Motlow State Community College

Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Planning Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Assessing Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Unit: Academic Affairs - Asst. VP
Related Strategic Goal:
3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services.
Action Plan #: ACAD-06
Action Plan Title: Development and Training for Faculty
Desired Outcome: 70% of respondents to the fall and spring assembly surveys will rate the
development/training opportunities as 3, 4, or 5 (on a 1-5 scale with 1 being lowest and 5 being highest).
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: Each year, the college provides two significant
opportunities for training for faculty—Fall Assembly and Spring Assembly. Each occurs approximately
one week prior to the start of classes and provides timely and relevant information for faculty. Recent
topics have included legal issues, the QEP, curricular changes, Degree Works (a new advising tool), and
the Learning Support Redesign.
Team Members: Asst. VP of Academic Affairs
Timeline: Review annually
Est. Cost: $0
Budgeted: Included in current budget
Evidence of Success: 70% of respondents to the fall and spring assembly surveys will rate the
development/training opportunities as 3, 4, or 5 (on a 1-5 scale with 1 being lowest and 5 being highest).
Complete the following when assessing a plan
Current Status: On Schedule
Describe Progress:
Spring 2014
According to a faculty comment, the 2014 Spring Assembly was the best Motlow College has had in 21
years. The assembly included a QEP topic selection update and survey of potential topics for faculty
feedback. Additionally, Dr. Randy Shulte, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs from the
Tennessee Board of Regents, presented the history and the importance of the Academic Audit. All
presentations received a 70% or higher satisfaction rate from faculty. Session topics suggested for future
assemblies included developing effective communication and enrollment increase strategies.
Fall 2013
The 2013 Fall Assembly yielded a 70% or above satisfaction rate from faculty and staff in attendance.
The President’s State of the College Address, a TCC Brand Campaign Kick-off, a library update, and the
Title IX update comprised the agenda. Positive comments included that the sessions were an effective
use of time and very informative. Improvements suggested included a recommendation to provide a
SACSCOC and other pertinent accreditation updates as needed.
Spring 2013
The Spring Assembly 2013 results survey that rated a continental breakfast, a Learning Support update,
an Advising for Success presentation, and a Financial Aid workshop yielded a 70% or above satisfaction
with all aspects of the spring assembly. Comments from faculty included the benefits of the financial aid
Fall 2012
For the Fall 2012 Assembly, faculty rated the President’s State of the College Address, a Title IX session,
a SACS fifth year update, a session on Academic Freedom, Lunch, a Student Behavior Committee
Presentation, a copyright session, and an advisor training session. With the exception of the Sacs update
showing a 66.7% satisfaction rate, and the advisor training session with a 41.5% satisfaction rate, faculty
scored a 70% or higher satisfaction rate with the program components. Comments from faculty include
a shared dissatisfaction with the lack of new information in the copyright lecture and in advisement
Spring 2012
According to the Spring Assembly 2012 Results survey, faculty rated all criteria (Summer Orientation
session, CCSSE presentation, DegreeWorks update, ADA presentation, and Continental Breakfast) 3-5 at
a rate of 70% or greater, meeting the benchmark.
Fall 2011
According to the Fall Assembly 2011 Results survey, faculty rated all criteria (Food/Hospitality, Dr.
Apple’s Address, Faculty Salary Study presentation, QEP presentation, TTP presentation, and LS
presentation) 3-5 at a rate of 70% or greater, meeting the benchmark.
Describe Needed Changes: According to the feedback on the surveys, faculty are generally satisfied with
assembly presentations and are learning pertinent information. To anticipate the needs of the faculty,
the AVPAA is working with executive staff to provide data for analysis to be presented in the President’s
State of the College Address and to schedule longer workshops during assembly for departments to
discuss relevant issues and new information and to create data-driven recommendations for retention.
List of Supporting Documentation: Fall Assembly 2013 Results and Spring Assembly 2014 Results
Date Last Updated: 6/15/2014