LEVEL 5 EXCEPTIONAL LEVEL 4 SUPERIOR LEVEL 3 COMMENDABLE LEVEL 2 MINIMAL LEVEL 1 INADEQUATE *190 student were assessed Program Student Learning Outcomes USE OF ASSESSMENT RESULTS Fall 2010 Program Title: Languages General Education Assessment Course: ENGL 1010—English Composition I Expected Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will write an effective thesis statement and support it adequately. 2. Students will organize the essay using the appropriate rhetorical mode. 3. Students will write an essay that is free of major grammatical errors (as indicated in the Guidelines for Written Assignments). 4. Students will write an essay that is free of punctuation and mechanical errors. 5. Students will write a formal essay employing correct diction, syntax, and a variety of sentence structures. Performance Measure(s): All instructors of ENGL 1010 during the target semester assessed the final essays of the randomly selected students using a common rubric that lists five specific learning outcomes unique to each course. All instructors of ENGL 1010 courses assessed the final essays of the randomly selected students using the common rubric. The rubric is designed with numbers that indicate quality of work ranging from a value of 5 (Substantially exceeds requirements) to 1 (Does not meet requirements), with a value of 3 (Meets requirements) being the average. The numerical results were then tabulated. Effectiveness Standard Each student should score an average of 3 based on the common rubric, and at least 72% of the students assessed should meet or exceed the expected outcome of 3. Assessment Results: 1. Students will write an effective thesis statement and support it adequately 2. Students will organize the essay using the appropriate rhetorical mode 3. Students will write an essay that is free of major grammatical errors (as indicated in the Guidelines for Written Assignments) 4. Students will write an essay that is free of punctuation and mechanical errors 5. Students will write a formal essay employing correct diction, syntax, and a variety of sentence structures 2% 34% 27% 9% 5% 63% 26% 31% 29% 9% 5% 86% 19% 24% 25% 22% 9% 68% 21% 18% 31% 23% 8% 70% 19% 37% 26% 12% 6% 82% Use of Assessment Results: For the deficiencies present in ENGL 1010 SLOs 1, 3, and 4, the English faculty will implement a plan to employ teaching methodologies that emphasize and address skills to help students become aware of the assigned writing tasks, and the importance of sustainable purpose, a strong thesis and adequate support. In addition, basic grammar, punctuation, and mechanics skills will be strengthened through the use of computer programs designed to provide additional tutoring in weak areas.