Manifest Destiny America Claims a

Claims a
Native People of Texas
Spanish Texas
Of all Spanish provinces New Spain was the largest stretching from Mexico to Oregon,
the southern coast of North American including parts of South Carolina and
Georgia, and the Caribbean Islands.
Characteristics of Spanish Colonization:
Rabid Exploitation
__________ __________
Native Population
Harsh treatment
Swept aside, enslaved or eradicated
Imposed a new religion – Roman Catholicism
Taught native population of oppression by Egyptians, Romans, etc.
Lauded attempts by “rebels” to cast of the chains of oppression
Israel against Pharaoh
Hebrews against Herod
Spanish Texas
1680 – Pueblo Revolt
Spanish forced to retreat from __________
Establish a more compact line along the Rio Grande including __________
French trading and exploration
1670's La Salle and the French
1716 St. Denis in East Texas
1772 New Regulations for the Presidios
1800 Settlements two roads
San Antonio de Bexar
La Bahia del Espiritu Santo (Goliad)
El Camino Real (Old Spanish Trail [OST])
Atascosito Road
Spanish Texas
Spanish Texas
Colonizing Texas
Safety in numbers but no numbers without guarantee of safety
1749 – Apaches and Spanish agree to détente – first attempt to settle Texas by
colonists rather than by soldiers and priests. Ranches and irrigated farms along
the San Antonio River expand in the 1750s.
Inhospitable nature of the Great Plains and piney woods of East Texas
Government Policies
Advantages to foreign rivals
Missions retarded civilian __________ growth
Spanish Texas
Decline of the Spanish in New Spain
Class Conflict
Penisulares (from Iberia) and Criollos (Spanish blood born in North America.
Spain made one last attempt to populate Texas in 1803 but it came to naught because of
__________ Politics
Planned to import several thousand settlers in 1804
When that plan failed, local officials turned to Indians from the United States
European Politics
Napoleon in Europe, 1808-1814
French control of Spain
Confusion in New Spain: peninsulares – remain loyal to Spain; criollos – form new colonial
Criollos outnumber peninsulares 10-1; peninsulares depose criollos governor which angers
Spanish Texas
Rebellion and Revolution, 1810-1820
Hidalgo’s rebellion of 1810
Juan Bautista de las Casas: 1811 – led revolt in Texas (Bexar)
Subdeacon Juan Manuel Sambrano: 1811 – “counter-revolt” agains de las
Gutiérrez de Lara & Augustus Magee: 1811-1814 – support from “Orleans
Territory: capture Nacogdoches and move to San Antonio where they are
defeated at the battle of the Medina River 18 August 1814
Conservative rebellion on 1820
Spanish & Mexican Texas
Constitution of 1812 restored by Ferdinand VII hoping to bring __________ and calm
Revolutionaries remain active - Vicente Guerrero
Plan de Iguala - 24 February 1821
Called for an independent Mexico with __________ __________
_________ of the Catholic faith without toleration for other and rights and properties of the
Equality of Peninsulares and American Criollos
With Spain itself turning to a constitutional monarchy, Agustín de Inturbide and Vincente
Suerrero sign the Plan de Iguala
Plan de Iguala receives widespread support and the viceroy signs the Treaty of Córdoba
Treaty of Cordova - 24 August 1821
Older and inactive revolutionaries
New criollo chieftains formed since the death of Morelos
Officers of the royal government
Catholic church and supporters
With Mexican independence, Spanish Texas becomes Mexican Texas
Mexican Texas
Immediately broke into two factions by late 1823:
 __________ (states rights – Jeffersonians of the early US)
 __________ (strong central government –Federalists of the early US)
7 May 1824 the states of Coahuila and Texas combined to form Coahuila y Texas
 José Erasmo Seguín speaking for most Tejanos __________
 Seguín is out voted by the more populous Coahuilans
18 August 1824 National Colonization Law
 Federal Law left most details of colonization to the __________
 Two restrictions:
 Foreigners must settle more than 30 miles from the coast
 Foreigners must settle more than 30 miles from an international border
03 October 1824 Constitution of 1824
 Very much like but in many respects much more _______ than the United States
 Emphasis on state rather than central power results in strong appeal to ______ in
Colonizing Texas
Austin Family
Stephen F.
The Old Three Hundred
2nd, 3rd and 4th Grants
Exeter & Williams
Population increase:
1820 – total population about 2,000
1834 – approximately 20,000 Anglos
Colonizing Texas
• East Texas becomes an
extension of the old
south – Louisiana,
Mississippi, Alabama,
• North Texas attracts
immigrants from the
upper south – Arkansas,
Missouri, Tennessee,
• Central Texas becomes a
mixture of both
including many Tejanos
Colonizing Texas
Many slaveowners moved to Texas bringing slaves with them.
Mexican tradition dating from 1813 stated “slavery is forbidden
forever” but Mexico lacked the means to enforce it in Texas
As Mexico formed national and state constitution from 1821 to
1827 the official stance was frequently __________ and
Colonization Law of 1823 for Austin’s first colony
Permitted Slavery
Called for emancipation of slaves born in Texas at age 14
National Congress of 1824
Prohibited importation of slaves as merchandise
Did not address slaves as property
Colonization Law of 1824 and Constitution of 1824 remain
neutral concerning slavery
Colonizing Texas
State Constitution of Coahuila y Texas
Article 13 – “From and after the promulgation of the
Constitution in the capital of each district, no one shall be
born a slave in the state, and after six months the
introduction of slave under any pretext shall not be
Arguments in favor of slavery contended that settlers could
not be attracted unless slavery was protected
José Antonio Navarro introduced a bill in the state
legislature allowing settlers to “free” their slaves and sign
them to ___ ___ indentured service contracts – noting a lack
of agricultural workers the bill is passed in 1828
Colonizing Texas
16 September 1829 – President Vicente Guerrero
emancipates all slaves in the Republic of Mexico in
honor of Mexico’s __________ __________
Ramón Múzquiz – the political chief at San Antonio
– appeals for Texas __________
Governor of Coahuila y Texas approves the
__________ an forwards it to President Guerrero
exempts Texas from emancipation on 2 December
Early Symptoms of Rebellion
Mier y Terán
“Inspection tour” of Texas 1828-1829
Evidence of Mexico’s increasingly precarious hold on
“If the colonization contracts of Texas by North
Americans are not suspended, and if the conditions of the
establishments are not watched, it is necessary to say that
the province is already definitely delivered to the
Attempted Spanish at Tampico temporarily disrupts
Mexican response to Terán’s report
Early Symptoms of Rebellion
Law of 6 April 1830
Prohibited _____________ from the United States
Ended all ______________ contracts not fulfilled
Outlawed bringing slaves into Mexico under any guise
Called for the collection of customs duties on imports and exports (from which Texas
settlers had been exempt since an act of 29 September 1823.
 Mexican official see these steps as necessary to ensure continued control
of their province
 __________ in Texas considered it an insult with potentially disastrous
 __________ disagreed with the government – intent on developing their
own province the Tejanos did not approve of ending immigration from the
United States
 While it turned the Anglos (Texians) against the national government of
Mexico it did not cause serious problems between the __________ and
the __________
Early Symptoms of Rebellion
The Representacion dirijida por el ilustre ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Bexar.
This document written between 6 and 19 December 1832 by the ayuntamiento of
San Antonio was “the only public statement of major issues affecting Texas and the
Tejanos misgivings about the centralist government.”
neglect by the national and state __________
prohibition against __________ by North Americans
physical __________ between the citizens of Texas and Saltillo
lack of a local __________
lack of __________
__________ military presence
__________ rule within Texas
After being prepared by forty-nine Bejarenos seven members signed the document
and it was sent to Goliad, Gonzales, Nacogdoches and San Felipe for endorsement.
These Tejanos were seeking their rights and privileges as Mexican citizens:
something very akin to what the citizens of the thirteen English North American
colonies had done prior to 1775.
General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
President of Mexico eleven times – never more than 2½
Originally a Federalist many colonists supported Santa Anna
– Texians and Tejanos supported his move during and after
the Anahuac/Velasco incident of 1832
3 January 1833 – took over national government from
Bustamente: elected president 3 months later by Mexican
Allowed his vice president Gómez Farías to introduce liberal reforms for two
Once Santa Anna determines that the military and religious leaders are
against liberal reforms of Farías, Santa Anna “becomes” a centralist, wins the
support of the military and clergy and acquires absolute power in April 1835
Discharged the existing congress, refilling it with centralists subject to him
Abolished the Constitution of 1824 – which he formerly supported and
Eradicated the states replacing them with departments run by officials whom
he appointed
By October 1835, Santa Anna is seen as all-powerful
Rebellion in Mexico
On April 12, 1834, the Jalisco
Legislature invited the states of
Querétaro, Guanajuato, San Luis
Potosí, Michoacán, Nuevo León,
Tamaulipas, Tampico and
Durango to form a coalition to
defend themselves against the
Federal rule of General Antonio
López de Santa Anna. During
that summer, a mob of about
sixty to eighty men, through
intimidation and threats,
persuaded the leaders of
Guadalajara to resign. Through
such manipulation, the Federal
Government kept Jalisco under
Revolution in Mexico
On May 11, 1835, the Zacatecas
militia, under the command of
Francisco Garcia, was defeated at the
Battle of Guadalupe by the Federal
forces of General Santa Anna. Soon
after this victory, Santa Anna's forces
ransacked the city of Zacatecas and the
rich silver mines at Fresnillo.
In addition to seizing large quantities
of Zacatecan silver, Santa Anna
punished Zacatecas by separating
Aguascalientes from Zacatecas and
making it into an independent territory.
Aguascalientes would achieve the
status of state in 1857. The loss of
Aguascalientes and its rich agricultural
terrain would be a severe blow to the
economy and the spirit of Zacatecas.
Rebellion in Mexico
On January 17, 1840, a constitutional
convention was held at the Oreveña Ranch
near Laredo: the convention decided that
the Mexican states of Coahuila, Nuevo
León, and Tamaulipas would withdraw
themselves from Mexico and would form
their own federal republic with Laredo as
the capital. The short-lived republic was
defeated a short eight months later by
Mexican forces and forced to return to the
Mexican Republic.
Rebellion in Mexico
In 1840, the local Congress approved a declaration
of independence of Yucatán. Governor Santiago
Méndez blocked it saying that Yucatán would again
recognize the rule of the central government in
Mexico City if the Mexican Constitution of 1824
were reinstated. Santa Anna refused to recognize
Yucatán's independence and Governor Méndez
ordered all Mexican flags removed from Yucatecan
buildings and shipping in favor of the flag of the
"sovereign nation of the Republic of Yucatán." The
Yucatecan Constitution was modeled in part on the
1824 Mexican Constitution and the Yucatán state
constitution of 1825.
Santa Anna barred Yucatecan ships and commerce
in Mexico and ordered Yucatán's ports blockaded
and in 1843 he sent an army to invade Yucatán. The
Yucatecans defeated the Mexican force, but the loss
of economic ties to Mexico hurt Yucatecan
commerce. Governor Miguel Barbachano used the
victory as a time to negotiate with Santa Anna's
government from a position of strength. Yucatán
agreed to rejoin Mexico so long as various
assurances of right to self-rule and adherence to the
1825 Constitution within the Peninsula were
observed by Mexico City. The treaty
reincorporating Yucatán into Mexico was signed in
December 1843.