Spring 2015 Student Satisfaction Results 1. Please select your age range. 20 and under 52.9% 181 21-24 19.6% 67 25-34 15.5% 53 35-77 12.0% 41 Over 77 0.0% 0 Male 27.5% 94 Female 72.5% 248 Freshman 43.3% 148 Sophomore 46.8% 160 Non-degree 1.2% 4 Other 8.8% 30 2. Are you: 3. I am a: 4. Did you participate in New Student Orientation? Yes 83.7% 123 No 16.3% 24 5. Did you feel that the freshman orientation was helpful to you as you began your education at Motlow? Yes 88.7% 125 No 11.4% 16 6. Did the information provided cover things that you needed to know to get started? Yes 89.4% 127 No 10.6% 15 7. List other items that you would like to see included in this program. Comments not included in online results. 8. Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic/Latino/Spanish origin? Yes 5.6% 19 No 94.4% 323 9. In addition, select one or more of the following racial categories to describe yourself. White 90.3% 308 Black or African American 6.5% 22 Asian 2.1% 7 American Indian 2.4% 8 Alaskan Native 0.3% 1 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.3% 1 7.9% 27 10. Are you a single parent? Yes No 92.1% 314 Self only 77.9% 264 Child(ren) 22.1% 75 Ill Spouse 3.0% 10 Ill or aging Parent 6.5% 22 11. Please check the people you care for: 12. Please select your current employment status: Employed Full-time 24.6% 84 Employed Part-time 44.3% 151 Unemployed 31.1% 106 13. Please select any of the factors that might keep you from achieving your educational objective at Motlow. Money 73.7% 224 Transportation 10.2% 31 Child Care 4.9% 15 Job 28.6% 87 Home Responsibilities 24.7% 75 Class Availability 44.1% 134 14. Please select your current GPA: 2.0 6.0% 20 2.5 7.2% 24 2.75 7.5% 25 3.0 22.8% 76 3.5 33.8% 113 4.0 22.8% 76 15. Please select the main reason why you chose to attend Motlow Cost 27.5% 94 Location 26.9% 92 Financial aid/Scholarship 6.4% 22 Ability to live at home and attend 21.4% 73 Atmosphere 3.2% 11 Program 10.2% 35 Reputation of School 4.4% 15 Complete a UP degree & transfer to a 4 year school 49.6% 167 Take a couple of classes & transfer to a 4 year school 19.6% 66 16. What is your academic goal at Motlow? Take a couple of classes that will help me in my 1.8% job 6 Complete a program and get a job 21.4% 72 Other 7.7% 26 17. Do you have a computer and internet access at home? Yes 96.5% 329 No 3.5% 12 18. Do you have a device (smartphone or tablet) that allows you to access the internet? Yes 91.5% 313 No 8.5% 29 19. Have you accessed the Motlow College web site? Yes 100.0% 342 No 0.0% 0 20. Did you find the Motlow College web site easy to navigate and use? Yes 0.0% 0 No 0.0% 0 21. How useful was the information on the Motlow College web site? Excellent 0.0% 0 Above Average 0.0% 0 Average 0.0% 0 Poor 0.0% 0 22. Have you accessed the Motlow College mobile web site? Yes 82.1% 279 No 17.9% 61 23. Did you find the Motlow College mobile web site easy to navigate and use? Yes 74.4% 206 No 25.6% 71 24. How useful was the information on the Motlow College mobile web site? Excellent 40.5% 113 Above Average 18.3% 51 Average 36.9% 103 Poor 4.3% 12 25. Have you accessed the Motlow College YouTube site? Yes 8.6% 29 No 91.5% 310 26. How useful was the information on the Motlow College YouTube site? Excellent 65.5% 19 Above Average 20.7% 6 Average 10.3% 3 Poor 3.5% 1 27. Have you accessed the Motlow College Facebook page? Yes 39.3% 134 No 60.7% 207 28. Did you "like" the Motlow College Facebook page to follow its posts? Yes 89.5% 119 No 10.5% 14 29. How useful was the information in the Motlow College Facebook posts? Excellent 44.0% 59 Above Average 24.6% 33 Average 29.1% 39 Poor 2.2% 3 30. Have you accessed the Motlow College Twitter page? Yes 16.7% 57 No 83.3% 284 31. Did you "follow" the Motlow College Twitter page to get tweets? Yes 79.0% 45 No 21.1% 12 32. How useful was the information in the Motlow College Twitter tweets? Excellent 57.8% 26 Above Average 28.9% 13 Average 13.3% 6 Poor 0.0% 0 34. At which location do you attend most of your classes? Moore County Campus 34.5% 118 Fayetteville Center 9.9% 34 McMinnville Center 18.4% 63 Smyrna Center 32.8% 112 Regents-On-Line Degree Program courses only 0.0% 0 MSCC On-Line courses only 4.4% 15 35. Have you ever visited the Main campus in Moore County for assistance? Yes 40.5% 15 No 59.5% 22 36. Did you participate in any Welcome Week activities during your first week on campus? Yes 38.3% 90 No 61.7% 145 37. Did they benefit you as you began your year at Motlow College? Yes, a lot 45.6% 41 Yes, a little 30.0% 27 Maybe, some 23.3% 21 No, not at all 1.1% 1 38. Have you visited MSCC's Admissions and Records Office for assistance? Yes 81.7% 85 No 18.3% 19 Yes 90.6% 77 No 9.4% 8 Yes 95.3% 81 No 4.7% 4 39. Was the assistance provided satisfactory? 40. Was the staff member(s) courteous? 41. Have you used any of Admissions and Records web services such as applying to MSCC on-line? Yes 71.8% 178 No 28.2% 70 Yes 96.6% 172 No 3.4% 6 42. Did you find the web services easy to use? 43. Comments about the Admissions and Records Office: Comments not included in online results. 44. Have you talked with an advisor at MSCC? Yes 75.1% 187 No 24.9% 62 45. What method(s) of advisement have you used? (Please check all that apply.) Advisement Center 53.8% 100 Faculty 74.2% 138 Other 7.0% 13 Yes 93.6% 174 No 6.5% 12 46. Did you find the advice helpful? 47. Comments regarding advisement: Comments not included in online results. 48. Have you had contact with the Office of the Assistant Director of Student Services (Sheri Mason) at the Moore County Campus? Yes 30.0% 27 No 70.0% 63 Yes 92.6% 25 No 7.4% 2 49. Was the service she provided satisfactory? 50. Was she courteous? Yes 100.0% 27 No 0.0% 0 51. Comments regarding the Assistant Director of Student Services (Sheri Mason) at the Moore County Campus: Comments not included in online results. 52. Are you aware of the learning support services (tutoring, Writing Lab, Reading Lab, Math Lab) available at the Fayetteville Center? Yes 95.8% 23 No 4.2% 1 53. Are you aware of the different scheduling options (Adult College Express, Honors Program, two-day schedules) available to students at the Fayetteville Center? Yes 75.0% 18 No 25.0% 6 54. Have you had contact with the Office of the Assistant Director of Student Services (Debra Smith) at the Fayetteville Center? Yes 66.7% 16 No 33.3% 8 Yes 100.0% 16 No 0.0% 0 55. Was the service she provided satisfactory? 56. Was she courteous? Yes 100.0% 16 No 0.0% 0 57. Comments regarding the Assistant Director of Student Services (Debra Smith) at the Fayetteville Center: Comments not included in online results. 58. Have you had contact with the Office of the Assistant Director of Student Services (Gary Winton) at the Smyrna Center? Yes 50.7% 38 No 49.3% 37 59. Have you had contact with the Student Success Center (Sydney and Jonathan) at the Smyrna Center? Yes 54.7% 41 No 45.3% 34 60. Was the service that he provided satisfactory? Yes 100.0% 38 No 0.0% 0 61. Was the service that they provided satisfactory? Yes 97.6% 40 No 2.4% 1 Yes 100.0% 38 No 0.0% 0 62. Was he courteous? 63. Comments regarding the Assistant Director of Student Services (Gary Winton) at the Smyrna Center: Comments not included in online results. 64. Comments regarding the Student Success Center (Sydney and Jonathan) at the Smyrna Center: Comments not included in online results. 65. Have you had contact with the Office of the Assistant Director of Student Services (Sally Pack) at the McMinnville Center? Yes 58.7% 27 No 41.3% 19 66. Was the service that she provided satisfactory? Yes 100.0% 27 No 0.0% 0 Yes 100.0% 27 No 0.0% 0 67. Was she courteous? 68. Comments regarding the Assistant Director of Student Services (Sally Pack) at the McMinnville Center: Comments not included in online results. 69. I have used the site/center bookstore. Yes 80.7% 200 No 19.4% 48 70. Have you ever made a purchase at MSCC's bookstore? Yes 83.4% 196 No 16.6% 39 Yes 97.4% 190 No 2.6% 5 71. Was the service provided satisfactory? 72. Was the staff member(s) who assisted you courteous? Yes 91.6% 175 No 8.4% 16 73. Have you ever purchased books online through MSCC's bookstore? Yes 34.2% 84 No 65.9% 162 Yes 98.8% 83 No 1.2% 1 74. Was the service satisfactory? 75. Have you used the rental book program through the MSCC bookstore? Yes 48.6% 120 No 51.4% 127 76. Were you satisfied with the rental book program service? Yes 99.2% 118 No 0.8% 1 77. Comments regarding the MSCC bookstore: Comments not included in online results. 78. Have you had contact with MSCC's Business Office on the Moore County Campus? Yes 34.7% 86 No 65.3% 162 Yes 94.1% 80 No 5.9% 5 79. Was the service satisfactory? 80. Was the staff member(s) who assisted you courteous? Yes 97.7% 84 No 2.3% 2 Yes 66.7% 60 No 33.3% 30 Yes 88.3% 53 No 11.7% 7 81. Comments regarding the Business Office: Comments not included in online results. 82. Have you eaten at MSCC's cafeteria? 83. Was the service provided satisfactory? 84. Please rate the quality of the food. Very Satisfactory 21.7% 13 Satisfactory 61.7% 37 Unsatisfactory 11.7% 7 Very Unsatisfactory 5.0% 3 85. Comments regarding the cafeteria: Comments not included in online results. 86. Have you taken or are you currently taking any interactive video (ITV) courses? Yes 18.7% 44 No 81.3% 191 Yes 69.8% 30 No 30.2% 13 Yes 81.8% 36 No 18.2% 8 59.1% 26 87. Were there ever any equipment problems? 88. Were the problems resolved promptly? 89. Was this your first ITV course? Yes No 40.9% 18 90. Please select the level to which you agree to each of the following statements regarding ITV. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly N/A Disagree Responses 44 The quality of instruction 31.8 % for this course was 14 comparable to non-ITV courses I have taken. 27.3 % 22.7 % 11.4 % 4.5 % 2.3 % 12 10 5 2 1 The instructor provided adequate opportunity for all students to participate in course/classroom activities. 43.2 % 27.3 % 18.2 % 2.3 % 9.1 % 0.0 % 19 12 8 1 4 0 The instructor facilitated interaction between the various teaching locations. 45.5 % 27.3 % 11.4 % 2.3 % 9.1 % 4.5 % 20 12 5 1 4 2 Measures were taken by the instructor to ensure the integrity of student work at all teaching locations. 47.7 % 18.2 % 20.5 % 4.5 % 6.8 % 2.3 % 21 8 9 2 3 1 The course was facilitated in a way that I felt comfortable to ask questions or express ideas. 47.7 % 15.9 % 11.4 % 13.6 % 6.8 % 4.5 % 21 7 5 6 3 2 91. My overall experience with my ITV course was: Excellent 34.1% 15 Good 27.3% 12 44 44 44 44 Neutral 15.9% 7 Fair 18.2% 8 Poor 4.6% 2 Yes 84.4% 190 No 15.6% 35 92. Comments regarding ITV courses Comments not included in online results. 93. Do you use computers at MSCC? 94. Where do you use computers at Motlow? (Check all that apply) Classroom labs 62.6% 119 Library 86.8% 165 Cyberspace labs 7.4% 14 Lounge 22.1% 42 Yes 98.4% 187 No 1.6% 3 Yes 37.8% 94 No 62.3% 155 95. Are they typically in good working order? 96. Have you used MSCC's help desk? 97. Was the service provided satisfactory? Yes 97.9% 91 No 2.2% 2 98. Comments regarding computer services at Motlow: Comments not included in online results. 99. Have you had used the Testing services? Yes 40.5% 100 No 59.5% 147 Yes 97.0% 96 No 3.0% 3 100. Was the service provided satisfactory? 101. Was the staff member(s) who assisted you courteous? Yes 99.0% 99 No 1.0% 1 102. Comments regarding Testing Services: Comments not included in online results. 103. Have you received assistance from the Office of Disability Services (Sonya Hood or Belinda Champion)? Yes 7.2% 17 No 92.8% 218 104. Was the service she provided satisfactory? Yes 100.0% 17 No 0.0% 0 105. Was the staff member(s) who assisted you courteous? Yes 100.0% 16 No 0.0% 0 106. Comments regarding the Office of Disability Services (Sonya Hood or Belinda Champion): Comments not included in online results. 107. I use the library: (This includes on site or by web access.) Daily 15.7% 39 Weekly 41.8% 104 Monthly 6.0% 15 Occasionally 24.5% 61 Never 12.1% 30 Class related assignments, research, or study 73.5% 161 Audiovisual viewing or reserves' copying 1.8% 4 Computer usage (preparing papers and research) 20.6% 45 Computer usage (email, surfing, etc.) 3.7% 8 Recreational reading 0.5% 1 108. Do you primarily use the library for: 109. The library hours are satisfactory. Yes 96.8% 210 No 3.2% 7 Yes 98.6% 216 No 1.4% 3 110. Did you find the library staff helpful? 111. The library's books, magazines, and newspapers met my needs. Yes 96.3% 208 No 3.7% 8 Yes 25.2% 60 No 74.8% 178 112. Have you participated in library instruction? 113. My participation in library instruction helped me. Yes 44.9% 92 No 55.1% 113 Yes 93.3% 56 No 6.7% 4 114. Are you more likely to use the library? 115. Comments regarding library services: Comments not included in online results. 116. Have you used library databases? Yes 71.4% 177 No 28.6% 71 Yes 81.9% 176 No 18.1% 39 Yes 81.9% 177 No 18.1% 39 117. The library databases met my needs. 118. Did you find them easy to use? 119. How confident are you that you will find what you want when searching the library databases? So confident I explain database searching to other students 15.7% 34 Very confident 57.1% 124 Not confident, but I eventually find enough 24.4% 53 Not at all confident 2.8% 6 Total 217 120. Have you had contact with Laura Monks the Director of the Fayetteville Center? Yes 66.7% 16 No 33.3% 8 121. Was the service provided satisfactory? Yes 100.0% 16 No 0.0% 0 122. Was the staff member(s) who assisted you courteous? Yes 100.0% 16 No 0.0% 0 123. Comments regarding Laura Monks the Director of the Fayetteville Center: Comments not included in online results. 124. I have visited the main front office at the Fayetteville Center for assistance. Yes 95.8% 23 No 4.2% 1 Yes 100.0% 23 No 0.0% 0 125. Was the service provided satisfactory? 126. Was the staff member(s) who assisted you courteous? Yes 100.0% 23 No 0.0% 0 127. Have you had contact with Melody Edmonds the Director of the McMinnville Center? Yes 28.9% 13 No 71.1% 32 Yes 100.0% 13 No 0.0% 0 128. Was the service provided satisfactory? 129. Was the staff member(s) who assisted you courteous? Yes 100.0% 13 No 0.0% 0 130. Comments regarding Melody Edmonds the Director of the McMinnville Center: Comments not included in online results. 131. I have visited the main front office at the McMinnville Center for assistance. Yes 93.3% 42 No 6.7% 3 Yes 100.0% 42 No 0.0% 0 132. Was the service provided satisfactory? 133. Was the staff member(s) who assisted you courteous? Yes 95.2% 40 No 4.8% 2 134. Have you had contact with Cheryl Hyland the Director of the Smyrna Site? Yes 6.9% 5 No 93.2% 68 Yes 100.0% 5 No 0.0% 0 135. Was the service provided satisfactory? 136. Was the staff member(s) who assisted you courteous? Yes 100.0% 5 No 0.0% 0 137. Comments regarding Cheryl Hyland the Director of the Smyrna Site: Comments not included in online results. 138. I have visited the main front office at the Smyrna site for assistance. Yes 85.1% 63 No 14.9% 11 Yes 100.0% 63 No 0.0% 0 139. Was the service provided satisfactory? 140. Was the staff member(s) who assisted you courteous? Yes 100.0% 62 No 0.0% 0 141. Have you accessed the Motlow College Financial Aid web site? Yes 61.1% 151 No 38.9% 96 143. How useful was the information on the Motlow College Financial Aid web site? Excellent 37.8% 57 Above Average 30.5% 46 Average 27.8% 42 Poor 4.0% 6 144. Please check the best response describing your knowledge of the Motlow College Financial Aid online resources: I did not know you could get information online. 8.3% 16 I was aware of online resources but prefer to get answers in person. 35.6% 69 I do check online, but it creates questions that I 29.9% need answered in person. 58 l always use online resources, but sometimes I need to drop off a form. 51 26.3% 145. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions you have to improve the Motlow Financial Aid website. Comments not included in online results. 146. Did you access the Financial Aid Status link inside your MyMotlow account? Yes 76.4% 188 No 23.6% 58 147. How often do you monitor your Financial Aid Status within your MyMotlow account? Daily 1.6% 4 Weekly 12.1% 30 Monthly 27.4% 68 One time per semester 39.9% 99 Never 6.5% 16 N/A 12.5% 31 148. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions you have to improve the MyMotlow Financial Aid link? Comments not included in online results. 149. How easy was it in general for you to access Motlow College Financial Aid information? Very Easy 43.2% 99 Somewhat Easy 36.2% 83 Average 17.9% 41 Not Easy At All 2.6% 6 150. Have you ever applied for Financial Aid (Grants, Scholarships etc.)? Yes 85.3% 197 No 14.7% 34 151. Have you had contact with the Financial Aid Office in Smyrna (Donna Dunaway or Erica Lee)? Yes 51.4% 38 No 48.7% 36 Excellent 47.4% 18 Above Average 29.0% 11 Average 18.4% 7 Good 5.3% 2 Poor 0.0% 0 Very Courteous 65.8% 25 Courteous 26.3% 10 Somewhat Courteous 7.9% 3 Discourteous 0.0% 0 152. Please rate the level of service provided. 153. How courteous was the overall service provided? 154. Have you had contact with the Financial Aid Office on the Moore County campus (Wanda Emfinger, Jessica Dodge, Casey Martine, Joe Myers, and Andrea Walters)? Yes 38.5% 87 No 61.5% 139 Excellent 35.8% 69 Above Average 25.9% 50 155. Please rate the level of service provided. Average 29.5% 57 Good 4.7% 9 Poor 4.2% 8 157. How knowledgeable was the representative in regards to your financial aid assistance? Very knowledgeable 51.4% 19 Knowledgeable 37.8% 14 Somewhat Knowledgeable 10.8% 4 Not at all Knowledgeable 0.0% 0 158. Have you had contact with the Financial Aid Representative at the Fayetteville Denter (Debra Smith)? Yes 66.7% 16 No 33.3% 8 159. Have you had contact with the Financial Aid Representative at the McMinnville Denter (Toni Adkins)? Value Percent Count Yes 26.1% 12 No 73.9% 34 Total 46 160. Please rate the level of service provided. Excellent 51.2% 22 Above Average 16.3% 7 Average 30.2% 13 Good 0.0% 0 Poor 2.3% 1 Very Courteous 47.0% 31 Courteous 45.5% 30 Somewhat Courteous 4.6% 3 Discourteous 3.0% 2 Excellent 81.3% 13 Above Average 18.8% 3 Average 0.0% 0 Poor 0.0% 0 161. How courteous was the overall service provided? 162. Please rate the level of service provided. 163. How knowledgeable was the representative at the Fayetteville Campus in regards to your financial aid assistance? Very knowledgeable 45.8% 11 Knowledgeable 41.7% 10 Somewhat Knowledgeable 8.3% 2 Not at all Knowledgeable 4.2% 1 164. How knowledgeable was the representative at the McMinnville Campus in regards to your financial aid assistance? Very knowledgeable 42.5% 17 Knowledgeable 47.5% 19 Somewhat Knowledgeable 10.0% 4 Not at all Knowledgeable 0.0% 0 165. If there has been a problem with your ability to get financial aid, the problem has been due to: (select only one) Myself 17.1% 40 My parent(s)/guardian(s) 11.1% 26 Government restrictions 11.1% 26 Admissions Office 3.0% 7 I have not had any problems getting aid 41.0% 96 Financial Aid 3.9% 9 Other 12.8% 30 166. How could we make the financial aid process easier and more convenient for you? Comments not included in online results. 167. Do you feel it would be beneficial to you, as a student, for the Motlow Financial Aid office to explore the development of a facebook page to provide general financial aid information? Yes 47.1% 114 No 52.9% 128 168. Where do you go if you really need assistance? Comments not included in online results. 169. Where do you go when you need information about Motlow? Email 11.3% 28 Website 60.9% 151 Friend 4.4% 11 Campus office 23.4% 58 170. Overall are you satisfied with the quality of the services offered at MSCC? Yes, always 54.7% 135 Yes, most of the time 44.1% 109 No 1.2% 3 171. Which services were you dissatisfied with? Please explain why you were dissatisfied. Comments not included in online results. 172. What do you like most about Motlow? Comments not included in online results. 173. What do you like least about Motlow? Comments not included in online results. 174. Please rate your overall experience at Motlow. Excellent 68.8% 170 Good 27.5% 68 Fair 3.6% 9 Poor 0.0% 0 175. Motlow has changed my life because: Comments not included in online results. 176. Are you planning on returning to Motlow next semester? Yes 75.9% 189 No 24.1% 60