Motlow State Community College

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Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Planning Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Assessing Year: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013
Unit: Social Sciences
Related Strategic Goal:
1.1: Expand the use of technology to increase access to post-secondary education.
Action Plan #: SOSC-05
Action Plan Title: Increase Social Sciences Online Offerings
Desired Outcome: The Department of Social Science will increase its fully online course offerings by two
additional courses, one in spring 2014 and one in Fall 2014. The goal is to increase access to postsecondary education.
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities:
The Motlow College Strategic Plan 2010-2015 Access Priority 1.1 states that “Motlow State Community
College will expand the use of technology to increase access to post-secondary education.” In
compliance with this goal, the Department of Social Science will increase its online course offerings.
The Department of Social Sciences currently offers the following courses in fully online format:
PSYC 1030 General Psychology
PSYC 1040 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 2014 Psychology of Human Sexuality
PSYC 2120 Social Psychology
PSYC 2130 Life Span Psychology
CRMJ 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRMJ 2020 Introduction to Corrections
HIST 2010 Survey of American History I
HIST 2030 Tennessee History
HIST 2020 Survey of American History II
POLS 1030 American Government
The department will add two additional fully online MSCC courses:
1. CRMJ 2010 Introduction to Law Enforcement
2. CRMJ 1020 Introduction to the Legal Process
Team Members: Dr. Lucy Craig
Timeline: CRMJ 2010 Introduction to Law Enforcement Spring 2014 (implementation); CRMJ 1020
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Introduction to the Legal Process Fall 2014 (implementation)
Est. Cost: $0 (Redistributed Time)
Budgeted: Budget increase needed
Evidence of Success: The MSCC Spring 2014 Class Schedule will show CRMJ 2010 offered as a fully
online course. The MSCC Fall 2014 Class Schedule will show CRMJ 1020 offered as a fully online course.
Complete the following when assessing a plan
Current Status: On Schedule
Describe Progress:
Describe Needed Changes:
List of Supporting Documentation:
Date Last Updated: August 22, 2013