Dear Students, Welcome to my classroom! We are going to have a lot of fun this year and learn even more! Here are the supplies you will need to have with you each day you come to class. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 notebooks (one for reading and one for spelling) 3 pencils with erasers A homework folder A planner or homework notebook A silent reading book Please make sure you have these things each day as they will count towards your grade. Homework You will have homework every night except Friday. Please make sure you write this down in your homework planner/notebook every day. On top of your nightly homework you should be reading at least 30 minutes each day and trying to get on Study Island at least three times per week for twenty minutes each time. I will be checking Study Island to see if you have logged in on a weekly basis and your homework on a daily basis. Absences Be sure to check your class’ basket for any work or notes that you missed. You will be given one day to make up the work you missed or earn a 0 for that work. I will not ask you for this work. It is your responsibility to make sure it is handed in to me the next day. Tests You will have a spelling, grammar, and vocabulary/comprehension test each week. Please be sure to study for these by practicing your spelling words each night, rereading the story, and studying your vocabulary words throughout the week. All tests will be open book except spelling. *Anyone who earns a 100% on any of these tests will be allowed to sign the “High Achievers” board and have lunch in the classroom with me. Textbooks You will have a grammar, spelling, and purple workbook, a small purple book, a big purple book, and a writing folder. These items will all be stored in the classroom, but you are welcome to take them home for studying as long as you ask me. Paragraph of the Week Each Monday we will begin a new paragraph. We will follow the same process each week; Monday-brainstorm, Tuesday-details and explanations, Wednesday-topic and closing sentences, Thursday-put it together and edit, Friday-final copy is due. If you are absent please make sure you follow this schedule and hand in the final copy by Friday. Grades Spelling Reading English 25% Participation 25% Participation 25% Participation 25% Homework 45% Tests 75% Tests 50% Tests 30% Writing Projects Handwriting 100% Participation You will also receive a behavior grade of 95 85 or 65 based on your follow through of the ARMOR school wide behavior program