Motlow State Community College Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness Planning Year: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Assessing Year: July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 Unit: Student Success Related Strategic Goal: 2.1 Enhance student persistence to completion of post-secondary credential or degree. Action Plan #: SSCS -02 Action Plan Title: Tracking MTSU Dual Admissions Students Desired Outcome: (1) Implement a system that will track students who have signed a Dual Admission agreement for transfer to MTSU. (2) At least 80% of students who begin the Dual Admission program will progress to graduation and smooth transfer to MTSU. Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: The recently signed Dual Admission Program between Motlow College (MSCC) and Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) offers a structured, guaranteed pathway for progression from an associate’s degree to a bachelor’s degree. Students who sign this agreement will receive advisement services from both institutions during the program to aid them in developing the course work for their degree program. The Dual Admissions program is only as good as the people who administer it at each institution. At Motlow, the Director of Student Success and the Assistant Directors of Student Services will serve as the main contacts and advisors for Dual Admission students. Our goal is to work with these students from start to finish and assist them with an easy transfer to Middle Tennessee State University once their associate’s degree has been awarded. To accomplish this goal, a system will be implemented that will allow for staff to track students who have committed to the Dual Admission Program with MTSU. This tracking system data will populate an ARGOS report that will allow staff to monitor progression toward student retention from semester-tosemester, year-to-year, and progress toward graduation. The ability to track these students and provide continual communication with them is critical to a successful program. The staff will make contact with these students at least once per semester to follow-up with schedule and any questions that they students might have. If students do not progress to the following term, contact will be made to offer assistance that could get the student back on track if at all possible. Team Members: Director of Student Success and Asst. Directors of Student Services at each location Timeline: System will be developed and implemented by June, 2012 with individual student contact occurring within each term. Est. Cost: $0 Budgeted: Included in current budget Evidence of Success: Completion of the Dual Admission Student tracking system and related ARGOS report by June 2012. Complete the following when assessing a plan Current Status: On Schedule Describe Progress: The Dual Admissions Program has had a slow start since its implementation. To date, only 6 students have signed “Intent to Participate” forms. The Director of Student Success has been working with the Director of Admissions to implement a tracking system. We are currently working with IT to request the needed reporting tool in ARGOS. The Director of Student Success and Director of Admissions will request a meeting with MTSU staff sometime during the month of July to discuss electronic transfer of information from MSCC to MTSU on the students who commit to Dual Admissions. Describe Needed Changes: In order to increase our numbers, the responsible staff will work to increase awareness of the Dual Admission program with MTSU. As numbers increase, we will continue work with the appropriate Admissions and IT staff to determine the requirements and set-up for the ARGOS reports necessary to track this population. List of Supporting Documentation: Intent to Participate Form; Checklist for Dual Admissions Date Last Updated: December 12, 2011