Valley Elementary/Middle School Kathryn M. Brior Acting Principal Laura Barletta Vice-Principal 79 Rock Glen Road Sugarloaf, PA 18249 (570) 459-3221 Ext 26500 FAX: (570) 459-788-4718 Francis X. Antonelli, D.Ed Superintendent of Schools Craig B. Butler, D.Ed Assistant to the Superintendent Dear Parent, Your son/daughter has chosen to become a candidate for the National Junior Honor Society at the Valley Middle School. This is a prestigious organization that recognizes young persons with qualities of scholarship, service, citizenship, character and leadership. In order for your son/daughter to be inducted into the Society, which takes place in May, he or she MUST have the following three qualifications with NO exceptions: 1. Grade point average of 93 or above after the 3rd quarter 2. 10 service credits accrued by the end of the 3rd quarter (see attached sheet) 3. Be in good standing at school or in the community (Behavior that necessitates disciplinary action will automatically disqualify any candidate.) Please sign below that you and your son or daughter fully understands and accepts the expectations of becoming a member of the NJHS of the Valley Middle School. It is suggested that your child maintain a copy of this letter as a reminder of what needs to be done in order to be inducted in May. Your child must return this form to Mrs. Grobelny by Friday, October 3. I look forward to working with your child this school year. STUDENT NAME_______________________________________________________GRADE____________ Please print STUDENT SIGNATURE_________________________________________ DATE______________ PARENT NAME________________________________________________________________________ Please print PARENT SIGNATURE________________________________________________DATE______________