HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Danielle Mariano Subject : ELA Start Date(s): 11/11/2014 Grade Level (s): 4 Building : HTEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: Amazing Animals Essential Questions: Where do good ideas come from? How do your actions affect others? How do people respond to natural disasters? How can science help you understand how things work? How can starting a business help others? Standards: SL.4.1b, SL.4.2, SL.4.1c, RI.4.10, RI.4.4, RI.4.7, RI.4.2 RL.4.2 RL.4.3, RL.4.1 RL.4.10, RL.4.5, RL.4.4, RL.3.1, RL.4.6, RL.4.5, RL.4.9, RF.4.4b, RF.4.3a, RF.4.4c, RF.4.4a L.4.5c, L.4.3b, L.4.2d, L.4.4a, L.4.5c, L.4.6, L3.1a ,L.3.1c, L.3.1.b, L.3.4a, W.4.3a, W.4.3b, W.4.3d, W.4.2.B, W.4.10, W.4.4 L.4.5a, L.5.2a, L.3.4c, L.4.2a, L.4.3C, L.3.2d, L.4.4a, L.4.4b, Summative Unit Assessment : Theme Unit Test Summative Assessment Objective Students will be assessed on their understanding of key instructional content from the focus unit. The results of this assessment will provide a status of current achievement in relation to student progress through the CCSS-aligned curriculum. The results of this assessment can be used to guide instruction, aid in making leveling and grouping decisions, and determine areas in which reteaching or remediation is needed. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist ___x_ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day Objective (s) DOK LEVEL Grouping DAILY PLAN Activities / Teaching Strategies Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) UNIT TWO WEEK 4 1 2 Student will: -use grade level academic and domain specific words and phrases in discussions and sentences -write routinely over a shorter time frame for a range of purposes -demonstrate understanding of vocabulary words by identifying words with similar and opposite meanings -demonstrate understanding of vocabulary words by identifying words with similar and opposite meanings. -spell grade appropriate words correctly -identify possessive nouns and form singular possessive nouns correctly -correct grammar mistakes in paragraphs 1 Student will: -refer to details and examples in the text when explaining what the text says -determine the main idea of a paragraph or section of a story -summarize the important details in a text -use grade level academic and domain specific words and phrase -demonstrate understanding of 1 2 -Build background knowledge on the essential question “What helps animals survive?” by showing a video -learn new vocabulary words by using the vocabulary routine (show the picture of the word, say the word, read the definition, give an example of the word in a sentence, ask a question about the word) - vocabulary squares (word, synonym, picture and sentence, antonym) -identify characteristics of Expository Text -students introduce themselves to a new spelling list by chorally repeating each word after the teacher reads it. -grammar workbook page -complete an activity making singular nouns possessive -review the skills of summarizing, main idea and details, and context clues -create a web graphic organizer that has the topic of “Adaptations”, then list how plants and animals can be connected -grammar correction activity of a paragraph using multiple choice -make plural nouns possessive -shared read of Animal Adaptations -close read of Animal Adaptations. -Finding main idea of various paragraphs. -Labeling and underlining topic sentences on the white board from the story -collaboration and discussion of main idea of various paragraphs -summarize portions and the whole text -completion of vocabulary squares (word, synonym, picture and sentence, antonym) W McGraw-Hill: - building background video -McGraw-Hill Visual Vocabulary Cards -McGraw-Hill Grammar Activities -Document camera/projector -copies of vocabulary squares -student reading notebooks Formative- Observations, questioning, discussion, Student Self - Assessment- group discussion about the graphic organizer Summative- W S -McGraw Hill textbook -Mc Graw Hill reading/writing workshop book -McGraw Hill grammar practice book -student journals -document camera and projector -vocabulary squares print out Formative- Observations, questioning, discussion, PDN SummativeStudent Self-Assessment: think alouds, group and peer discussion vocabulary words by identifying words with similar and opposite meanings. 3 4 Student will: -determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text -use grade level academic and domain specific words and phrase-refer to details and examples in the text when explaining what the text says -determine the main idea and key details in a story -make singular nouns plural -writing for various purposes 1 Student will: -identify main idea and details -use grade level academic and domain specific words and phrases -identify and make irregular plurals -use common, grade appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word -write for various purposes 1 2 2 -respond to a prompt in the Weekly skills test using TRACES writing method --shared read of Spiders -close read of Spiders -find main idea in various sections of the story -summarize various sections of the story -colloboration and discussion to determine the main idea and supporting details in the story -identify possessives in a text and make corrections to the text. -collaboration, writing, and discussion of main idea and supporting details of specific paragraphs. -use the meanings of common prefixes to find the meaning of unfamiliar words -answer questions about the story Spider with restating -continue with TRACES prompt on the Weekly Skills test W S W S McGraw-Hill: -student text book - student practice book -grammar practice book -document camera and projector -student journals Formative- Observations, questioning, discussion, thumbs up/down, McGraw Hill textbook -McGraw-Hill student practice book -computer and projector -document camera Formative- Observations, questioning, discussion, small group spot checking of writing, circling main idea and detail on a projected story on the white board Summative-quiz on plural nouns Student Self –discussion of answers to questions SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentindividual or small group discussion 5 Student will: -answer multiple choice questions on Study Island -refer to details and examples in the text when explaining what the text says 1 2 -complete practice sessions on Summarizing texts on the study island computer program -complete an assessment on Study Island on Summarizing Texts when student scores a P on the practice session W S -document camera and projector -computers -study island program -you tube -reading practice book -reading text book Formative- Observations, questioning, discussion, -reread text to increase comprehension -identify main ideas and details from a movie and a text -spell grade appropriate words correctly -summarize the major events of a movie 6 7 8 Students will: -identify main idea and detail from a whole or part of a text -cite evidence from text to support answers to questions -summarize the main ideas of a section of a text -spelling test -summarization activity using Pixar Short movie “For the Birds” -packet from Teachers Pay Teachers on summarizing for the Pixar movie Summative-spelling test, study island teacher generated assessment Student Self - Assessmentindividual or small group discussion, 1 2 -complete a graphic organizer on main idea and detail using the story Spiders. -begin answering questions from the story Spiders -complete a graphic organizer on main idea and detail using leveled readers -correctly form singular and plural possessives -identify main idea and detail from a whole or part of a text -cite evidence from the text to support answers to questions -summarize the major events of a movie -discussion of answers to questions from the story Spiders -review of singular and plural possessives -summarize the Pixar short movie “Presto” -use grade level academic and domain specific words and phrase -demonstrate understanding of vocabulary words by identifying words with similar and opposite meanings. -write for various purposes -correctly form singular and plural possessives -review vocabulary squares for a quiz -review skills on the McGraw Hill website -complete graphic organizers using leveled readers -complete TRACES from a previous assessment W S W S McGraw-Hill -textbook -leveled readers -grammar workbook Formative- Observations, questioning, partner work -document camera and projector Student Self - Assessment- small group discussion / partner discussion McGraw-Hill -textbook -grammar workbook Formative- Observations, questioning, Summative- -document camera and projector -you tube video W S McGraw-Hill -textbook -grammar workbook -writing notebook -vocab squares -writing notebook -Weekly skills test -document camera and projector Student Self - Assessment- small group discussion / partner discussion Formative-observations, questioning, Summative- grammar quiz on possessive nouns, TRACES from Weekly Skills test Student Self-Assessment—self check of classmates’ answers on board, using the TRACES poster to check work 9 -identify main idea and details in a text -summarize or identify a summary statement of a text or a portion of a text --complete practice sessions on Summarizing texts on the study island computer program -complete an assessment on Study Island on Summarizing Texts when student scores a P on the practice session -Test on Spiders-comprehension and vocabulary W -Mc Graw hill textbook-McGraw Hill selection test -study island computer program -computers Formative-observations, Summative-Study island practice sessions and teacher created assessment -Selection test from McGraw Hill Student Self-practice sessions self check on study island 10 W