Teacher Name : Regina Mealia
Subject : Reading /Language Arts
Start Date(s): 11/17 - ?
Grade Level (s): 6
Building : MKEMS
Unit Plan
Unit Title: an educational unit title summarizes content across several lessons that establishes and reinforces certain skills and essential knowledge for grade levels and
content areas.
Essential Questions: Essential questions are concept in the form of questions. Questions suggest inquiry. Essential questions are organizers and set the focus for the
lesson or unit. Essential questions are initiators of creative and critical thinking. Essential questions are conceptual commitments focusing on key concepts implicit in the
What contributions were made by early settlers?
How did democracy develop?
What are the advantages or disadvantages of democracy?
What was life like in ancient cultures?
What influences the development of culture?
What can the past teach us?
What is courage?
What motivates people to be courageous?
Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject)
Reading Informational Text 1.1
C.C.1.2.6A –Determine the central ideas of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details: provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
C.C.1.2.6.B-Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly, as well as inferences and / or generalizations drawn from the text.
C.C.1.2.6.C-Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated and elaborated in a text.
C.C.1.2.6.D-Determine an author’s point of view, or purpose in a text, and explain how it is conveyed in a text.
C.C.1.2.6.E-Analyze author’s structure through the use of paragraphs, chapters, or sections.
C.C.1.2.6.F-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade level reading and content including interpretation of figurative language and context.
C.C.1.2.6.G-Integrate information presented in different media and formats, as well as in words, to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
C.C.1.2.6.H-Evaluate an author’s argument by examining claims and determining if they are supported by evidence.
C.C.1.2.6.I-Examine how two authors present similar information in different types of text.
C.C.1.2.6.J-Acquire and use accurately grade appropriate general academic and domain specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to
comprehension or expression.
C.C.1.2.6.K-Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools.
C.C.1.2.6.L-Read and comprehend literary non-fiction and informational text on grade-level, reading independently and proficiently.
Reading Literature 1.3
C.C.1.3.6.A-Determina a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
C.C.1.3.6.B-Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly, as well as, inferences and/ or generalizations drawn from the text.
C.C.1.3.6.C-Describe how a particular story or drama’s plot unfolds in a series or episodes, as well as, how the characters respond or change as the plot moves towards a resolution.
C.C.1.3.6.D-Determine an author’s purpose in a text , and how it is conveyed in a text.
C.C.1.3.6.E-Analyze how the structure of a text contributes to the development of them, setting, and plot.
C.C.1.3.6.F-Determine the meaning of words and phrases aas they are used in grade-level reading and content including interpretation of figurative language in context.
C.C.1.3.6.G-Compare and contrast the experiences of reading a story, drama, or poem to the experience of listening to or viewing an audio, video or live version of the text. Including contrasting
what is (seen and heard) when reading the text to what is perceived when listening or watching.
C.C.1.3.6.H-Compare and contrast text in different forms or genres in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics, as well as, their use of additional literary elements.
C.C.1.3.6.I-Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning works and phrases based on grade-level reading and content choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools.
C.C.1.3.6.J-Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to
comprehension or expression.
Writing 1.4
C.C.1.4.6.A-Write informative/explanatory text to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information clearly.
C.C.1.4.6.B-Identify and introduce the topic for an intended audience.
C.C.1.4.6.C-Develop and analyze the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples; include graphics and multimedia when useful to aiding
C.C.1.4.6.D-Organize ideas, concepts and information using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/ contrast; and cause/ effect; use appropriate transitions to clarify the
relationships among ideas and concepts; provide a concluding statement or section; include formatting when useful to aiding comprehension.
C.C.1.4.6.E-Write with an awareness of the stylistic aspects of composition.
Use precise language and domain specific vocabulary to inform about or explain a topic.
Use sentences of varying length and complexities.
Develop and maintain a consistent voice.
Establish and maintain a formal style.
C.C.1.4.6.F-Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
C.C.1.4.6.G-Write arguments to support claims.
C.C.1.4.6.H-Introduce and state an opinion on a topic.
C.C.1.4.6.I-Use clear reasons and relevant evidence to support claims using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic.
C.C.1.4.6.J-Organize the claim(s) with clear reasons and evidence clearly; clarify relationships among claim(s) and reasons by using words, phrases, and clauses; provide a concluding statement or
section that follows the argument presented.
C.C.1.4.6.L-Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions f standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation and spelling.
C.C.1.4.6.M-Write narratives to develop or imagined experiences or events.
C.C.1.4.6.N-Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and introducing a narrator and or characters.
C.C.1.4.6.O-Use narrative techniques such as dialogue, descriptions, and pacing to develop experiences, events and/ characters; use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and
sensory language to convey experiences and events.
C.C.1.4.6.P-Organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically, using a variety of transition words, phrases and clauses to convey sequence and signal shifts from one time frame or
setting to another, provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences and events.
C.C.1.4.6.Q-Write with an awareness of the stylistic aspects of writing.
Vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader / listener, interest and style.
Use precise language.
Develop and maintain a consistent voice.
C.C.1.4.6.R-Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation and spelling.
C.C.1.4.6.S-Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection in research, applying grade-level reading standards for literature and literary non-fiction.
C.C.1.4.6.T-With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
C.C.1.4.6.U-Use technology, including the internet to produce and publish writing, as well as, to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a
minimum of three pages in a single setting.
C.C.1.4.6.V-Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.
C.C.1.4.6.W-Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding
plagiarism, and providing basic bibliographic information from sources.
C.C.1.4.6.X- Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision)and shorter time frames ( a single sitting, or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences.
Speaking and Listening 1.5
C.C.1.5.6.A-Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grade-level topics, texts, and issues building on other’s ideas and expressing their own clearly.
C.C.1.5.6.B-Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claim by identifying specific claims, by identifying specific reasons and evidence, and recognize arguments or claims not supported by factual
C.C.1.5.6.C-Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text or issue under study.
C.C.1.5.6.D-Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate
volume, and clear pronunciation.
C.C.1.5.6.E-Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks.
C.C.1.5.6.F-Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.
Summative Unit Assessment :
Summative Assessment Objective
Students will Understand the positive and negative aspects of change
Understand and draw own conclusions to whether change is a good thing or
Assessment Method (check one)
____ Rubric ___ Checklist __x__ Unit Test __x__ Group
__x__ Student Self-Assessment
Understand factors that create change
Understand the knowledge and changes of the past that have influenced
__x__ Other (explain) Quizzes, classroom discussion, and classwork will also
be used to assess student understanding. Students will also be given weekly
assessment tests and a unit exam.
Understand how changes of the past affect the present and the future
Understand how change transforms the way people look at the world
Students will be allowed to choose one of the following:
 Give a speech expressing how you can affect our
world. Give your opinion of what you think needs to
change and how you will make that change.
 Write a personal narrative telling how you have
changed / been influenced by an event in your past.
Give details to how this event shaped the way you
look at things in a different way.
 Create a collage of pictures from past events in
history which have shaped/ changed our lives in
modern society.
Objective (s)
Students will -Integrate and interpret
information presented in different
media or formats (e.g., visually,
quantitatively) as well as in words
to develop a coherent
understanding of a topic or issue
Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions with
diverse partners on grade 6
topics, texts and issues, building
on others’ ideas and expressing
their own.
Acquire and use accurately
grade-appropriate general
academic and domain specific
words and phrases; gather
vocabulary knowledge when
considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or
Grammar- Kinds of nounsDemonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when
writing or speaking..
Activities / Teaching Strategies
Essential Question: What contributions were made by
early civilizations?
Building background on perspective
Introducing content-specific vocabulary
Listening Comprehension
Preview Genre- Expository Text
Preview strategy: Visualize
Spelling: Introduce Irregular Plurals
English: Types of nouns
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and experimental Instruction
Materials / Resources
Assessment of Objective (s)
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, graphic
organizers, Peer/Self assessments,
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Student Self - AssessmentReflection writing, discussion
Spelling- Irregular PluralsDemonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will—
Determine the meaning of
words and phrases as they are
used in text, including figurative
and connotative meanings;
analyze the impact of a specific
words choice on meaning and
Read: Empire of the Sea in the Reading/Writing
Workshop Bookpp94-97
Comprehension Strategy-Ask and Answer Question p98
Comprehension Skill- Text Structure-Problem and
Solution p99
Genre: Informational Text-Expository Text p100
Vocabulary Strategy- Latin Roots p 101
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, Peer/Self
assessments, Think/Pair/Share,
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Spelling: Kinds of nouns worksheets
Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicity as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Student Self - Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the
narrator or speaker in a text.
Grammar: Kinds of nouns—
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when
writing or speaking. Produce
complete sentences recognizing
and correcting inappropriate
fragments and run-ons.
Spelling- Irregular PluralsDemonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will1-4
Describe how a particular story’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as how the characters
respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
Analyze how a particular sentence,
Read: The Technology of Mesopotamia in Anthology
and discuss
Spelling-Irregular Plurals worksheets
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
McGraw-Hill Unit 1 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, Peer/Self
assessments, Q&A, Practice
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Student Self -Discussion
chapter, scene or stanza fits inot
the overall structure of a text and
contributes to the development of
the theme, setting and plot.
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.
Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6
reading and content.
Spelling- Irregular PluralsDemonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will1-4
Describe how a particular story’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as how the characters
respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6
reading and content.
Analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene or stanza fits into
the overall structure of a text and
contributes to the development of
the theme, setting and plot.
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.
Spelling-- Irregular Plurals Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Read: The Technology of Mesopotamia in Anthology
and discuss
Do Text Evidence Questions
Complete the Graphic Organizer
Spelling-Irregular Plurals worksheets
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Think/Pair/Share
Thumbs up/down, student-led
discussion, Q&A, Discussion
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages, English quiz
Student Self - Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Students willWrite routinely over extended
time frames for a range of
discipline-specific tasks, purposes,
and audiences.
Read- Gilamesh Lost and Found
Discuss, Ask and Anwer questions
Make Connections Text to text
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
Draw evidence from literary or
informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, and research.
Grammar: Types of Nouns—
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when
writing or speaking. Produce
complete sentences recognizing
and correcting inappropriate
fragments and run-ons.
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, graphic
organizers, Peer/Self assessments,
Think/Pair/Share, Thumbs
up/down, Q&A
Promethean board
Summative- Spelling test, Vocab
quiz, Weekly Test, Selection Test
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Student Self - Assessment- ticket
out the door
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Spelling- Irregular PluralsDemonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will -Integrate and interpret
information presented in different
media or formats (e.g., visually,
quantitatively) as well as in words
to develop a coherent
understanding of a topic or issue
Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Essential Question: How did Democracy develop?
Building background on perspective
Introducing content-specific vocabulary
Listening Comprehension
Preview Genre- Expository Text
Preview strategy: Visualize
Acquire and use accurately
grade-appropriate general
academic and domain specific
words and phrases; gather
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, graphic
organizers, Peer/Self assessments,
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Spelling: Introduce -Inflected Endings
English Singular and Plural Nouns
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and experimental Instruction
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions with
diverse partners on grade 6
topics, texts and issues, building
on others’ ideas and expressing
their own.
Student Self - AssessmentReflection writing, discussion
vocabulary knowledge when
considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or
Grammar- Singular and Plural
NounsDemonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when
writing or speaking..
Spelling-Inflected Endings Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will—
Determine the meaning of
words and phrases as they are
used in text, including figurative
and connotative meanings;
analyze the impact of a specific
words choice on meaning and
Read: The Democracy Debate in the Reading/Writing
Workshop Book pp 108-111
Comprehension Strategy-Ask and Answer Question
Comprehension Skill- Text Structure-Compare and
Contrast p113
Genre: Informational Text-Expository Text p1114
Vocabulary Strategy- Greek and Latin Roots p 1115
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, Peer/Self
assessments, Think/Pair/Share,
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Student Self - Discussion
Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicity as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the
narrator or speaker in a text.
Grammar- Singular and Plural
Nouns—Demonstrate command of
the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
Produce complete sentences
recognizing and correcting
inappropriate fragments and
Spelling- Inflected Endings Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
Spelling: Inflected Endings worksheet
Grammar- Singular and Plural Nouns worksheet
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will1-4
Describe how a particular story’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as how the characters
respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
Read: Who Created Democracy in Anthology and
discuss pp 116-127
Spelling -Inflected Ending worksheets
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
Analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene or stanza fits inot
the overall structure of a text and
contributes to the development of
the theme, setting and plot.
Analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene or stanza fits into
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6
reading and content.
Promethean board
Student Self -Discussion
Spelling- Inflected Endings Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will-
Formative- Questioning, Peer/Self
assessments, Q&A, Practice
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.
Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6
reading and content.
Describe how a particular story’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as how the characters
respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Reread: Who Created Democracy in Anthology and
Do Text Evidence Questions
Complete the Graphic Organizer
Spelling-Irregular Plurals worksheets
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Think/Pair/Share
Thumbs up/down, student-led
discussion, Q&A, Discussion
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages, English quiz
Student Self - Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
the overall structure of a text and
contributes to the development of
the theme, setting and plot.
Explain how an author develops
inthe point of view of the narrator
or speaker in a text.
Spelling- Inflected Endings Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students willWrite routinely over extended
time frames for a range of
discipline-specific tasks, purposes,
and audiences.
Read :How Ideas Become Laws in Anthology pp128-129
Genre-Narrative Nonfiction
Compare Texts
Make Connections
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, graphic
organizers, Peer/Self assessments,
Think/Pair/Share, Thumbs
up/down, Q&A
Grammar- Single and Plural Nouns Worksheets
Promethean board
Summative- Spelling test, Vocab
quiz, Weekly Test, Selection Test
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Student Self - Assessment- ticket
out the door
Spelling -Inflected Ending worksheets
Draw evidence from literary or
informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, and research.
Grammar: - Singular and Plural
Nouns—Demonstrate command of
the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
Produce complete sentences
recognizing and correcting
inappropriate fragments and
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Spelling- Inflected Endings Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will -Integrate and interpret
information presented in different
media or formats (e.g., visually,
quantitatively) as well as in words
to develop a coherent
understanding of a topic or issue
Essential Question: What was life like for people in
ancient cultures?
Building background on perspective
Introducing content-specific vocabulary
Listening Comprehension
Preview Genre Historical Fiction
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, graphic
organizers, Peer/Self assessments,
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Preview strategy: Visualize
Spelling -Closed Syllables
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
English: More Plural Nouns
Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions with
diverse partners on grade 6
topics, texts and issues, building
on others’ ideas and expressing
their own.
Student Self - AssessmentReflection writing, discussion
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and experimental Instruction
Acquire and use accurately
grade-appropriate general
academic and domain specific
words and phrases; gather
vocabulary knowledge when
considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or
Grammar- More Plural Nouns
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when
writing or speaking..
Spelling-Closed Syllables Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will—
Determine the meaning of
words and phrases as they are
used in text, including figurative
and connotative meanings;
analyze the impact of a specific
words choice on meaning and
Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the
narrator or speaker in a text.
Read: Yaskul’s Mighty Tale in the Reading/Writing
Workshop Book pp 122-125
Comprehension Strategy-Make Predictions p126
Comprehension Skill- Text Structure-Point of View p127
Genre: Literature-Historical Text p 128
Vocabulary Strategy- Connotations and Denotations
Spelling: Closed Syllable worksheet
Grammar- More Plural Nouns worksheet
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, Peer/Self
assessments, Think/Pair/Share,
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Student Self - Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Grammar: - More Plural Nouns
—Demonstrate command of
the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
Produce complete sentences
recognizing and correcting
inappropriate fragments and
Spelling: Closed Syllables Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students willDescribe how a particular story’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as how the characters
respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
Analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene or stanza fits into
the overall structure of a text and
contributes to the development of
the theme, setting and plot.
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.
Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6
reading and content.
Spelling: Closed Syllables Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Read: Roman Diary in Anthology and discuss pp 130147
Genre: Historical Fiction
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, Peer/Self
assessments, Q&A, Practice
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Spelling -Closed Syllables worksheets
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
Student Self -Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Students willDescribe how a particular story’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as how the characters
respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
Reread: Roman Diary in Anthology and discuss
Do Text Evidence Questions
Complete the Graphic Organizer
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages, English quiz
Student Self - Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene or stanza fits into
the overall structure of a text and
contributes to the development of
the theme, setting and plot.
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.
Spelling: Closed Syllables Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students willWrite routinely over extended
time frames for a range of
discipline-specific tasks, purposes,
and audiences.
Formative- Think/Pair/Share
Thumbs up/down, student-led
discussion, Q&A, Discussion
Spelling-More Plural Nouns worksheets
Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6
reading and content.
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Read :The Genius of Roman Aqueducts in Anthology
Genre-Expository Texts
Compare Texts
Make Connections
Draw evidence from literary or
informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, and research.
Spelling - Closed Syllables worksheets
Grammar: - More Plural Nouns
—Demonstrate command of
the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
Produce complete sentences
recognizing and correcting
inappropriate fragments and
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, graphic
organizers, Peer/Self assessments,
Think/Pair/Share, Thumbs
up/down, Q&A
Promethean board
Summative- Spelling test, Vocab
quiz, Weekly Test, Selection Test
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Student Self - Assessment- ticket
out the door
Grammar- More Plural Nouns Worksheets
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Spelling: Closed SyllablesDemonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will -Integrate and interpret
information presented in different
media or formats (e.g., visually,
quantitatively) as well as in words
to develop a coherent
understanding of a topic or issue
Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Essential Question: What influences the development
of a culture?
Building background on perspective
Introducing content-specific vocabulary
Listening Comprehension
Preview Genre- Historical Fiction
Preview strategy: Make Predictions
Spelling: Introduce Open Syllables
English Possessive Nouns
Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions with
diverse partners on grade 6
topics, texts and issues, building
on others’ ideas and expressing
their own.
Acquire and use accurately
grade-appropriate general
academic and domain specific
words and phrases; gather
vocabulary knowledge when
considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or
Grammar: Possessive Nouns
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when
writing or speaking..
Spelling- Open Syllables Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and experimental Instruction
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, graphic
organizers, Peer/Self assessments,
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Student Self - AssessmentReflection writing, discussion
Students will—
Determine the meaning of
words and phrases as they are
used in text, including figurative
and connotative meanings;
analyze the impact of a specific
words choice on meaning and
Read: Cusi’s Secret in the Reading/Writing Workshop
Book pp 136-139
Comprehension Strategy-Make Predictions p140
Comprehension Skill- Text Structure-Point of View p141
Genre: Literature-Historical Fiction p 142
Vocabulary Strategy- Greek and Latin Suffixes p143
Spelling: Open Syllables worksheet
Grammar: Possessive Nouns worksheet
Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the
narrator or speaker in a text.
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, Peer/Self
assessments, Think/Pair/Share,
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Student Self - Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Grammar: - Possessive Nouns
—Demonstrate command of
the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
Produce complete sentences
recognizing and correcting
inappropriate fragments and
Spelling: Open Syllables Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will-
Describe how a particular story’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as how the characters
respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
Analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene or stanza fits into
the overall structure of a text and
contributes to the development of
the theme, setting and plot.
Read: A Single Shard in Anthology and discuss pp 152169
Spelling -Open Syllables worksheets
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, Peer/Self
assessments, Q&A, Practice
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Student Self -Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.
Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6
reading and content.
Spelling: Open Syllables Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will1-4
Describe how a particular story’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as how the characters
respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6
reading and content.
Analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene or stanza fits into
the overall structure of a text and
contributes to the development of
the theme, setting and plot.
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.
Spelling: Open Syllables
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Reread: A Single Shard in Anthology and discuss
Do Text Evidence Questions
Complete the Graphic Organizer
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Think/Pair/Share
Thumbs up/down, student-led
discussion, Q&A, Discussion
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages, English quiz
Spelling-Open Syllables worksheets
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
Student Self - Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Students willWrite routinely over extended
time frames for a range of
discipline-specific tasks, purposes,
and audiences.
Read :A Scholar in the Family in Anthology pp170-171
Compare Texts
Make Connections
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, graphic
organizers, Peer/Self assessments,
Think/Pair/Share, Thumbs
up/down, Q&A
GrammarPossessive Nouns Worksheets
Promethean board
Summative- Spelling test, Vocab
quiz, Weekly Test, Selection Test
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Student Self - Assessment- ticket
out the door
Spelling -Open Syllables worksheets
Draw evidence from literary or
informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, and research.
Grammar: Possessive Nouns —
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when
writing or speaking. Produce
complete sentences recognizing
and correcting inappropriate
fragments and run-ons.
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Spelling: Open Syllables
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Students will -Integrate and interpret
information presented in different
media or formats (e.g., visually,
quantitatively) as well as in words
to develop a coherent
understanding of a topic or issue
Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Essential Question: What can the past teach us?
Building background on perspective
Introducing content-specific vocabulary
Listening Comprehension
Preview Genre- Sonnet, Lyric Poetry
Preview strategy: Visualize
Grammar- - Possessive Nouns
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Formative- Questioning, graphic
organizers, Peer/Self assessments,
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions with
diverse partners on grade 6
topics, texts and issues, building
on others’ ideas and expressing
their own.
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and experimental Instruction
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Spelling: Introduce Consonant and –le syllables
Acquire and use accurately
grade-appropriate general
academic and domain specific
words and phrases; gather
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Student Self - AssessmentReflection writing, discussion
vocabulary knowledge when
considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or
Grammar : Appositives
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when
writing or speaking..
Spelling- Consonants and –le
Syllables --Demonstrate command
of the conventions of standard
English capitalization, punctuation,
and spelling when writing. Spell
Students will—
Determine the meaning of
words and phrases as they are
used in text, including figurative
and connotative meanings;
analyze the impact of a specific
words choice on meaning and
Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the
narrator or speaker in a text.
Grammar: Appositives —
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when
writing or speaking. Produce
complete sentences recognizing
and correcting inappropriate
fragments and run-ons.
Spelling: Consonants and –le
Syllables --Demonstrate
command of the conventions of
standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when
writing. Spell correctly.
Read: Ozymandias and Lifelong Friends in the
Reading/Writing Workshop Book pp 150-153
Genre: Poetry-Lyric Poetry and Sonnet p154
Comprehension Skill- Theme p155
Literary Elements: Rhyme Scheme and Meter p 156
Vocabulary Strategy- Personification p157
Spelling Consonant and –le syllables worksheet
Grammar- - Possessive Nouns worksheet
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, Peer/Self
assessments, Think/Pair/Share,
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Student Self - Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Students will-
Describe how a particular story’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as how the characters
respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
Read:Poems- Majestic,Mummy, Clay, in Anthology and
discuss pp 174-177
Spelling Consonant and –le syllables worksheets
Grammar- - Possessive Nouns
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
Analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene or stanza fits into
the overall structure of a text and
contributes to the development of
the theme, setting and plot.
Describe how a particular story’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as how the characters
respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6
reading and content.
Formative- Questioning, Peer/Self
assessments, Q&A, Practice
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages
Student Self -Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.
Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6
reading and content.
Spelling: Consonants and –le
Syllables --Demonstrate command
of the conventions of standard
English capitalization, punctuation,
and spelling when writing. Spell
Students will-
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Reread: Poems- Majestic, Mummy, Clay in Anthology
and discuss
Do Text Evidence Questions
Complete the Graphic Organizer
Spelling- Consonant and –le syllables worksheets
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Think/Pair/Share
Thumbs up/down, student-led
discussion, Q&A, Discussion
Promethean board
Summative- worksheets, practice
book pages, English quiz
Student Self - Discussion
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets
Analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene or stanza fits into
the overall structure of a text and
contributes to the development of
the theme, setting and plot.
Explain how an author develops
the point of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.
Spelling: Consonants and –le
Syllables -Demonstrate command
of the conventions of standard
English capitalization, punctuation,
and spelling when writing. Spell
Students willWrite routinely over extended
time frames for a range of
discipline-specific tasks, purposes,
and audiences.
Read : Maestro,Tradition in Anthology pp178-179
Compare Texts
Make Connections
McGraw-Hill Unit 2 Resources;
Anthology and Reading Writing
Workshop text. Reading Practice
Formative- Questioning, graphic
organizers, Peer/Self assessments,
Think/Pair/Share, Thumbs
up/down, Q&A
Grammar- Possessive Nouns Worksheets
Promethean board
Summative- Spelling test, Vocab
quiz, Weekly Test, Selection Test
Teaching Strategies: Direct, Indirect and interactive,
and instruction
-Leveled Readers
- vocabulary cards
Student Self - Assessment- ticket
out the door
Spelling - Consonant and –le syllables worksheets
Draw evidence from literary or
informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, and research.
Grammar: Appositives —
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when
writing or speaking. Produce
complete sentences recognizing
and correcting inappropriate
fragments and run-ons.
Spelling: Closed SyllablesDemonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. Spell
Additional Resources:
Spelling and English worksheets