Teacher Name : Danielle Pavlick Subject : Social Studies Proposed Dates: 9/14/2015 Grade Level (s) 6th Building :Maple Manor Elementary Middle School Unit Plan Unit Title: Early Civilizations and Cultures Essential Questions: How do we use archaeology to learn about early peoples? What led to the development of communities during the Stone Age? How do we use archaeology to learn about different cultures? Who were the first people to develop a civilization in the Fertile Crescent? How did Mesopotamian civilizations flourish between 3500BC and 2000BC? How did new empires advance by adopting earlier cultures? How do religions influence cultures? Standards: CC.1.2.6.B: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and/or generalizations drawn from the text. CC.1.2.6.C: Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text. CC.1.2.6.E: Analyze the author’s structure through the use of paragraphs, chapters, or sections CC.1.2.6.J: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression CC.1.2.6.L: Read and comprehend literary non-fiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently. CC.1.2.6.G: Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g. visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue. CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. Summative Unit Assessment : Chapter Test/Unit Test/Quizzes/Projects Summative Assessment Objective Students Will- Students will analyze information by identifying the sequence of events in Chapters 1 and 2. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist _X_ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day 1 Objective (s) DOK LEVEL Students will define and 1 recall chapter 1 and 2 2 vocabulary words and use each of them in a sentence that relates to the lesson content with 80% accuracy. Activities / Teaching Strategies Group ing DAILY PLAN Direct Instruction: Writing vocabulary definitions in notebook. Think-Pair-Share, Flash Cards, Drill and practice. I W S W S Students will display the events in the lesson in their correct time order by creating a human time line with 90% accuracy. 1 2 3 Direct, Interactive, and Indirect Instruction: Sequence, Presentation using a human time line, Think-Pair-Share. Students will display the events in the lesson in their correct time order by creating a human time line with 90% accuracy. 2 3 4 Interactive and Indirect Instruction: T-Charts, Q and A, generate alternatives, relate to real world experiences. Materials / Resources Textbook, index cards, student notebook Index Cards with specific event on each one, sm groups, textbook 2 3 4 Students will explain why we still do not know who the first Americans were. 3 4 Direct Instruction: Reflective discussion W S W Textbook, student notebook, group activity using artifacts from school cafeteria, nurse’s office, regular classroom, library to determine where they came from. Textbook, notebook Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- Observation, Visual representations, choral response. Summative – Vocabulary quiz. Student Self- Assessment Reviewing with vocabulary flash cards. Formative: Students getting in the correct sequential order, forming a human timeline, response cards. Summative- Test, Timeline worksheet. Student Self – Each individual student in line explaining his/her position in time line. Formative- Lesson Review questions, Think-PairShare, observation during group activity. Summative- Test Formative-lesson review Summative- test Direct Instruction: Reading, Listing, Think-Pair-Share 5 6 7 8 Students will list at least three characteristics of the Stone Age and give examples for each. Students will explain how the domestication of crops and animals change the way people lived, using the terms “social division” and “surplus”. Students will explain how we know animals were domesticated during the Stone Age with 80% accuracy. Students will interpret information in a parallel time line with 85% accuracy. 9 Students will describe how complex cultures developed. 10 Students will explain at 1 2 Textbook, notebook. W S Direct and Indirect Instruction: Cause/effect, relate to real world experiences. W Formative-Review questions from lesson. Summative- Test Handout, questions Formative- Review questions from handout. Summative- Test 3 Direct and Indirect Instruction: Inferencing, comparing, connecting to real life experiences Textbook, notebook. W Formative - Class discussion, Lesson Review questions. Summative - Test 2 2 Direct Instruction: Compare and Contrast events on the time line, using a parallel time line, applying information from time line Direct Instruction: Main Idea and Details (graphic organizer) Direct Instruction: W I S W Textbook, worksheet packet Formative – Worksheet Summative - Test Textbook Formative – Class discussion, Lesson Review ques. Summative - Test Textbook Formative – Lesson least 2 things that encouraged the development of cultures in the Americas. 11 12 13 14 15 Students will design their own Cave Art and explain why it tells us the most about a culture. Students will infer how landforms and climate influence culture and give at least one example. Students will explain how Mesopotamian civilization began and grew using three possible ways. Students will list and explain the 3 main significant achievements in technology and invention in early Mesopotamia that advanced their civilization. Students will list and describe at least three contributions made by the Babylonians to other civilizations. 2 Structured overview, connecting to real world experiences. W Review ques. Summative - Test Indirect and Indirect Instruction: 2,3,4 Student-created Cave Art, Writing to Inform 3 2 1,2 Direct Instruction: Inferencing Direct Instruction: Cause/Effect, Guided and shared reading, thinking. W I Textbook, Poster of Cave Formative – Cave Art Art, Paper Bag, drawing/writing project. crayons/colored pencils, Summative - Test index card. Textbook Formative – Quick Writes, Lesson review questions Summative - Test Textbook Formative – Lesson Review ques. W S W S Direct Instruction: Structured overview. Textbook Summative - Test Formative – Lesson Review ques. W Summative - Test 1,2 Direct Instruction: Making generalizations Textbook Formative – Lesson Review ques., T-Chart W Summative - Test 16 17 Students will compare and 2,3,4 Interactive/Indirect Instruction contrast the three rulers Compare/Contrast, Reading for Meaning, of the Babylonian and Think-Pair-Share Assyrian empires in groups with 80% accuracy. Students will list and Direct Instruction: explain the contributions 1,2 Connecting to real world (alphabet, of the Phoenicians and coins) Lydians. W S W Textbook, T-Chart Worksheet to record information about the ruler they were assigned. Textbook, worksheet, “Design a Coin” project. Formative – Group activity rubric, Lesson review ques. Summative - Test Formative – Coin project, Lesson review questions. Summative - Test