HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Fegley Subject : ELA Proposed Dates: 1/27/16-3/11/16 Building : WHEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: Changes Outside My Door Essential Questions: How do we measure time? How do plants change as they grow? How is life different than it was long ago? What changes do you see occurring outside your door? How can we make our world better? How do we get our food? Standards: PA Core Standards CC.1.1.1.B Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print CC.1.1.1.C Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds CC.1.1.1.D Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words CC.1.1.1.E Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension CC.1.2.1.A Identify main idea and retell key details of text CC.1.2.1.B Ask and answer questions about key details in a text Grade Level (s): First Grade CC.1.2.1.C Describe connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text CC.1.2.1.E Use various text features and search tools to locate key facts or information in a text CC.1.2.1.G Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas CC.1.2.1.H Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text CC.1.2.1.J Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being read to, and responding to texts, including words that signal Connections and relationships between words and phrases CC.1.3.1.A Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson CC.1.3.1.B Ask and answer questions about key details in a text CC.1.3.1.C Describe characters, settings, major events in a story, using key details CC.1.3.1.D Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text CC.1.3.1.E Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide range of text types CC.1.3.1.G Use illustrations and details in a story to describe characters, setting, or events CC.1.3.1.H Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories CC.1.4.1.F Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling CC.1.4.1.M Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events CC.1.4.1.N Establish who and what the narrative will be about CC.1.4.1.O Include thoughts and feelings to describe experiences and events CC.1.4.1.P Recount two or more appropriately sequenced events using temporal words to signal event order and provide some sense of closure CC.1.4.1.Q Use a variety of words or phrases CC.1.4.1.R Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the convections of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling CC.1.4.1.X Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting, or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences CC.1.5.1.A Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups CC.1.5.1.B Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking/answering questions about key Details and requesting clarification if something is not understood CC.1.5.1.C Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather information or clarify something that is not understood CC.1.5.1.D Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly CC.1.5.1.E Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation CC.1.5.1.G Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English when speaking, based on Grade 1 level and content Summative Unit Assessment : Unit 3 Assessment, McGraw Hill Summative Assessment Objectives Assessment Method (check one) Students will demonstrate understanding of phonemic awareness (phoneme blending/segmentation and phoneme substitution), phonics (long vowels CVCe; soft c; high-frequency words), comprehension skills (plot; sequence; cause and effect; connections within text; compare and contrast; text features- diagrams and bold print) and language conventions (present-tense verbs; past tense verbs; is and are; contractions with not; commas in a series; verbs with -s) with 85% accuracy on Unit 3 Assessment. ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __X__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) DAILY PLAN Objective (s) Students will- review and discuss essential question with a peer DOK LEVEL 1 Grouping Day Activities / Teaching Strategies Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction 2 W - Text pages T8-T-19 (Week 1 Day 1) Use as guide 3 Students will- use problem solving strategy make and confirm predictions to demonstrate understanding of a text Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with long a (CVCe) from the list provided 1 Students will- correctly spell words with long a using whiteboards with less than 2 errors Students will- read high-frequency words away, now, some, today, way, why and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- read decodable text with 2 or less errors with a partner Students will- correctly identify and circle verbs in a sentence with 2 or less errors S I Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- use problem solving strategy make and confirm predictions to demonstrate understanding of a text 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction 2 W - Text pages T20-29 (Week 1 Day 2) use as guide 3 S Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning I Students will- correctly add a phoneme in a word orally without error Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- correctly read contractions with not orally and/or write in a sentence without error 2 Students will- reread “Nate the Snake is Late” with a partner and describe characters, setting, events and complete graphic organizer Students will- correctly identify verbs in a sentence orally without error Students will- correctly place commas in a series with 2 or less errors Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with long a (CVCe) from the list provided 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction 2 W - Text pages T30-37 (Week 1 Day 3) Use as guide 3 3 Students will- correctly use contractions with not orally and/or I Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning in a sentence without error SummativeS Students will- spell long a words from a spelling list with less than 2 errors Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- apply comprehension skill characters, setting, events to discuss fantasy story “On My Way to School” using a graphic organizer Students will- use text evidence to retell story with help of peers and/or teacher Students will- compare ways to tell time in nonfiction text 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction 2 W S - Text pages T38-43 (Week 1 Day 4) use as guide 3 Students will- identify bold print and undertstand its purpose in nonfiction text with a partner I Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative4 Students will- correctly identify a phoneme in a group of words orally without error Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- correctly identify and circle verb or verbs in a sentence with 2 or less errors Students will- make text connections about time using graphic organizer with help from teacher 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction W 2 - Text pages T46-51 (Week 1 Day 5) use as guide 3 I Students will- write an analysis about one of the stories throughout the week to explain why author used characters, setting, and events to tell about time with help from teacher Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring S Formative-- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- spelling test – words with long a (CVCe) Weekly Skills Test 5 Students will- reread leveled readers in a small group or with a partner to build fluency/comprehension Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- demonstrate understanding of skills taught throughout week on Weekly Skills Test with 85% accuracy Students will- review and discuss essential question with a peer 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction W 2 - Text pages T86-T97 (Week 2 Day 1) use as guide 6 3 Students will- use problem solving strategy make and confirm predictions to demonstrate understanding of a text I Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Diagnostic Assessment Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with long i (CVCe) from the list provided Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- correctly spell words with long i words using whiteboards with less than 2 errors Students will- read high-frequency words green, grow, pretty, should, together, water and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- read decodable text with 2 or less errors with a partner Students will- correctly identify the present tense verb in a sentence with 2 or less errors 7 Students will- use problem solving strategy make and confirm predictions to demonstrate understanding of a text 1 2 W - Text pages T98-T107 (Week 2 Day 2) Use as guide 3 4 Students will- correctly delete a phoneme in a word to make a new Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction I Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- word orally without error S Student Self - Assessment- Students will- correctly plural nouns orally and/or in a sentence without error discussion Students will- reread “Time to Plant!” with a partner and describe plot sequence and complete graphic organizer with help from the teacher Students will- correctly identify present tense verbs in a sentence orally without error Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with long i from the list provided 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W - Text pages T108-T115 (Week 2 Day 3) Use as guide 3 Students will- correctly use plural nouns orally and/or in a sentence without error 4 I S 8 Students will- spell long i words from a spelling list with less than 2 errors Students will- apply comprehension skill sequence to discuss drama story “The Big Yuca Plant” using a graphic organizer Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- use text evidence to retell story with help of peers and/or teacher Students will- write draft about a story using sequence charts with help from teacher Students will- compare and contrast drama text and nonfiction text about how plants grow 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W - Text pages T116-T123 (Week 2 Day 4) use as guide 3 Students will- identify text feature diagram to find facts and information in a nonfiction text with a partner 9 Students will- correctly delete the phoneme to make a new word orally without error Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- revise opinion draft after conferencing with teacher Students will- make a flip book 4 I S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion about how plants change as they grow Students will- write final draft of opinion piece with less than 3 errors 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T124-T129 (Week 2 Day 5) use as guide 3 Students will- make text connections about buildings and what they are made of using graphic organizer with help from teacher S 4 Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- spelling test – long i words 10 Students will- write an analysis about one of the stories throughout the week using a sequence chart to explain how plants change and grow with help from teacher Student Self - AssessmentDiscussion; writing conferences Students will- reread leveled readers in a small group or with a partner to build fluency/comprehension Students will- review and discuss essential question with a peer 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T164-175 (Week 3 Day 1) Use as guide 3 11 Students will- use problem solving strategy make and confirm predictions to demonstrate understanding of a text Students will- identify and generate rhyme orally without S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading error journal Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with soft c and g from the list provided Students will- correctly spell words with soft c and g using whiteboards with less than 2 errors Students will- read high-frequency words any, from, happy, once, so, upon and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- read “The Nice Mitten” with a partner, identifying HF and soft c and g words Students will- correctly identify and circle past and future tense verbs in sentences with less than 2 errors 12 Students will- use problem solving strategy make and confirm predictions to demonstrate understanding of a text Students will- correctly segment phonemes orally without error 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ 2 W - Text pages T176-T185(Week 3 Day 2) Use as guide 3 I S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning interactive reading journal Students will- correctly add inflectional endings –ed and –ing to verbs and use orally in a sentence Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- identify plot/cause and effect in story “The Nice Mitten” and correctly list on graphic organizer with help from teacher Students will- correctly identify past and future tense verbs in sentences with less than 2 errors Students will- correctly blend phonemes orally with less than 2 errors 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T186-T193 (Week 3 Day 3) Use as guide 3 13 Students will- correctly add inflectional endings –ed and –ing to verbs and use orally in a sentence Students will- spell words with soft c and g from a spelling list with S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion less than 2 errors Students will- apply comprehension skill Cause and Effect to discuss folktale “The Gingerbread Man” with a partner Students will- use text evidence to retell story with help of peers and/or teacher Students will- write using past or future tense verbs with less than 2 errors Students will- compare and contrast folktale and nursery rhymes orally with a partner 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T194-201 (Week 3 Day 4) Use as guide 3 14 S Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal 15 Students will- write an analysis Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- correctly write sentences using past or future tense verbs with less than 2 errors Students will- make text connections between the stories read throughout the week using graphic organizer in a small group Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T202-207 (Week 3 Day 5) Use as guide 3 S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- spelling test – words using sentence frames to show how author used cause and effect with help from teacher interactive reading journal with soft c and g Weekly Skills Test Students will- reread leveled readers in a small group or with a partner to build fluency/comprehension Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- demonstrate understanding of skills taught throughout week on Weekly Skills Test with 85% accuracy Students will- review and discuss essential question with a peer Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction W I - Text pages T242-T253 (Week 4 Day 1) Use as guide S Students will- use problem solving strategy Reread to demonstrate understanding of a text 16 Students will- correctly segment phonemes orally without error Students will- blend at least 5 words with long o, long u, or long e (CVCe) from list displayed on projector Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- correctly spell words with long o or long u (CVCe) using whiteboards with less than 2 errors Students will- read high-frequency words ago, boy, girl, how, old, people and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- read “Life at Home” with a partner, identifying HF and long vowel (CVCe) words Students will- identify and use verbs is and are in sentences with less than 2 errors Students will- use problem solving strategy Reread to demonstrate understanding of a text 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T254-263 (Week 4 Day 2) Use as guide S Students will- correctly isolate phonemes orally without error 17 Students will- correctly blend and build words with long o, long u, or long e orally without error Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- use text evidence to compare and contrast events in the story “Life at Home” on a graphic organizer with a partner Students will- identify and circle is and are verbs in a sentence with less than 2 errors Students will- correctly blend and read at least 5 words with long vowels from a list provided 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T264-T271 (Week 4 Day 3) Use as guide 3 Students will- correctly decode two-syllable words orally without error (CVCe syllables) 18 Students will- spell words with long o and long u from a spelling list with less than 2 errors Students will- apply comprehension skill Compare and Contrast to discuss nonfiction text “Long Ago and Now” using a graphic organizer in interactive journal Students will- use text evidence to retell story with help of peers and/or teacher 4 S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- find circle is an d are verbs in sentences with less than 2 errors Students will- understand text feature captions as they read nonfiction text orally 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T272-279 (Week 4 Day 4) Use as guide 3 Students will- compare texts to determine how transportation has changed 19 S 4 Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- build words with long o, long u, or long e using word-building cards with less than 2 errors Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- make a report using a shutter foldable to compare and contrast an object we use today and what people long ago used instead with help from a partner/teacher in interactive journal 20 Students will- make connections between the stories read throughout the week using graphic organizer in a small group 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W - Text pages T280-285 (Week 4 Day 5) Use as guide 3 I Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; Formative-thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning S Students will- write an analysis using sentence frames to show how an author compared and contrasted information with help from teacher in interactive journal reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Summative- spelling test – words with long o or long u Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- reread leveled readers in a small group or with a partner to build fluency/comprehension Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- review and discuss essential question with a peer 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T320-331 (Week 5 Day 1) Use as guide 3 Students will- use problem solving strategy Reread to demonstrate understanding of a text S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative-thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- 21 Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with /oo/ sound from a list provided Students will- correctly spell words with /oo/ sound using whiteboards with less than 2 errors Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- read high-frequency words after, buy, done, every, soon, work and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- read “A Look at Breakfast” with a partner, identifying HF and words with /oo/ sounds Students will- correctly identify contractions with not in a sentence orally without error Students will- use problem solving strategy Reread to demonstrate understanding of a text 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T332-341 (Week 5 Day 2) Use as guide 3 Students will- correctly blend phonemes orally without error 22 Students will- blend and read words with /oo/ sound without error Students will- correctly add inflectional endings –ed and -ing to words and use orally in a sentence 4 S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- correctly sort words with –ook and –ood on a chart and read words chorally without error Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- make connections in informational text by using graphic organizer (sequencing) with help from partner/teacher Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with /oo/ sounds from a list provided without error 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T342-349 (Week 5 Day 3) Use as guide 3 Students will- spell words with /oo/ sounds from a spelling list with less than 2 errors 23 Students will- apply comprehension skill Sequence to discuss nonfiction text “From Cows to You” with a partner Students will- use text evidence to retell story with help of peers and/or teacher 4 S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal 24 Students will- use charts to find facts and details about a topic with help from teacher 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T350-T357 (Week 5 Day 4) Use as guide 3 Students will- correctly segment phonemes orally without error S 4 Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning SummativeStudents will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- identify contractions with not orally in a sentence Students will- make a flowchart to show how food is produced with support from peers and/or teacher 25 Students will- make connections between the stories read throughout the week using graphic organizer in a small group Students will- write an analysis using sentence frames to show how author used sequence to write about a topic with help from teacher Students will- reread leveled readers in a small group or with a partner to build 1 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction 2 W I - Text pages T358- 363(Week 5 Day 5) Use as guide 3 S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- spelling test –words with long o and long u Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal fluency/comprehension Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors 26 Students will- demonstrate understanding of skills taught in Unit 3 with 85% accuracy on Unit 3 Assessment 1 2 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction Overhead projector Formative- I 3 4 Summative- Unit 3 Assessment Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal