HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name: Chelsea Malloy Subject : Math Start Date(s): 4 days Grade Level (s): 5th Grade Building : MKEMS DAILY PLAN Unit Plan Unit Title: Understanding Integers Essential Questions: 1. How can I use the order of operations to interpret and evaluate numerical expressions? 2. How can I convert verbal phrase into a numerical expression? Standards: 2.1 Numbers and Operations CC.2.2.5.A.1- Interpret and evaluate numerical expressions using order of operations. M05.B-O.1.1- Analyze and complete calculations by applying the order of operations. Summative Unit Assessment : Unit 3 Test Summative Assessment Objective Students will check their understanding of concepts and skills by writing and evaluating numerical expressions. They will also use numbers and operation symbols to write verbal phrases as numerical expressions. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __X__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment Day 2 Days Objective (s) Students will write and evaluate numerical expressions and use the order of operations to evaluate expressions. DOK LEVEL Activities / Teaching Strategies 1,2 Mini whiteboards/ Direct Instruction Study Island with group/individual clickers (PA CORE 4a) Accelerated Math exercise (CC Grade 5 Objectives 4042) Create a foldable for order of operations Grouping ____ Other (explain) W Materials / Resources Materials/Resources: Mini white boards, expo markers, text book, computers, clickers, construction paper, and markers Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- Thumbs up/down Summative- S Student Self - Assessment- clickers 2 Days Students will use numbers and operation symbols to write verbal phrases as numerical expressions. 1,2 Study Island with clickers (PA CORE 4a) Accelerated Math exercise (CC Grade 5 Objectives 4344) W Materials/Resources: computer access, clickers, and paper Formative- observation/clickers Summative- After lesson Unit 3 test S Student Self - Assessment-clickers