HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Melissa Stauffer Subject : Civics Start Date(s): 11/8/15 Grade Level (s): 7 Building : DEMS Unit Plan Unit Title:. Topic 3 Essential Questions: How much power should the government have? Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject) CC. 1.2.8.A- determine central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including the relationship to supporting ideas: provide objective summary of the text. CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. CC.8.6.6-8.C: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. CC.8.6.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently. 5.1.8.B: Outline how different systems of government function. 7.1.8.B: Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features. 6.2.8.E: Compare the state of the current economy with the economy in a different time or place. 8.1.8.B: Compare and contrast a historical event, using multiple points of view from primary and secondary sources. 8.4.8.A: Compare the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development throughout world history. ELP.5.W.6-8.1.1: Label pictures of historical events. ELP.5.W.6-8.2.1: Write phrases and short sentences about historical events using graphic organizers ELP.5.W.6-8.3.1: Compare and/or contrast historical events using graphic organizers. ELP.5.W.6-8.4.1: Generate a written summary of historical events using graphic organizers. ELP.5.W.6-8.5.1: Author an essay about a historical event using graphic organizers. ELP.5.L.6-8.5.1: Construct a representation of different types of maps from oral descriptions. ELP.5.R.6-8.2.1: Classify data based on information from text and charts using a graphic organizer. ELP.5.R.6-8.3.1: Compare data based on information from text and charts using a graphic organizer. ELP.5.R.6-8.4.1: Analyze data based on information and charts in small groups. ELP.5.R.6-8.5.1: Predict future trends based on data gleaned from grade-level text and charts within a small groups Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Students willDemonstrate proficiency on all work. Assessment Method (check one) __X__ Rubric ___ Checklist __ Unit Test ____ Group __X__ Student Self-Assessment ___ Other (explain) Proficiency will be demonstrated through quizzes, discussions, group activities, independent work, web quest, and chapter test. Day Objective (s) DOK LEVEL Activities / Teaching Strategies Grade 7 Quarter 2 (1st 20 days) Grouping DAILY PLAN Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) Age of Exploration and Conquest Timeline 20 days Topic Europeans Explore the World Objective Spainish and Portuguese Conquests in the Americas Students will investigate reasons why Europeans began to make voyages of exploration. Students will analyze Spanish and Portuguese exploration and conquests in the Americas. Students will be able to explain why these colonies enabled European countries to grow wealthy and powerful. Students will be able to explain and assess the encomienda system. Essential Questions PA Standards/PA Core Standards PA ELL Standards How does the legacy of European colonization affect the cultures of the Americas today? CC.8.6.6-8.E. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and ELP.5.W.6-8.1.1: Label pictures of historical events. ELP.5.W.6-8.2.1: Write phrases and short sentences about historical events using graphic organizers ELP.5.W.6-8.3.1: Compare and/or contrast historical events using graphic organizers. ELP.5.W.6-8.4.1: Generate a written summary of historical events using graphic organizers. ELP.5.W.6-8.5.1: Author an essay about a historical event using graphic organizers. ELP.5.L.6-8.5.1: Construct a representation of different types of maps from oral descriptions. ELP.5.R.6-8.2.1: Classify data based on information from text and charts using a graphic organizer. ELP.5.R.6-8.3.1: Compare data based on information from text and charts using a graphic organizer. ELP.5.R.6-8.4.1: Analyze data based on information and charts in small groups. ELP.5.R.6-8.5.1: Predict future trends based on data gleaned from grade-level text and charts within a small groups ELP.5.L.6-8.5.1: Construct a representation of different types of maps from oral descriptions. ELP.5.R.6-8.2.1: Classify data based on information from text and charts using a graphic organizer. ELP.5.R.6-8.3.1: Compare data based on information from text and charts using a graphic organizer. ELP.5.R.6-8.4.1: Analyze data based on information and charts in small groups. ELP.5.R.6-8.5.1: Predict future trends based on data gleaned from grade-level text and charts. efficiently. CC.1.2.8.F Analyze the influence of the words and phrases in a text including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings, and how they shape meaning and tone. 7.1.8.B: Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features. 8.4.8.A: Compare the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development throughout world history. 8.4.8.D: Compare conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations which have impacted the history and development of the world. 8.4.8.C: Illustrate how continuity and change have impacted world history. Belief systems and religions Commerce and industry Technology Politics and government Physical and human geography Social organizations HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Social Studies Curriculum Academic Vocabulary Cartographer Caravel Triangle Trade Plantations Missionary Encomienda System Conquistador Capitalism Colombian Exchange Northwest Passage French and Indian War Coat of Arms Cash Crops Mercantilism Suggested Materials/Resource See Above Grade 7 Quarter 2 (2nd 20 days) Age of Exploration and Conquest Timeline Topic 20 days European colonization in America ~English Settlements ~French and Dutch Colonies Objective Students will examine what motivated the English, French, and Dutch to migrate and settle in the New World. Students will compare and contrast how European powers differed in their colonization plans. Students will examine and be able to describe the economic policy of mercantilism. Students will understand what conflicts arose over competition for land acquisition in the New World. Students will describe the history of the Atlantic slave trade and its impact on colonization. Essential Questions PA Standards/PA Core Standards PA ELL Standards How does the legacy of European colonization affect the cultures of the Americas today? CC.1.2.8.B Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly, as well as inferences, conclusions, and/or generalizations drawn from the text. CC.1.5.8.A Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions, on gradelevel topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. ELP.5.L.6-8.1.1: Locate places or geographic features on a map from oral commands. ELP.5.L.6-8.2.1: Select appropriate maps to identify regions, countries or landforms from oral statements. ELP.5.L.6-8.3.1: Select appropriate maps based on oral descriptions about regions, countries, landforms or highways. ELP.5.L.6-8.4.1: Compare and contrast different types of maps from oral descriptions. ELP.5.L.6-8.5.1: Construct a representation of different types of maps from oral descriptions. ELP.5.S.6-8.1.1: Name historical figures in photographs and illustrations. ELP.5.S.6-8.1.1: Name historical figures in photographs and illustrations. ELP.5.S.6-8.3.1: Role-play scenes from the lives of historical figures from photographs, illustrations or videos. ELP.5.S.6-8.4.1: Offer alternatives to the actions of historical figures based on multimedia. ELP.5.S.6-8.5.1: Debate or defend a decision or action of a historical figure in teams. ELP.5.W.6-8.1.1: Label pictures of historical events. ELP.5.W.6-8.2.1: Write phrases and short sentences about historical events using graphic organizers ELP.5.W.6-8.3.1: Compare and/or contrast historical events using graphic organizers. ELP.5.W.6-8.4.1: Generate a written summary of historical events using graphic organizers. ELP.5.W.6-8.5.1: Author an essay about a historical event using graphic organizers. 7.1.8.B: Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features. 8.4.8.A: Compare the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development throughout world history. 8.1.8.B: Compare and contrast a historical event, using multiple points of view from primary and secondary sources. 8.4.8.C: Illustrate how continuity and change have impacted world history. Belief systems and religions Commerce and industry Technology Politics and government Physical and human geography Social organizations Academic Vocabulary Cartographer Caravel Triangle Trade Plantations Missionary Encomienda System Conquistador Capitalism Colombian Exchange Northwest Passage French and Indian War Coat of Arms Cash Crops Mercantilism Suggested Materials/Resource See Above