Motlow State Community College Program Student Learning Outcomes Use of Assessment Results Spring Semester 2014 Program Title: General Education, Tennessee Transfer Pathway Course: BIOL 1120 (General Biology II) Assessment Results and Use of Results: Expected Student Learning Outcomes: 1. The student should be knowledgeable of taxonomy and the evolutionary relationships and significant innovations regarding the different plant and animal groups. (Questions 1, 2, 3) 2. The student should be knowledgeable of animal characteristics related to the advancement and complexity and its application to the major animal phyla (Questions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) 3. The student should know the major human body systems including the circulatory and the reproduction systems. (Questions 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) 4. The student should be knowledgeable about plant anatomical structures and plant reproductive features. (Questions 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21) 5. The student should know the significant plant division characteristics. (Questions 22, 23, 24, 25) Performance Measure(s): Pre-test, Post-test Effectiveness Standard: Effectiveness of this course will be determined according to the following two measures based upon the results of the Pre and Post-tests: 1. The percentage of Post-Test correct responses per item will be at least 20 points higher than the percentage of Pre-Test correct responses per item if the Pre-Test values is below 50%. 2. Each item will have at least 50% correct responses on the Post-test. Assessment Results: Results of the pre-test were as follows: BIOL 1120 GE Pre-and Post-test Results for S14 Question Q1 Q2 Q3 PreTest # Correct 51 82 54 PreTest % Correct 43% 69% 46% PostTest # Correct 42 77 51 PostEffectiveness Effectiveness Test Standard #1 Standard #2 % % Met/Not Met/Not Correct Difference Met? Met? N N 44% 1% NA Y 80% 11% N Y 53% 7% Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 77 58 90 39 53 33 80 82 109 62 53 37 48 33 17 37 46 98 69 38 50 34 65% 49% 76% 33% 45% 28% 68% 69% 92% 53% 45% 31% 41% 28% 14% 31% 39% 83% 58% 32% 42% 29% 73 63 80 73 67 28 76 80 91 62 58 44 58 63 14 80 58 84 84 52 75 65 76% 66% 83% 76% 70% 29% 79% 83% 95% 65% 60% 46% 60% 66% 15% 83% 60% 88% 88% 54% 78% 68% 11% 16% 7% 43% 25% 1% 11% 14% 2% 12% 16% 14% 20% 38% 0% 52% 21% 4% 29% 22% 36% 39% NA N NA Y Y N NA NA NA NA N N N Y N Y Y NA NA Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 118 students took the pre-test and 96 students took the post-test. For Effectiveness Standard #1, scoring for eight questions met the standard, seven did not and ten did not apply as pre-test scores were over 50%. For Effectiveness Standard #2, scoring for twenty-one questions met the standard and four did not. Use of Assessment Results: Department faculty met electronically and discussed the results of BIOL 1120 assessments. It was decided that the pre-/post-test was too long and had too many questions. Faculty will work together to shorten future tests to no more than 10 questions. It was also decided that having a pre-test earlier in the semester would produce more representative pre-/post-test differences. In the future, pre-tests will be available online during the first week of classes.