HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Joyce Chik Subject : ESL Start Date(s): May Grade Level (s): 3 Building : West Hazleton Elementary Middle School Unit Plan Unit Title: Let’s Work Together Unit 4 Essential Questions: What’s the best way to get things done? What is a multiple meaning word? What are context clues? How do I express needs, wants and feelings? Standards: CC.1.1.3.D Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. • Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. • Decode words with common Latin suffixes. • Decode multisyllable words. • Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. CC.1.1.3.E Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension: • Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. • Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. • Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. CC.1.2.3.F Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade level text, distinguishing literal from non-literal meaning as well as shades of meaning among related words. CC.1.2.3.K Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade level reading and content; choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools. CC.1.2.3.L Read and comprehend literary non-fiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently. CC.1.3.3.I Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools. Summative Unit Assessment : Vocabulary Quiz, Notebooks Summative Assessment Objective Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric _X__ Checklist __X__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment Students will identify vocabulary words. Students will ask and answer questions. Students will read and comprehend grade level material. Students will identify the multiple meaning words. __X__ Other (explain)System 44 Reports, Vocabulary Word Quiz Day Objective (s) Students will preview and predict what Unit 4 is about. 1 Students will build background and discuss the unit. DOK LEVEL 1 2 3 4 Activities / Teaching Strategies Whole group - discuss objectives and what we learned. Grouping DAILY PLAN Independent Large group Small group Small group –preview and predict what the unit is about. Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) Computers Formative- Scholastic Software Summative- observation Reach Book Student Self - AssessmentThumbs up, thumbs down. Scholastic Software Formative- Reach book D Vocabulary cards notebooks Summative- Observation, Small group –build background interactive. (video) Students will utilize system 44 software. Students will comprehend grade level vocabulary. Students will utilize system 44 software. 1 2 3 4 2 Independent – System 44 software Whole group - discuss objectives and introduce vocabulary. Small group – song on page 210 Independent Large Small notebooks Small group – write key words in notebooks Students will utilize Rosetta Stone. Students will comprehend grade level vocabulary. 3 Students will utilize System 44 software. Student Self - Assessment- Ticket out the door Independently – utilize System 44 software 1 2 Whole group – discuss objectives and what we learned Independent Large Small Computers Formative- Scholastic Software Summative- Observation, foldables notebooks Small group –finish writing vocabulary in notebooks Reach book D Small group – vocabulary foldables Practice master 2.2 Student Self - AssessmentThumbs up thumbs down Independently – utilize System 44 software Students will understand multiple meaning words. Students will utilize System 44 software. 1 2 3 4 Whole group - discuss objectives and what we learned Independent Large Small Small group –write several examples of multiple meaning words. Computers Formative- Scholastic Software Summative- Observation. notebooks Reach book D 4 Notebooks Small group –discuss multiple meaning words using English at Your Command. Students will identify and use multiple meaning words correctly.. 5 1 2 3 4 Students will utilize System 44 software. Independently – utilize System 44 software Whole group - discuss objectives and what we learned English at your Command. Independent Large Small Small group – play scoot using multiple meaning words. Computers Formative- Scholastic Software Summative- Observation, Scoot game Rosetta Stone Software Small group – draw pictures of multiple meaning words. Rosetta Stone Software Student Self - Assessment- Pat yourself on the back English at Your Command Student Self - Assessment- Pat yourself on the back Scoot Game Students will comprehend the different meanings of multiple meaning words. 6 1 2 3 4 Students will utilize Rosetta Stone Software.. Independently – utilize System 44 software Whole group - discuss multiple meaning words.. Small group –write sentences with multiple meaning words. Independent Large group Small group Computers Formative- Scholastic Software Summative- observation Rosetta Stone Software Student Self - AssessmentThumbs up, thumbs down. Independent group –Rosetta Stone Software. Notebooks Independent – System 44 software Students will utilize system 44 software. Students will use a dictionary correctly. Students will utilize system 44 software. 7 1 2 3 4 Students will utilize Rosetta Stone. Whole group - discuss objectives and discuss the use of the dictionary.. Small group – look up multiple meaning words and discuss their meanings. Independent Large Small Scholastic Software Formative- Rosetta Stone Software Summative- Observation, Dictionaries Independently – utilize Rosetta Stone System 44 software Student Self - Assessment- Ticket out the door Scholastic Software Formative- Rosetta Stone Software Summative- Observation, Independently – utilize System 44 software Students will use a dictionary correctly. 8 Students will utilize system 44 software. 1 2 3 4 Whole group - discuss objectives and discuss the use of the dictionary.. Small group – look up multiple meaning words and discuss their meanings. Independent Large Small Dictionaries Student Self - Assessment- Ticket Students will utilize Rosetta Stone. Students will understand multiple meaning words. Students will utilize System 44 software. Independently – utilize Rosetta Stone 1 2 3 4 Independently – utilize System 44 software Whole group - discuss objectives and what we learned System 44 software Independent Large Small Small group –Write several examples of multiple meaning words. out the door FormativeEnglish at your Command. Summative- Observation. rubric Graphic organizer 9 Task cards Small group –use task cards Student Self - Assessment- Pat yourself on the back Multiple Meaning Word rubric Small group –complete graphic organizer Students will identify and use multiple meaning words correctly.. 10 Students will utilize System 44 software. Rosetta Stone Software 1 2 3 4 Whole group - discuss objectives and what we will learn Independent Large Small Computers Formative- Scholastic Software Summative- Observation, Scoot game Small group – play scoot using multiple meaning words. Rosetta Stone Software Independently – utilize System 44 software Scoot Game Student Self - Assessment- Pat yourself on the back