Research on cloud computing application in the peer-to-peer based video-on-demand systems Authors:

Research on cloud computing application in the
peer-to-peer based video-on-demand systems
SUN Bing-jue, WU Kai-jun
Speaker :吳靖緯 MA0G0101
2011 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent
Systems and Applications (ISA),
On page(s): 1- 4, May 2011
• Introduction
• Related work
• System design
• Simulation and result analysis
• Conclusion
• In the peer-to-peer based video-on-demand systems, when the
number of users online reaches a certain scale.
• It will greatly influence the bandwidth and the speed of
response server.
• According to the usage analysis of P2P/VOD video system,
user demand video via the cache server which will generate a
cache file for the next user call.
• This raises the question that if the original video files have
• So it is possible to generate 1,000 cache files which remain in
the cache server within the server's disk.
• When the buffer disk is full, it will clear the cache files
automatically and move the new file to the disk, but in the
process of deleting and writing files, the client appears the
phenomenon of the video buffer, which is blocking in the play.
• Traditional method is to use load-balancing with multiple
cache servers to solve this problem.
• Because load-balancing server can’t distinguish between user
needs, resulting in more than one cache servers stored the same
cache files in the video.
• According to the thinking of "cloud computing", the paper
designed to work a cross platform of cache server cluster based
on operation stored of Hadoop synchronization which applied
in P2P/VoD.
Related work
• Figure 1 is a flow chart of Hadoop for data processing and
transmission of map, reduce data phase.
Related work
• Hadoop processing needs to be done by using 3 data transfer
process: file input to the map, map transfer to reduce, reduce
output to HDFS.
• When they run in the same time, system manage the data
segmentation, job scheduling, load balancing, fault tolerance
and network communications.
• MapReduce provides a simple interface that enables
researchers to design parallel and distributed applications
Related work
The data flow analysis on demand
• Map read data from the server in the way to pull the data.
• The output data of Map side is first written to local disk, it
notified JobTracker when the task is completed.
Related work
The integration of computing and storage
System design
• The whole system is divided into hardware and software.
• Hardware components include: Web system modules, file
server system modules, DNS server, storage module and the
composition of cache server cluster.
• The design of software components: the operating environment
of server will be mainly based on Windows 2003 server
operating system and FreeBSD operating systems.
System design
• Database store data by using a distributed way of SQLserver.
• Parts of the site use compiler to achieve the
management of background data and the view of front static
• Play system of video program uses the design of P2P
System design
Video services implement the process in the system which was
shown in the following.
• Internet users first access to the video website for inquiring the
video information, then send the video request.
• Web server inquire the information of video address in the
database after it obtain video request, and then send the
requests of video data to the file server.
System design
• File server send video data for users in a variety of ways:
Direct transmission, transmission through the cache server,
users through other Internet video services transmitted by P2P.
• The eventual realization of the video data streams transmitted
parallelly to the client, complete high-definition video
Simulation and result analysis
• The experimental data from access logs of our school VOD
system user.
• The average daily traffic of VOD system is up to 1000 requests
/ day, the system of the user logs records the various interactive
operations in detail, a unique user ID correspond to one visit,
but the user's interactive operation, one visit may contain
multiple user’s requests.
Simulation and result analysis
• The experiment compare the traditional system of load
balancing plus 3 sets of buffer server with Hadoop cluster, the
results shown in Table 1.
Simulation and result analysis
• Figure4 shows that when the traditional manner executes,
execution time almost linearly increases.
Simulation and result analysis
• Storage occupancy rate of Cache server is true as shown in
Figure 5.
Simulation and result analysis
• Theoretically, for a particular cluster, the trend of execution
time that is slowly grow, with the growth of input data, will not
• From this experiment can be seen, when the configuration of
parameters accord with the scale of cluster, Hadoop framework
compared to the traditional way has a huge advantage for timeconsuming aspects of data processing in large.
• The simulation of P2P/VoD video systems which designed
based on "Hadoop" technology theoretically realizes unlimited
expansion and unlimited data computing power.
• This design does not require too much hardware investment,
and transform the existing equipment of network transmission,
you can achieve fast data transmission.
• And facing the possibly increases of future traffic, the
implementation does not change the system structure and
upgrading core equipment, just add the appropriate equipment
to meet the demand.
• If such P2P/VoD system which is promoted widely in the
major institutions can form a large cluster of the streaming
• These cluster nodes joined together to form a huge video
network through the network between the cache server farms,
streaming media will become the main platform for online