2.1 Angles in the Cartesian Plane JMerrill, 2009 ry


Angles in the Cartesian Plane

JMerrill, 2009

Angles in Standard Position

An angle is said to be in standard position if its initial side is along the positive x -axis and its vertex is at the origin.

We say that an angle lies in the quadrant in which its terminal side lies.

Cartesian Grid

180 o

Quadrant II

Quadrant III

90 o

Quadrant I

Quadrant IV

0 o

360 o

270 o

Sketching Angles in Standard Positions

Sketching a 210 º angle in the standard position yields this graph.

• The initial side lies on the x -axis.

• The positive angle indicates counterclockwise rotation.

• 180 º represents a straight angle and the additional 30º yields a

210 º angle.

• The terminal side lies in quadrant III.

• What can you tell me about the angle -150 o ?

Coterminal angles

Two angles in standard position with the same terminal side are called coterminal angles . For example, -40 º and

320º are coterminal angles. Moving 40º in clockwise direction brings the terminal side to the same position as moving 320º in the counter-clockwise direction.

Such angles may also be reached by going the same direction, such as 90 º and 450º. 450º is reached by moving counterclockwise through the full 360º circle, then continuing another 90 º.

So, you can find coterminal angles by adding or subtracting a whole circle.

Your Turn:

Measuring of Coterminal Angles

Find an angle that is coterminal with:

 580 º

 Solution: Subtract 360º to find the correct angle of 220º.

 400º

 Solution: Add 360º to get -40º. Add 360º again to get the correct angle of 320º.

Common Angles in Standard Position

The common angles with their exact values for their Cartesian coordinates are shown on this graph.