Fractions, Decimals, & Percents

Fractions, Decimals, & Percents
I. How to convert fractions to decimals
 There is only 1 step in these types of problems:
Take the top number of your fraction and divide by the bottom
number of your fraction
4 = 0.25
II. How to convert decimals to percents
 There is only 1 step in these types of problems:
Take your decimal point and move it 2 places to the right
III. How to convert percents to decimals
 There are 2 steps in these types of problems:
If there is no decimal point, draw a decimal point under the
percent sign
Move the decimal point 2 places to the left
60% = 60. = 0.6
IV. How to convert decimals to fractions
 There are 3 steps in these types of problems:
 Take the number in the decimal and put that in your
numerator spot
 Name the place value that the last number in the original
problem was in and put that as your denominator (example –
if it is in the hundredths place, your denominator would be
 Simplify your new fraction with the calculator
0.23 =
V. How to convert fractions to percents
 There are 2 steps in these types of problems
Follow steps to convert fractions to decimals
Follow steps to convert decimals to percents
VI. How to convert percents to fractions
 There are 3 steps in these types of problems
Follow steps to convert percents to decimals
Follow steps to convert decimals to fractions