HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Danielle Pavlick Subject : Science Start Date(s): 1/4/16 Grade Level (s): 6 Building : Maple Manor Unit Plan Unit Title: Unit D Earth in the Universe Essential Questions: -What is rotation and revolution? -How does Earth move in relation to the sun? -How does the Earth move in relation to the moon? -What are the phases of the moon? -What is a solar and a lunar eclipse? -How does the moon affect tides? -What is gravity’s role in the solar system? -What is gravity’s role in the universe? -What is a planet? -What planets are in our solar system? -What are the inner planets and their characteristics? -What are the outer planets and their characteristics? -What are the basic types of stars? -What is Earth’s sun classified as? -What is a comet? -What is an asteroid? -What is a meteoroid? -What is a constellation? -How do the positions of stars and constellations change in relation to the Earth during an evening? -How do the position of stars and constellations change in relation to the Earth month to month? -What equipment and instruments are used to explore the universe? -What are some significant accomplishments and contributions provided by selected past and present scientists in the field of astronomy? -What are some space program efforts to investigate possibilities of living in space and on other planets? Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject) Science- S8.D.3.1 Explain the relationships between and among objects of our solar system. ELA- CC.1.2.6.B Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and/or generalizations drawn from text. CC.1.2.6.C Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text. CC.1.2.6.E Analyze the author’s structure through the use of paragraphs, chapters, sections. CC.1.2.6.J Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or a phrase important to comprehension or expression. CC.1.2.6L Read and comprehend literary non-fiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently. CC.1.2.6.G Integrate information presented in different media formats (e.g. visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue. CC.8.5.6-8.D Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to science. CC.8.5.6-8G Integrate visual information (e.g. charts, graphs, photographs, videos, maps) with other information in print and digital texts. Summative Unit Assessment : Lesson Quizzes, Chapter Tests, Unit Test, Projects, Group Activities Summative Assessment Objective Students will analyze information by identifying the key concepts from Chapters 12 and 13. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __x__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day 1 2 Objective (s) Students will identify the largest member of the solar system; clarify how the sun provides the energy needed to sustain life; recognize that earth’s revolution around the sun and the tilt of its axis are responsible for the change in seasons; understand that the cycle of day and night is caused by earth’s rotation about it’s axis. Students will exhibit how earth’s revolution around the sun and the tilt of its DOK LEVEL 2 3 Activities / Teaching Strategies Indirect Instruction, Interactive Instruction, Experimental instruction Grouping DAILY PLAN S Materials / Resources graphic organizer, textbook, student notebook Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- think-pair-share Turn and talk Summative- Think-pair-share Cause and effect graphic organizer 2 Direct Instruction Teacher inquiry; think aloud; small group; Student Self - self- assessment in journals Graphic organizer , textbook, student W notebook s Formative- graphic organizer Summative- 3 4 5 6 7 axis are responsible for the change in seasons and how earth’s rotation causes the cycle of night and day; understand that the apparent motion of constellations is due to earth’s rotation. Students will apply concepts learned in Lesson 1 on a quiz with at least an 85% accuracy. Students will recognize that a constellation is a pattern of stars visible from Earth and that some constellations are visible only in one hemisphere or in certain parts of the year. Students will research various constellations visible on the northern hemisphere and choose one constellation to exhibit. Students will recognize the role of Earth’s moon in conjunction with the Earth and Sun; chart out the phases of the moon; describe the relative positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon during Solar and Lunar Eclipses Students will evaluate the effects of solar and lunar eclipses; understand that planetary transits occur when a planet passes between Earth and Sun; chart out solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, and planetary transit including an explanation for each. We will all compare and discoverylearning Student Self - Assessmentjournaling 3 Indirect Instruction Teacher Inquiry Guided Practice Formative S w SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- 1 2 3 Interactive Instruction I s Quiz, rock samples, textbook, student notebook Sm group, compare/contrast FormativeSummative- Lesson 1 Quiz Student Self - Assessment- 3 Interactive Instruction S Textbook, student notebook, props w Sm group, role play Formative- role play activity Summative- Student Self - Assessment- 1 2 3 Independent study s Stations materials Learning centers in small groups Formative- station assignments Summative- Student Self - Assessmentjournaling 1 Quiz Formative- contrast the different tides on Earth associated with the moons gravitational pull. 2 3 Direct Instruction I Reading, listening, writing Summative- lesson 2 Quiz Student Self - Assessment- 8 Students will apply concepts learned in Lesson 3 on a quiz with at least an 85% accuracy. 2 3 Independent Study I Computers Student noteooks Formative- learning log Summative- Computer assisted Rock/Mineral activities Student Self - Assessmentjournaling (self reflection) 9 We will review all concepts learned throughout chapter to prepare for chapter test. 1 2 3 Direct Instruction test Formative- I Reading, writing, listening Summative- Test Student Self - Assessment- 10 We will apply all concepts learned from chapter in a test with at least 85% accuracy 3 Experimental instruction Sharing observations with classmates of fossil examples s Fossils Journals Student notebook textbook FormativeSummative- Student Self - Assessment11 We will all participate in a kinesthetic learning activity to demonstrate Earth’s tides. 1 2 3 Independent Study Summative- We will discuss current even topics. 12 Formative- Student Self - Assessment3 FormativeSummative- Student Self - Assessment2 ; Formative Summative- 13 Student Self - Assessment 14 1 2 Formative- 3 Summative- quiz Student Self - Assessment- 3 15 FormativeSummativeStudent Self - Assessment-