February 1, 2016 Dear Heights Terrace band and chorus parents, We are excited to announce that we will be taking our first-ever, music department field trip at the end of this school year! The field trip is scheduled for Friday, June 3 rd, 2016. All eligible band and chorus students will travel to Lehigh University in Bethlehem to see a live ballet performance of The Carnival of the Animals, presented by the Ballet Guild of the Lehigh Valley. In order for a band or chorus student to be eligible to attend this field trip, several criteria must be met and maintained throughout the remainder of the school year. As you may know, the band and chorus students have had several fundraisers to aid in transportation costs for our upcoming trip. In order to attend the field trip, every student must participate in at least 1 fundraiser before the end of the school year. If the paperwork does not come home with your child, all fundraising paperwork, deadlines, and pick-up dates are always posted on my website. All monies that are raised during fundraisers are being utilized to provide bus transportation to and from the ballet. The cost to attend the ballet is only to cover the cost of the student ticket - $9.00 per student (due to Miss Gerhard by March 3rd, 2016.) Students can either bring a bagged lunch from home or get a bagged lunch through the cafeteria on the day of the trip (paperwork for this will be forthcoming.) The bus will stop at a community park on the way home, for students to eat and spend some free time before departing for normal school dismissal. Students must attend all band and chorus lessons and rehearsals in order to participate in the field trip. If a student has more than 2 unexcused absences before the end of the school year, they will not be permitted to attend the trip. In addition to this: a student must continue to show progress and musical growth on a weekly basis by maintaining a good practice routine at home and filling out and handing in weekly practice charts. In keeping with the grading and behavior policy, as set by HTEMS administration: a student who is failing a major subject will not be permitted to attend the field trip. Excessive detentions or suspensions for any student will also prohibit them from attending this trip. Please note that elementary students will need to be dropped off at school for 7:30am on the day of the field trip (June 3), as the performance begins at 10:00am. Students will be back to Heights Terrace by the end of the school day and will be able to take the bus (or walk) home, as usual. We will need several chaperones to attend the performance with us (as there is a large number of band and chorus students.) If you are interested in chaperoning and have the necessary volunteer clearances, please provide your name and a contact number/email address where we can contact you if you are needed to chaperone on this day. We are looking forward to a great musical experience for all of the band and chorus students. Please fill out the bottom portion of this letter and return it to school by February 12th. Please keep the top portion for your records. You may choose to include your $9.00 for your child’s ticket. If not, a letter will be coming home in the last week of February for all final payments. By signing below, I acknowledge that I am aware of the requirements for attending the band and chorus field trip. I am aware that I/my child will not be able to attend the trip if these guidelines are not met and maintained for the remainder of the school year. Student’s Name:_______________________________ Student’s Signature:_______________________________ Parent’s Name:________________________________ Parent’s Signature:________________________________ ____I have enclosed the $9.00 ticket fee for my child to attend the ballet on Friday, June 3 rd. Checks can be made payable to HTEMS PTA with the words “Music department field trip” in the memo line. Please put all money or checks in an envelope with your child’s name. ___I am available to chaperone the band/chorus field trip on June 3 rd and have the necessary volunteer clearances. Chaperone name:_______________________________ Phone number:__________________________________ Email address_________________________________________________________________________________