Teacher Name :Rosalie Kesselring Subject : Reading Start Date(s): October 14, 2014 Grade Level (s):4th Building :HEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: Think it Through Essential Questions: How can science help you understand how things work? Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject) C.C.1.2.4.F Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade level text including figurative language. C.C.1.4.11F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of conventions of standard English and Spelling C.C. 1.2.4.E Use Text structure to interpret information (e.g.chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) C.C.1.44.E Use precise language and domain specific vocabulary to inform about or explain topic. Summative Unit Assessment : Unit Test Summative Assessment Objective Students will-demonstrate their knowledge of the key strategies of rereading, cause/effect, narrative nonfiction, clauses and complex sentences, multiple meaning words, and using context clues of definitions and restatement to determine text meaning. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __X__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day 1 Objective (s) Students will-build background using Ideas in Motion Apply listening skills for selection “Look Out Below!” DOK LEVEL 1 1 Activities / Teaching Strategies T202-203 Ideas in Motion Interactive Read Aloud “Look Out Below!” T204-205 Define and discuss attributes of Narrative nonfiction. Grouping DAILY PLAN W W Materials / Resources RWW Practice book Printed out Spelling list Unit 1 Week 4 Assessment of Objective (s) Formative-Practice p. 31, 37 Writing of Spelling words Class discussion 2 3 4 Define and discuss attributes of Narrative nonfiction. Apply characteristics to selections. Define/Ask/Apply vocabulary terms Words in Context T206-207 Read and answer Practice 36 Science in the Soda Bottle Spelling with the Long I T228 2 Students will-review vocabulary Words in Context T207-208. Close read “The Big Race” Sequence story plot. Use reread strategieT210-211 plus Cause and Effect skills T212-213, T216-217 Sort spelling words by long I vowel spelling. 1 Students will-close read and answer comprehension questions to A Firehouse Lesson Prac p 33-35 Correctly add inflectional endings –ing and –ly to long I words to create new words according to the definition of the suffix. Level read George’s Giant Wheel. Identify important effects, complex sentences, and cause and effect.T238-T245 according. to ability. Review the concept of multiple meaning words.T230 Locate multiple meaning words in passages. Put spelling words in alphabetical order. 2 Students will-close read A Crash Course in the Forces of Motion with Max Axiom p. 62-79 Practice grammar using complex sentences and clauses that have a 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 Apply characteristics to reading selections by citing text evidence. Define/Ask/Apply Words in Context T207-207, followed by Your Turn p.31: accelerate, advantage, friction, gravity, identity, inquiry, thrilling Have students read Science in the Soda Bottle and complete Prac p. 37 Introduce spelling words from T228 with long I sound. Review vocabulary. Close read “The Big Race” p 64-67 Sequence story plot on graphic organizer use RWW page 72-72 as a guide Apply strategy of context clues to find text evidence T216-217 Practice p 37 Sort spelling words by the spelling of the long I in the words. Expand vocabulary by creating new words with the same long I spellings and generate a list to write and to read. Read A Firehouse Lesson and complete questions Practice pp 33-35 Define suffix endings –ing and –ly. Apply suffixes on long I words to create new words that fit defined meaning. Use words from spelling list. Using leveled readers in small groups read George’s Giant Wheel. Find important effects, complex sentences, and cause and effect in the text. I SummativeI W W W Student Self - Assessment- RRW Practice book Graphic Organizer G Formative-Oral reading and discussion citing text evidence. Plot on graphic organizer. Practice page 37 Spelling sort paper SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- I W G Practice book Teacher created charts George’s Giant Wheel leveled readers Teacher made multiple meaning paper and/or Study Island Formative-Practice book page 35 Creation of chart with suffix endings –ing and –ly Multiple meaning paper Alphabetized spelling list SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- 2 Review multiple meaning wordsT230. Identify words that have multiple meanings in text. Complete multiple meaning paper. The students will alphabetize their long I spelling words. W I Close read A Crash Course in the Forces of Motion with Max Axiom p 62-79 Practice grammar by reviewing subordinating conjunctions and relative adverbs. W I I Anthology Study Island Printed out spelling sentence sheet for book series Formative-Class discussion Study Island subordinating adverbial clauses. Spelling worksheet subordinating conjunction showing relative adverbs that tell where, when, how and why. Connection spelling words to sentences that are missing a word that would have the correct meaning. I Summative- Student Self - Assessment- 5 6 7 Students will-close read Box Zip Project.pp. 80-83 They will apply their strategy skills to read Rita Rockstar and answer the connected questions. Be introduced to the change of words that have a consonant y combination when the endings –es and –ed are added. Review complex sentences with subordinating conjunctions. Students will write sentences of their own. 1 2 Students will-close read in small groups leveled reader “3001: A Space Mystery” Define suffixes –ous and prefix pre- T231 and identify words that contain them and create new words by adding that prefix and suffix to other root words. Show their knowledge of spelling words with different long I spellings. Write analysis of the use of heading in nonfiction writing and its importance. Students will show their knowledge of applying context clues, subordinate adverbial clauses, multiple meaning words, and cause and effect through completing the Unit 1 Week Assessment test 2 1 Close read Zip Box Projectpp 80-83 and discuss. The students will independently read Rita Rockstar and answer the questions. Add inflectional endings of –es and –ed to words that have a consonant y spelling combination to create new words then, complete Practice p 38 Review sentences with subordinating conjunctions and have the students write their own. W I Anthology Rita Rockstar printout from book series W Formative-Rita Rockstar questions Chart of changing consonant y to I with –es and –ed endings Sentences with sub ordinating conjunctions written by students. i Summative- 2 Student Self - Assessment- 1 The students will pair read or small group leveled reader “#001: A Space Mystery” The students will define the prefix pre- and the suffix – ous. They will identify words that have these word parts and create new words by adding them to other root/ base words. Spelling test on long I words Unit 1 week 4 G The students will write an analysis of the use of headings and their importance in nonfiction writing. W Leveled reader “3001: A Space Mystery” I Formative- Words made by adding pre- and –ous Spelling test Analysis of the use of headings in writing I Summative- Student Self - Assessment2 2 The students will read and answer the Unit 1 Week 4 Assessment Test I Unit 1 Week 4 Assessment Test Summative- Unit 1 Week 4 Test