Motlow State Community College Program Student Learning Outcomes Use of Assessment Results Fall Semester 2015 Program Title: General Education, University Parallel Major Course: SPCH 1010 Expected Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Develop a clear purpose statement for a speech. Use an effective organizational pattern and transitions in a speech. Organize the main points of a topic for a speech. Develop an effective introduction and use it in a speech. Develop an effective conclusion and use it in a speech. Use appropriate language in a speech. Recognize and incorporate effective oral techniques in speaking including diction, syntax, usage, grammar and mechanics. 8. Communicate nonverbally through gestures, eye contact and body movement in a prepared speech. 9. Research a topic and incorporate and correctly cite the evidence in a speech. Performance measure: Embedded assessment of the persuasive speech assignment Effectiveness Standard: At least 80% of students will meet or exceed the expected outcomes as defined by the Communication faculty based on TBR Student Learning Outcomes for Oral Communication. Assessment Results: CRITERIA Clear Purpose Effective Introduction Organizational Pattern Effective Conclusion Main Points Evidence Appropriate Language Effective Oral Delivery Non-Verbal Delivery Excellent % 49 34 41 29 36 29 39 24 19 Excellent # 207 143 171 122 153 120 165 99 80 Good % 47 57 50 57 55 44 56 58 56 Good # 196 240 209 241 230 185 237 243 234 Total % Exceed or Meet 96 91 90 86 91 73 96 81 75 Effectiveness Standard Met? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Use of Assessment Results: Upon reviewing the data, it was determined that all but two of the criteria met the new higher effectiveness standard of 80% set by the department in the last report. The two criteria needing improvement are Evidence citation and Non-verbal delivery. To address this issue, the department chair will work with faculty to devise a list of best practices for each of these areas. The department chair will also work with faculty to create a video and instructional library assisting students in these areas. The video and instructional library will be placed in a D2L shell for faculty to use in their classroom and placed in students’ D2L at the teacher’s discretion. The faculty will update the rubric by April 15, 2016. A time line for changes are listed below: Action Plan Create a instructional bank for faculty to use at their discretion Faculty will create a list of links to online videos addressing nonverbal delivery, which can be placed on the student’s D2l at the teacher’s discretion Review and Update Rubric Person (s) Responsible Department Chair and Faculty Deadline May 1, 2016 Department Chair and Faculty May 1, 2016 Department Chair, Faculty April 15, 2016