Student:______________________________ Instructor:___________________________ English Department CCCCD Semester:_________________________ ENGLISH 1301 LABS The lab component for English 1301 provides a variety of opportunities to enhance your thinking and writing ability. All students enrolled in English 1301 must complete 16 units (not all from the same area) of lab work in order to fulfill the requirements of the course. Approximately 30 minutes of your time constitutes one lab unit; however, lab credit is also determined by the instructor, the length of an exercise, and the intended goal of the exercise. Your course instructor will prescribe certain types of labs to meet your individual needs and will give you credit for assignments related to the course. Your instructor will assign various due dates for various types of labs. The Writing Center consultants will sign your sheet for each session of consultation, usually a 30- to 45-minute appointment. The staff at the Alternative Learning Center (ALC) desk will stamp the appropriate computer program and video areas when you show an attendant that you have completed the exercise. If you attend seminars, the instructor conducting the seminars will sign on your lab sheet. Lab Credit can be earned by using the following resources: Computer Programs Video Programs CD ROMs or Exercises on Web Special Assignments Word Processing Programs Writing Center Consultation Your lab work will help you in the following ways: Improve your writing style Help you generate content for the paper Improve the structure of the paper Provide info. about research methods Help you revise the papers Develop appropriate study skills LOCATION OF LABS ALC Writer’s Resources The New Century Handbook Supershell Culture and Grammar Series LRC (Circulation) Materials reserved by instructor I Found A Dollar Walking Home Who’s Afraid of Grammar Expository Writing The Final Touch Writing Center Paper Consultations 1 LRC (Media Services) Elements of Style Seminars Visit the Information Desk at any campus for seminar location COMPUTER PROGRAMS The New Century Handbook – CD or Web access code included with Handbook. A comprehensive resource that shows students how to plan, compose, and revise; how to do research and formulate arguments; and how to improve sentence skills. The exercises help you to recall and understand the key facts and concepts presented in the text. Print each scored exercise and present to your instructor for credit. (Note: Some instructors compile quizzes after students have completed exercise areas and award credit for passing quizzes.) Exercise area to Complete Date Due Score Instructor Lab Credit _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ Supershell – Located in the ALC A program offering tutorials and exercises related to grammar, usage, and style. 1 unit for each exercise with 80% minimum score. Show an attendant your score to get a stamp. _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ Writer’s Resources – Located in the ALC An Interactive Multimedia program that provides: basic grammar skills, the construction of sentences, paragraphs, essays, and traditional rhetorical patterns. _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ Culture and Grammar Series – Located in the ALC Contains 4 different software programs that teach grammar points within the context of a culture’s literature, music, and art. 1 unit for each part of this program. _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ _________________________ ___________ ______ ________________ ________ 2 VIDEO PROGRAMS I Found a Dollar Walking Home – Located in the LRC (Checkout Desk) A video program designed to take the tedium out of grammar instruction. A combination of clear instruction and carefully structured exercises will help you identify and correct common sentence errors: concise expressions, modifiers, parallelism, pronoun agreement, fragments, comma splices, run-ons/fused sentences, subject/verb agreement, dangling modifiers. 2 units for watching this entire video. ________ Writings Writing 2 vols. Located in the LRC (Checkout Desk) Two video programs. 1 unit for watching each video. ________ The Final Touch – Located in the LRC (Checkout Desk) A video program that explains the methods of achieving clarity, emphasis, and variety through editing, rewriting, and polishing: concise expressions, style, wordiness. 1 unit for watching entire video. ________ Communication Skills: Who’s Afraid of Grammar – Located in the LRC (Checkout Desk) 1 unit for watching entire video. Communication Skills: Expository Writing - Located in the LRC (Checkout Desk) 1 unit for watching entire video. WRITING CENTER CONSULTATION 2 units for each visit (usually 45-minutes). Date Assignment / Area to work on Writing Center Consultant ________ __________________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________ 3 INSTRUCTOR ASSIGNMENTS AS LABS: JOURNALS, RESPONSES TO READINGS IN TEXT, GRAMMAR QUIZZES, INCLASS ACTIVITIES, ON-CAMPUS EVENTS, CURRENT ARTICLES, CONFERENCES WITH INSTRUCTOR, ESSAY DRAFTS, REVISIONS, ETC. Instructor determines the assignments and the units of lab credit. Assignment Due Date Lab Credit __________________________________ _________________________ ________ __________________________________ _________________________ ________ __________________________________ _________________________ ________ __________________________________ _________________________ ________ __________________________________ _________________________ ________ __________________________________ _________________________ ________ __________________________________ _________________________ ________ __________________________________ _________________________ ________ __________________________________ _________________________ ________ __________________________________ _________________________ ________ __________________________________ _________________________ ________ STUDY SKILLS SEMINARS These one/two-hour sessions are offered near the beginning of the semester. Seminar schedules are available at the Information Center on all campuses. 2 units for each seminar. Date ________ Title of Seminar ______________________________ Instructor’s signature ______________________________ ________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Student’s Signature: I have completed the lab work indicated on this Lab Sheet. * Total Units ___________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________ Signature Date all Labs must be completed * Note: A minimum of 16 units is required. Revised 9/03 LC 4