Centers SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Literacy Centers WG SG I Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Literacy Centers WG SG I Transparency 3: Letters and Sounds "I Spy" Practice Book p. F10-F11 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Sound/Spelling Card 11 Reading Routine 1 Transparency 4: Blending Letter Tiles: a, f, g, h, i, m, n, p, s, t. Practice Book p. F15 (story)-F17 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Sound/Spellings Card 12-16 Reading Routine 1 Transparency 5: Letters and Sounds "I Spy" Practice Book p. F18-F19 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Reading Routine 1 Sound/Spelling Card 16 Transparency 6: Blending Letter Tiles for: a, d, h, i, n, o, p, t Practice Book p. F23 (story)-F25 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Reading Routine 1 Sound/Spelling Cards 17-21 Transparency 7: Letters and Sounds "I Spy" Practice Book p. F26-F27 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Summative- Reading Routing 1 Sound/Spelling Card 21 Transparency 8: Blending Letter Tiles for: a, b, d, e, E, m, n, o, p, r, t Practice Book p. F31 (story)-F33 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Ticket Out the Door Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips 9 10 11 12 Students will develop phonemic awareness: isolate sounds; match/identify sounds, associate sounds and spellings /z/z, /y/y, /u/u. /kw/qu, /ks/x, and spell consonant and vowel sounds. Students will develop phonemic awareness: isolate sounds; match initial sounds/match final sounds, associate sounds and spellings /u/u, blend sounds to decode words, and spell words with short u. Students will understand how to decode letters and sounds, spell words with short vowels, and recognize high frequency words. Students will strategize how to decode letters and sounds, spell words with short vowels, and recognize high frequency words. 3 3 3 3 Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Technology Tools Note-Taking Guided Practice Think-Pair-Share Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Technology Tools Literacy Centers Review Please Do Nows Technology Tools Literacy Centers Assessment WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I SG I Reading Routine 1 Sound/Spelling Cards 22-26 Transparency 9- Letters and Sounds "I Spy" Practice Book p. F34-F35 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Ticket Out the Door Reading Routine 1 Sound/Spelling Card 24 Transparency 10 Letter Tiles for: a, b, c, G, o, p, p, s, t, u Practice Book p. F39 (story)-F41 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Ticket Out the Door Study Guide PowerPoint Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Study Guide Foundations of Reading Assessment Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips Formative- Foundations of Reading Assessment Summative- Student Self - Assessment- How well do I understand things strips