HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Mrs. Denicola Subject : science Start Date(s): Q4 Grade Level (s): 6 Building : MKEMS DAILY PLAN Unit Plan Unit Title: Global Weather Patterns C11 Essential Questions: What warms the earth’s surface and drives the water cycle? What are the layers in earth’s atmosphere? How do weather systems move from areas of high to low pressure? What is the Coriolis effect? How do jet streams steer weather? What is the greenhouse effect? How do meteorologists track storms? What conditions cause dangerous storms? How do storm systems form? Standards: PA Core Standards CC.8.5: Reading Informational Text: Students read, understand, and respond to informational text – with emphasis on comprehension, making connections among ideas and between texts with focus on textual evidence. CC.8.6: Writing: Students write for different purposes and audiences. Students write clear and focused text to convey a well-defined perspective and appropriate content. Summative Unit Assessment : chapter test Summative Assessment Objective Students will be able to compare and contrast storms discussed in this chapter. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __x__ Unit Test _x___ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment __x__ Other (explain) storm poster Objective (s) 1 Students will- be able to describe characteristics of earth’s water systems without error by checking a chart. 2 3 4 5 6 Students will- be able to describe characteristics of earth’s water systems without error by checking a chart. Students will- be able to describe characteristics of earth’s water systems without error by checking a chart. Students will- be able to describe how global weather patterns are influenced by high and low pressure systems without error by checking a chart. Students will- be able to describe how global weather patterns are influenced by high and low pressure systems without error by checking a chart. Students will- be able to describe how global weather patterns are influenced by high and low pressure systems without error by checking a chart. DOK LEVEL 1 2 1-3 Activities / Teaching Strategies ActivitiesRead and discuss Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction Grouping Day w Materials / Resources Textbooks, workbooks, computers and maps 2 Student Self - Assessment- ActivitiesDefine vocab Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction Indirect instruction w s Review activity Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction Guided practice W s Read and discuss Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction Independent practice W S I Define vocab Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction Textbooks, workbooks, and maps Review activity Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction Formative-verbal responses, thumbs up SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Textbooks, workbooks, computers and maps Formative- verbal responses, SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- FormativeSummative- Student Self - AssessmentTextbooks, workbooks, computers and maps W s FormativeSummative- Student Self - AssessmentTextbooks, workbooks, and maps 3 Formative-verbal responses Summative- Textbooks, workbooks, and maps 1 Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- w Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Day 7 Objective (s) Students will- be able to describe how meteorologists predict and track storms without error by checking a chart. DOK LEVEL 1 Activities / Teaching Strategies Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction Grouping DAILY PLAN w Materials / Resources Textbooks, workbooks, computers and maps Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- 8 9 10 Students will- be able to describe how meteorologists predict and track storms without error by checking a chart. Students will- be able to describe how meteorologists predict and track storms without error by checking a chart. Students will- be able to describe how meteorologists predict and track storms without error by checking a chart. Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction WSI Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction WSI Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction WSI Textbooks, workbooks, computers and maps FormativeSummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Textbooks, workbooks, computers and maps FormativeSummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Textbooks, workbooks, computers and maps FormativeSummative- Student Self - AssessmentStudents will- be able to describe the greenhouse effect. 11 Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction WSI Textbooks, workbooks, computers and maps FormativeSummative- Student Self - Assessment- 12 Students will- be able to recognize that unusual atmospheric conditions can cause dangerous weather. Peer reading Small group reading Teaching strategiesDirect instruction Test WSI Textbooks, workbooks, computers and maps FormativeSummative- Student Self - Assessment-