HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Rosalie Kesselring Grade Level (s): 4th grade Subject : Reading/Language Arts Building: HEMS Start Date(s): October 30, 2014 Unit Plan Unit Title: Think It Through Essential Questions: How Can Starting A Business Help Others? Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject) R1.4.1 Reread R1.4.2 Main Idea and Key Details R1.4.7 Persuasive Article L.3.4b Suffixes RF.4.3a Fluency L.4.1f Run-On Sentences Summative Unit Assessment : Unit Test Summative Assessment Objective Assessment Method (check one) Students will review rereading strategies, identify main idea and key details, close read a persuasive article and identify suffixes and their meanings. ____ Rubric ___ Checklist ____ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day 1 2 3 Objective (s) DOK LEVEL Students will build background by introducing the essential question: How can starting a business help others? Students will listen and respond to the interactive read aloud “Kids Can Help” Students will be introduced to the genre of a Persuasive Article. Students will be introduced to eight new vocabulary words. Students will read together and discuss “Dollars and Sense”- 1 2 Students will review vocabulary and sentences we made up to go with the vocabulary. Students will review rereading strategies. Students will be able to state main ideas and key details from the passages. Students will be able to recognize a Persuasive Article and tell what the author is trying to persuade the reader about. 1 Students will review new vocabulary with sentences that have the synonyms in them. Students will be able to name many suffixes and the definitions of each. 1 2 2 Grouping DAILY PLAN Activities / Teaching Strategies Introduce Essential Question…”How can starting a business help others?” T266-267 Show video from mcgraw-hill Collaborative conversation and share T266 Read aloud and discuss “Kids Can Help”T269 Introduce the genre of a Persuasive Article T268 Introduce Vocabulary and write sentences for Practice T270-271 Book pg.41 Close read “Dollars and Sense”T79-80 Definitions and sentences for new spelling words Introduce Simple Predicates Leveled Readers “Think Big” Go over all vocabulary words with pictures and class made sentences PB. Pg. 41 Review reread strategies and introduce main idea and key details using Reading Writing Workshop pgs. 82 and 83. Read together and answer questions on PB. Pgs. 43-46 Continue with lesson on Simple Predicates Leveled reader for guided reading “Think Big” Review vocabulary with picture cards and sentences in Practice Book Introduce suffixes and do together PB. Pg. 47 Read and discuss close read article “Kids In Business” Handout on Run-On Sentences Leveled Readers for guided reading “Think Big” W S I Materials / Resources Video for Unit #1 Week #5 Vocabulary picture cards Reading Writing Workshop Your Turn Practice Book Teacher’s Manual Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- Summative- PB pages Oral Responses Student Self - Assessment- W S Vocabulary picture cards Reading Writing Workshop Your Turn Practice Book Teacher’s Manual Guided Reading Books I W S I Formative-Teacher Observation Summative- Multiple Meaning Word Quiz Student Self - Assessment- Vocabulary picture cards Reading Anthology Your Turn Practice Book Teacher’s Manual Guided Reading books Formative-Peer/Self Assessments Summative-Practice Book pages and handouts Student Self - Assessment- Students will stay with me and be able to answers questions and cite evidence from the close reading article “Kids In Business” Handouts on Suffixes and Run-on Sentences. Students will be able to correct run-on sentences and fragments. 4 5 Students will be able to read a passage fluently. Students will know and tell the definition of many compound words. Students will close read “Starting A Successful Business” and be able to answer questions and cite the evidence. Students will be able to correct Run-On Sentences.Students wil collaborate in small groups to compare research gained at home of a famous business owner. Students will share in groups what they have learned this week about how starting a business helps others. Using evidence from the text, the students will analyze how the author uses key details to support the main idea. Students will do well on the spelli ng page assigned and the spelling test. 1 2 1 2 Review vocabulary Introduce Compound words and complete together PB. Pg.48 Read together and discuss “Starting A Successful Business” pgs. 88-89 More practice with Run-On Sentences and suffixes. Write an Analysis PB. Pg. 49 Leveled readers for Guided Reading “Think Big” W Read aloud Vocabulary Review Work in groups to compare and analyze Do together PB. Pg. 49 Assess spelling words Review simple predicate and run-on sentences W S Vocabulary cards Reading Anthology Practice Book Teacher’s Manual Formative-Teacher Observation Summative- Practice Book pages I Student Self - Assessment- S Practice Book Assessment Test FormativeSummative- Assessment tests I Student Self - Assessment-