Motlow State Community College

Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Assessing Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Unit: Financial Aid
Related Strategic Goal:
3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services.
Action Plan #: FINA-02
Action Plan Title: Point of Service Satisfaction Evaluation for the Financial Aid Office
Desired Outcome: Evaluate and develop a Point of Service survey instrument and evaluation procedure
to be utilized in the financial aid office on the Lynchburg Campus and Smyrna to complement the results
of the financial aid section of the Satisfaction of Student Services Survey.
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: The financial aid office staff will research instruments
used by other institutions to evaluate financial aid offices. Using the information collected, the financial
aid staff will develop a survey instrument to capture the student’s opinions at the point of service,
providing an immediate reaction opposed to one developed at the end of year as in the Student Survey.
The development process will be used to determine if the instrument will be paper, online or both. An
evaluation process will be developed to identify such items as frequency of collection, process of
evaluation, utilization of results, etc. The instrument should be complete and able to be implemented
during the Fall 2013 term.
Team Members: Financial Aid, IR Staff, and IT staff members
Timeline: Review progress and evaluate June 30, 2013.
Est. Cost: $ 0
Budgeted: Included in current budget
Evidence of Success: Finalization of a Usable Point of Service Survey Instrument and process for the
Financial aid Office.
Complete the following when assessing a plan
Current Status: Completed
Describe Progress:
During the 13 – 14 year the financial aid office structure changed and the point of service instrument
was not implemented. The Student Satisfaction Survey was evaluated with the following results:
Main Campus
149. Please rate
96.8% Average or
experience(s) with
the office.
97.9% Average or
96% Average or
96.3% Average or
150. Please rate
the level of
service provided.
139. Have you
visited the
Motlow financial
aid web site for
services such as
looking up
financial aid
information or
securing forms?
140. How helpful
was the financial
aid information
on the web site?
98.1% Average or
97.5% Average or
95.8% Average or
98.5% Average or
62% Have
60.5% Have
75% Have
69.5% Have
99.3% Average or
96.3% Average or
97.6% Average or
99.1% Average or
The financial aid office has reviewed multiple financial aid office surveys from other colleges and
universities across the country in on-line reviews. These reviews have been useful in finalizing the
instrument that the Motlow College Financial Aid Office will be using in the Lynchburg and Smyrna
offices beginning Fall of 2012.
Both locations will utilize the same survey instrument with each campus identified separately. The
decision was made to utilize very similar questions as was used on the Satisfaction of Student Services
Survey to have a clear alignment for data comparison. Lockable survey collection boxes will be provided
in the Lynchburg and Smyrna offices to collect the completed survey forms. Individuals visiting the
financial aid offices in Lynchburg and Smyrna will be provided the opportunity to complete the survey
after completing their business with the respective office.
The Point Of Service survey results will be evaluated against the results gathered from the Satisfaction of
Student Services Survey results. The analysis of these results will be shared with financial aid staff in
order to identify areas for improvement.
The baseline results will be taken from the 2012 – 2013 evaluations and additional goals will be set at
that time moving forward.
Due to multiple items changing in the financial aid office structure in the 2012 – 2013 year the full
aspect of the Goal could not be implemented. The baseline year will have to be moved to the 2013 –
2014 year.
o Copies of the Student Satisfaction Survey results are being distributed to the financial aid
staff for review, comments, and suggestions. Also, copies of the draft Point of Service (POS)
Survey instrument will be distributed to the financial aid staff for review, comments, and
suggestions. The results of these reviews will be evaluated to design a survey instrument
that can be used on the Main Campus, Smyrna Campus, and Financial Aid Lab. Survey
Collection boxes have been purchased for all three locations to collect POS results.
Describe Needed Changes:
This IE plan is completed and will not be renewed for 2014-15.
List of Supporting Documentation:
Copies of Student Satisfaction Surveys from Main Campus, Smyrna, McMinnville, and Fayetteville
Draft copies of the Point of Service Survey instruments developed for the Financial Aid Offices in
Lynchburg and Smyrna. F12 Fin Aid Student Satisfaction Survey Results for All Campuses and a copy of
distribution notice to financial aid staff to review the survey results and POS instrument for review,
comments, and suggestions.
Date Last Updated: 6/15/2014