Motlow State Community College

Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Planning Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Assessing Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Unit: Admissions
Related Strategic Goal:
3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services.
Action Plan #: ADMS-03
Action Plan Title: Satisfaction with the Courteousness of the Staff of the Office of Admissions and
Desired Outcome: At least 90% of the respondents to the Satisfaction of Student Services Survey will
rate the courteousness of the staff of the Office of Admissions and Records as satisfactory.
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: The Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and
Effectiveness will make the online survey available to students during the fall semester. The office will
post the results of the survey on the IRPE web site. Admission and Records Office personnel will review
and evaluate results and make changes as needed. With new personnel being hired for the admissions
front desk, there will be extensive training in customer service and providing customers with correct
information. The Admissions and Records staff will attend professional development training offered by
TACRAO each summer and any other customer service training made available through MSCC.
Team Members: Financial Aid, Admissions and Records, and IT staff members
Timeline: Review progress and evaluate December 1, 2013.
Est. Cost: $ 0
Budgeted: Included in current budget
Evidence of Success: Satisfaction with Student Services Survey Results will show that at least 90% of
responding students rate the courteousness of Admission and Records Office as satisfactory.
Complete the following when assessing a plan
Current Status: On Schedule
Describe Progress:
The Student Satisfaction survey indicated that 96% agreed that the staff at Motlow College was
courteous. This represents all four campuses at MSCC. The satisfaction rate was above the 90%
expected outcome. Results and comments are reviewed and any corrective action occurs to improve
Services to students.
The Student Satisfaction survey indicated that 96% agreed that the staff at Motlow College was
courteous. This represents all four campuses at MSCC. The satisfaction rate was above the 90%
expected outcome. Results and comments are reviewed and any corrective action occurs to improve
services to students.
The Student Satisfaction survey indicated that 97.88% agreed that the staff at Motlow College was
courteous. This represents all four campuses at MSCC. The satisfaction rate was above the 90%
expected outcome. Results and comments are reviewed and any corrective action occurs to improve
services to students.
The Student Satisfaction survey indicated that 97.87% agreed that the staff at Motlow College was
courteous. The satisfaction rate was above the 90% expected outcome. Results and comments are
reviewed and any corrective action occurs to improve services to students.
The Student Satisfaction Survey indicated that 93.6% agreed that the staff at Motlow College was
courteous. The satisfaction rate was above the 90% expected outcome. Results and comments are
reviewed and any corrective action occurs to improve services to students.
The Student Satisfaction Survey indicated that 91.43% agreed that the staff at Motlow College was
courteous. The satisfaction rate was above the 90% expected outcome. Results and comments are
reviewed and any corrective action occurs to improve services to students.
Eighty-four percent of the respondents to the Satisfaction with student Services Survey agreed that the
staff was courteous. This expected outcome was not met. The satisfaction rate fell below 90%, the
director of admissions and records and the director’s vice president will discuss ways to improve
services by the office of admissions and records.
Describe Needed Changes: We will continue to talk about how important a smile and friendly service is
to our students. Will continue to meet with off campus sites to discuss any changes occurring in
Admissions so students are kept informed about changes.
List of Supporting Documentation: [List supporting documents and email them along with your updated
IE Plans.]
Date Last Updated: 6/15/2014