HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Fegley Subject : ELA Proposed Dates: Sept 14-Oct 23 Grade Level (s): First Grade Building : WHEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: Getting to Know You (Smart Start & Unit 1- McGraw Hill) Essential Questions: What do you do at your school? What makes you special? What is it like where you live? What makes a pet special? What do friends do together? How does your body move? Standards: PA Core Standards CC.1.1.1.B Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print CC.1.1.1.C Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds CC.1.1.1.D Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words CC.1.1.1.E Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension CC.1.2.1.A Identify main idea and retell key details of text CC.1.2.1.B Ask and answer questions about key details in a text CC.1.2.1.C Describe connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text CC.1.2.1.G Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas CC.1.2.1.H Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text CC.1.3.1.A Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson CC.1.3.1.B Ask and answer questions about key details in a text CC.1.3.1.C Describe characters, settings, major events in a story, using key details CC.1.3.1.D Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text CC.1.3.1.E Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide range of text types CC.1.3.1.G Use illustrations and details in a story to describe characters, setting, or events CC.1.3.1.H Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories CC.1.4.1.F Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling CC.1.5.1.A Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups CC.1.5.1.G Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English when speaking, based on Grade 1 level and content Summative Unit Assessment : Unit 1 Assessment, McGraw Hill Summative Assessment Objectives Students will demonstrate understanding of phonemic awareness (phoneme blending/segmentation and phoneme categorization), phonics (short vowels a, i, consonant blends l, r, s, high-frequency words), comprehension skills (key details and illustrations) and language conventions (sentences, word order, questions and exclamations) with 85% accuracy on Unit 1 Assessment. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __X__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day Objective (s) Students will- correctly form the letters b & l without error using lined whiteboards DOK LEVEL 1 2 3 Grouping DAILY PLAN Activities / Teaching Strategies Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction - Text pages S60-S63 (Week 2 Day 5 Smart Start) – Use as guide W I Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with /b/ & /l/ from the list provided 1 Assessment of Objective (s) Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- make a text-to-self and/or a text-to-world connection to the story “Jack and the Beanstalk” orally Students will- correctly form the letter k without error using lined whiteboards 2 Materials / Resources Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with /k/ from the list provided Students will- read high-frequency words are, me and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction - Text pages S64-S69 (Week 3 Day 1 Smart Start) Use as guide W I Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion word ring) Students will- correctly blend words when given segmented phonemes without error 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction - Text pages S70-S75 (Week 3 Day 2 Smart Start) Use as guide Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with short u from the list provided 3 W I Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring S SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- read high-frequency words she, with, for and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- retell 3 story details from read-aloud “The Tortoise and the Hare” with a partner Students will- correctly segment words phoneme by phoneme without error when given whole word 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction - Text pages S76-S81 (Week 3 Day 3 Smart Start) Use as guide W I Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring Students will- correctly form the letters g & w without error using lined whiteboards 4 Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with /g/ & /w/ from the list provided Students will- read high-frequency words and, have and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- correctly segment words phoneme by phoneme without error when given whole word 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction - Text pages S82-S87 (Week 3 Day 4 Smart Start) Use as guide W I S 5 Students will- correctly form the letters x, v, q without error using lined whiteboards Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with /ks/, /v/, /kw/ from the list provided Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring Formative-- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- read high-frequency words see, said, was and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- retell 3 details from nonfiction read-aloud “How Do We Get Around?” in a small group Students will- correctly identify rhyming words using photo cards without error 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction - Text pages S88-S93 (Week 3 Day 5 Smart Start) Use as guide W I Students will- correctly form the letters j, y, z without error using lined whiteboards 6 Practice Book; whiteboards; markers; word-building cards/letter tiles; sound-spelling cards; highfrequency word cards; overhead projector; computer; word ring Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Diagnostic Assessment Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with /j/, /y/, /z/ from the list provided Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- make a text-to-self and/or a text-to-world connection to the story “The Tortoise and the Hare” orally Students will- review and discuss essential question with a peer Students will- share 3 details using visual cues to complete chart 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T8-T19 (Week 1 Day 1) Use as guide W I S Students will- use problem solving strategy Visualize to demonstrate understanding of a text 7 Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with short a from the list provided Students will- correctly spell words with short a using whiteboards with less than 2 errors Students will- read high-frequency Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion words does, not, want, school and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- use problem solving strategy Visualize to demonstrate understanding of a text 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T20-T29 (Week 1 Day 2) Use as guide I Students will- correctly isolate a phoneme in a word orally without error 8 W S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- correctly use inflectional ending –s to verb orally and/or in a sentence without error Students will- find 3 key details in story “Jack Can” and correctly list on graphic organizer Students will- identify complete sentence (v. incomplete sentence) without error Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with short a from the list provided Students will- correctly use inflectional ending –s to verb orally and/or in a sentence without error Students will- spell short a words from a spelling list with less than 2 errors 9 Students will- apply comprehension strategy Use Key Details to discuss realistic fiction “Nat and Sam” using a graphic organizer Students will- use text evidence to retell story with help of peers and/or teacher Students will- write draft of personal narrative using graphic 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T30-T37 (Week 1 Day 3) Use as guide W I S SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion organizer Students will- compare and contrast literature and nonfiction text orally using Venn diagram 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T38-T43 (Week 1 Day 4) Use as guide W I S Students will- correctly isolate a phoneme in a word orally without error 10 Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - AssessmentDiscussion; writing conferences Students will- revise personal narrative draft after conferencing with teacher Students will- write final draft of personal narrative with less than 3 errors 11 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T46-T51 (Week 1 Day 5) Use as guide W I S Students will- reread leveled readers in a small group or with a partner to build fluency/comprehension Students will- review and discuss essential question with a peer Students will- use problem solving strategy Visualize to demonstrate understanding of a text Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with short i from the list provided on projector 12 Students will- correctly spell words with short i using whiteboards with less than 2 errors Students will- read high-frequency words down, out, up, very and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- read “Six Kids” with 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T86-T97 (Week 2 Day 1) Use as guide W I S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- short a spelling test Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal a partner, identifying HF and short i words Students will- rewrite sentences using correct punctuation with less than 2 errors using interactive reading journal Students will- use problem solving strategy Visualize to demonstrate understanding of a text 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ - Text pages T98-T107(Week 2 Day 2) Use as guide W I S Students will- correctly categorize words by focusing on medial sound orally without error 13 Students will- correctly identify by underlining double final consonants in word without error Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- find 3 key details in story “Six Kids” and correctly list on graphic organizer Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with short i from the list provided Students will- correctly identify by underlining double final consonants in word without error 14 Students will- spell short i words from a spelling list with less than 2 errors Students will- apply comprehension strategy Use Key Details to discuss fantasy “Go, Pip!” using a graphic organizer Students will- use text evidence to retell story with help of peers and/or teacher 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T108-T115(Week 2 Day 3) Use as guide W I S SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- write descriptive sentence about a place using correct punctuation and word order Students will- compare and contrast nonfiction text orally with a partner 15 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T116-T123(Week 2 Day 4) Use as guide W I S Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- create a Venn Diagram comparing two places in their community using interactive reading journal Students will- make connections between the stories read throughout the week using graphic organizer in a small group 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T124-129(Week 2 Day 5) Use as guide W I S Students will- write an analysis using sentence frames to show how author used key details with help from teacher Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning 16 SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Summative- spelling test – short i words Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- reread leveled readers in a small group or with a partner to build fluency/comprehension Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- review and discuss essential question with a peer Students will- use problem solving strategy Visualize to demonstrate understanding of a text 17 Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with l-blends from the list provided on projector Students will- correctly spell words with l-blends using whiteboards Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T164-T175(Week 3 Day 1) Use as guide W I S Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal with less than 2 errors Students will- read high-frequency words be, come, good, pull and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- read “A Pig for Cliff” with a partner, identifying HF and short i words Students will- rewrite sentences using correct punctuation and capitalization with less than 2 errors using interactive reading journal Students will- use problem solving strategy Visualize to demonstrate understanding of a text 1 2 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T176-185(Week 3 Day 2) Use as guide W I S Students will- correctly blend 3and 4-phoneme words orally without error Students will- correctly add plural –s to nouns and use in a sentence orally 18 Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Students will- correctly sort lblends on a chart and read words chorally without error Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- find 3 key details in story “A Pig for Cliff” and correctly list on graphic organizer Students will- correctly substitute initial phonemes orally without error 19 Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with l-blends from a list provided 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T186-T193(Week 3 Day 3) Use as guide W I S Summative- Students will- spell words with lblends from a spelling list with less than 2 errors leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative-thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Students will- apply comprehension strategy Use Key Details to discuss fantasy “Flip!” using a graphic organizer Students will- use text evidence to retell story with help of peers and/or teacher Students will- correctly identify and describe text feature labels in informational text orally 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T194-201(Week 3 Day 4) Use as guide W I S Students will- correctly build words with l-blends using word-building cards with 2 or less errors 20 Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- create a poster about a pet, including at least one illustration and explaining how to take care of pet/why pet is special with support from peers and/or teacher Students will- make connections between the stories read throughout the week using graphic organizer in a small group 21 Students will- write an analysis using sentence frames to show how author used key details with help from teacher Students will- reread leveled readers in a small group or with a partner to build fluency/comprehension Students will- read high-frequency 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T202-T207(Week 3 Day 5) Use as guide W I S SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Summative- spelling test – words with l-blends Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- review and discuss essential question with a peer 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T242-T253(Week 4 Day 1) Use as guide W I S Students will- use problem solving strategy Ask and Answer Questions to demonstrate understanding of a text Students will- correctly blend at least 5 short o words from a list provided 22 Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative-thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- correctly spell words with short o using whiteboards with less than 2 errors Students will- read high-frequency words fun, make, they, too and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- read “Toss! Kick! Hop!” with a partner, identifying HF and short i words Students will- identify question and exclamation sentences and use correct punctuation with less than 2 errors in their interactive reading journal Students will- use problem solving strategy Ask and Answer Questions to demonstrate understanding of a text 23 Students will- correctly segment 3and 4-phoneme words orally without error Students will- correctly write words from a list in alphabetical order without error Students will- correctly sort words with short o on a chart and read 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T254-263(Week 4 Day 2) Use as guide W I S Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal words chorally without error Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- find 3 key details in story “Toss! Kick! Hop!” and correctly list on graphic organizer Students will- rewrite question and exclamation sentences using correct punctuation in interactive reading journal with less than 2 errors Students will- correctly delete initial phonemes orally without error 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T264-T271(Week 4 Day 3) Use as guide W I S Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with short o from a list provided Students will- correctly write words from a list in alphabetical order without error 24 Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- spell words with short o from a spelling list with less than 2 errors Students will- apply comprehension strategy Ask and Answer Questions to discuss nonfiction text “Friends” with a partner Students will- use text evidence to retell story with help of peers and/or teacher 25 Students will- make connections between characters in the story “Friends” and in the poem “There are Days and There are Days” with a partner 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T272-T279(Week 4 Day 4) Use as guide W I S Students will- correctly build words with short o using word-building cards with 2 or less errors reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Summative- Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- rewrite question and exclamation sentences using correct punctuation in interactive reading journal with less than 2 errors 26 Students will- create a poster about a sport or game, including at least one illustration and 2-3 details about the sport or game with support from peers and/or teacher Students will- make connections between the stories read throughout the week using graphic organizer in a small group 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T280-T85(Week 4 Day 5) Use as guide W I S Students will- write an analysis using sentence frames to show how author used key details with help from teacher Summative- spelling test – short o words Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- reread leveled readers in a small group or with a partner to build fluency/comprehension Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors 27 Students will- review and discuss essential question with a peer Students will- use problem solving strategy Ask and Answer Questions to demonstrate understanding of a text Students will- correctly blend at 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T320-T331(Week 5 Day 1) Use as guide W I S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessment- least 5 words with r-blends and sblends from a list provided discussion; interactive reading journal Students will- correctly spell words with r-blends and s-blends using whiteboards with less than 2 errors Students will- read high-frequency words jump, move, run, two and use correctly in a sentence (words will be added to word ring) Students will- read “Move and Grin!” with a partner, identifying HF and short i words 28 Students will- rewrite sentences using correct capitalization and punctuation without error Students will- use problem solving strategy Ask and Answer Questions to demonstrate understanding of a text Students will- correctly segment 3and 4-phoneme words orally without error Students will- identify possessives in a sentence by underlining the word with ‘s Students will- correctly sort words with r-blends and s-blends on a chart and read words chorally without error Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- find 2 key details in nonfiction text with a partner Students will- rewrite question and exclamation sentences using correct punctuation in interactive reading journal with less than 2 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T332-T341(Week 5 Day 2) Use as guide W I S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal errors 29 Students will- correctly delete phonemes orally without error 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T342-349(Week 5 Day 3) Use as guide W I S Students will- correctly blend at least 5 words with s-blends and rblends from a list provided Students will- spell words with rblends and s-blends from a spelling list with less than 2 errors Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative-thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal Students will- apply comprehension strategy Ask and Answer Questions to discuss nonfiction text “Move It!” with a partner Students will- use text evidence to retell story with help of peers and/or teacher 30 Students will- use diagrams to compare two things orally Students will- correctly build words with r-blends and s-blends using word-building cards with 2 or less errors Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- rewrite statement, question, and exclamation sentences using correct punctuation in interactive reading journal with less than 2 errors Students will- create a visual record about a movement, including at least one illustration and 2 sentences about how their bodies move while performing the movement with support from peers and/or teacher 1 2 3 4 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T350-T357(Week 5 Day 4) Use as guide W I S Summative- Student Self - Assessmentdiscussion; interactive reading journal 31 Students will- make connections between the stories read throughout the week using graphic organizer in a small group Students will- write an analysis using sentence frames to show how author used key details with help from teacher Students will- reread leveled readers in a small group or with a partner to build fluency/comprehension Students will- read high-frequency words to a partner using word ring with less than 2 errors Students will- demonstrate understanding of skills taught in Unit 1 with 90% accuracy on Unit 1 Assessment 1 2 3 Direct Instruction/Teacher modeling/Interactive Instruction/ Indirect Instruction - Text pages T350-T357(Week 5 Day 5) Use as guide W I S Practice Book; visual vocabulary words; literature big book; whiteboards; markers; wordbuilding cards/letter tiles; overhead projector; computer; word ring; high-frequency word cards; reading/writing workshop book; leveled readers; graphic organizers; interactive reading journal Unit 1 Assessment Formative- thumbs up/down; choral response; think, pair, share; observation; questioning SummativeUnit 1 Assessment; spelling test – r-blends and s-blends Student Self - Assessmentquestion