Motlow State Community College Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness Planning Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 Assessing Year: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Unit: Academic Affairs - Asst. VP Related Strategic Goal: 3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services. Action Plan #: ACAD-01 Action Plan Title: Full-time/Part-time Faculty FTE Ratio Desired Outcome: At least 60% of the College’s FTE will be generated through classes taught by fulltime faculty each semester in each academic discipline and at each college center. Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: Consistently, department chairs, academic directors, and center directors schedule classes to meet the needs and time constraints of the student population and to offer complete programs of study within MSCC’s workforce development and the TTPs listed in the institution’s catalog. The classes scheduled each term are staffed first by qualified full-time faculty so that they are teaching a minimum of fifteen hours teaching load equivalent each semester for a total of thirty hours per academic year, excluding summer teaching assignments. Special consideration is given to the need for the institution to distribute instructional cost per student equitably between faculty within all salary ranges. As a consequence, faculty overload is minimized. Consideration also is given to special programs, including Learning Support, accelerated programs, and the honors program so that top-quality, full-time faculty are assigned to the classes designated to meet the needs of those programs. Finally, special consideration is given to the rapid student population growth and inadequate office and classroom space to accommodate more classes taught by full-time faculty. Team Members: Asst. VP of Academic Affairs, Academic Department Heads Timeline: Review annually Est. Cost: $0 Budgeted: Included in current budget Evidence of Success: ARGOS report will show that at least 60% of the college’s FTE will be generated through classes taught by full-time faculty each semester in each academic discipline and at each college center. Complete the following when assessing a plan Current Status: On Schedule Describe Progress: Fall 2012-Spring 2013 For fall 2012, the overall average of the college’s FTE dropped from the previous year slightly to 55 percent. While the total percentage of FTE for full-time faculty in transfer programs was a little lower at 51 percent, the percentage of FTE in non-transfer programs was high at 90%. The high percentage for the non-transfer programs is due in part to the smaller population of students and the introduction of salaried, term-contract faculty to serve in Career Readiness and the specialization of the concentration requirements in the Business Technology major. The percentages for spring 2013 were only slightly different, with 56 percent of the college’s FTE taught by full-time faculty. The percentages in transfer and non-transfer programs remained fairly steady at 52 and 56 percent. While MSCC’s current benchmark of 60% of classes taught by full-time faculty is not met, the overall average of all classes taught by full-time faculty at all centers and campuses is 54% as indicated in Table 1 below. Most notably, the Moore County campus had 69% of its classes taught by full-time faculty in fall 2012 and 71 percent in spring 2013, while the Smyrna Center had 47% of its overall classes taught by full-time faculty in fall 2012 and 46 percent in spring 2013. A new classroom building is under construction at the Smyrna Center and will be open summer 2013. As a result, the location will be able to move full-time faculty from the Moore County campus to the new building to teach more of the classroom offerings. In addition, as noted in Table 2, the full-time/part time distribution in individual departments varies according to the needs of the student population and the number of full-time faculty within each department. Interestingly, the percentage of full-time faculty teaching at our Smyrna location is steadily increasing from our spring 2011 at 28 percent. Table 1 – FT/PT by College Center Spring 2013 Fayetteville Center McMinnville Center Motlow State Campus Tot. Hrs FTE % Tot. Hrs FTE % Tot. Hrs FTE % Fulltime 11 9.31 49% 206 17.17 58% 549 45.75 71% Parttime 116 9.64 51% 15 12.47 42% 227 18.94 29% 227 19.73 356 29.64 776 64.69 Smyrna Classroom Tot. Hrs FTE % Fulltime Parttime Summary FTE by FT/PT Tot. Hrs FTE % 211 17.61 41% 1,099 305 516 25.39 43.00 59% 941 2,040 91.57 54% 78.39 46% 169.96 Table 2 – FT/PT by Educational Program in Fall 2012-Spring 2013 Fall 2012 Educational Program Tot Hrs FTE Transfer Programs (A.A, A.S. and A.S.T) Business and Technology 183 15.25 Full-time 150 12.50 Part-time 33 2.75 Education 113 9.42 Full-time 60 5.00 Part-time 53 4.42 Humanities 262 21.83 Full-time 102 8.50 Part-time 160 13.33 Languages 468 39.00 Full-time 234 19.50 Part-time 234 19.50 Mathematics 244 20.33 Full-time 151 12.58 Part-time 93 7.75 Natural Science 200 16.67 Full-time 112 9.33 Part-time 88 7.33 Social Science 391 32.58 Full-time 142 11.83 Part-time 249 20.75 Spring 2013 % 82% 18% 53% 47% 39% 61% 50% 50% 62% 38% 56% 44% 36% 64% 155.08 Tot Hrs FTE 170 142 28 88 42 46 243 87 156 404 200 204 250 151 99 178 118 60 370 151 219 14.17 11.83 2.33 7.33 3.50 3.83 20.25 7.25 13.00 33.67 16.67 17.00 20.83 12.58 8.25 14.83 9.83 5.00 30.83 12.58 18.25 1,703 141.92 % 84% 16% 48% 52% 36% 64% 50% 50% 60% 40% 66% 34% 41% 59% Total Transfer 1,861 Full-time 951 79.25 51% 891 74.25 52% Part-time 910 75.83 49% 812 67.67 48% Non-Transfer Programs (A.A.S and Certificates) Business and Technology 54 4.50 Full-time 54 4.50 100% Part-time 0 0.00 0% Career Readiness 45 3.75 Full-time 45 3.75 100% Part-time 0 0.00 0% Education 14 1.17 Full-time 6 0.50 43% Part-time 8 0.67 57% Nursing 90 7.50 Full-time 78 6.50 87% 73 58 15 35 35 0 18 9 9 87 87 6.08 4.83 79% 1.25 21% 2.92 2.92 100% 0.00 0% 1.50 0.75 50% 0.75 50% 7.25 7.25 100% Part-time Total Non-Transfer Full-time Part-time Total 12 203 183 20 1.00 16.92 15.25 1.67 13% 90% 10% 0 213 189 24 1,916 0.00 17.75 15.75 2.00 0% 89% 11% 2,064 172 160 Full-time 1,134 95 55% 1,080 90 56% Part-time 930 78 45% 836 70 44% Describe Needed Changes: In spring 2013, the Academic Leadership Team (ALT) held their weekly meeting on April 5, at 10 a.m. The team discussed the college’s full-time/part-time ratio and determined that while many disciplines are moving closer to the 60 percent benchmark, the declining enrollment pattern, the impact of the new Smyrna building and its opening, and the new healthcare regulations relating to the number of hours a part-time faculty member can teach will need to be considered before making any data-driven recommendations for change. A 50 percent full-time and 50 percent part-time ratio is reasonable and met at this time. List of Supporting Documentation: FTE by Full-time and Part-time Faculty by Site; FTE by Full-time and Part-time Faculty by Educational Program; Leadership Teams Meeting Minutes 04/05/13 Date Last Updated: 6/15/2013