Name _______________________________ – Chapter 3 – Quadratic Functions

Name _______________________________
Lab #2 – Chapter 3 – Quadratic Functions
Read each problem carefully and show your work! Write neatly and in pencil.
1. Laura owns and operates Aunt Linda’s Pecan Pies. She has determined that
her profit, P(x), from the sale of x cases of pies, is given by P(x) = 150x – x2.
To maximize her profits, Laura should sell ___________ cases of pies.
Her maximum profit will be $_________________.
2. The function V(t) = –3t2 + 140t + 824 models the number of thousands of violent
crimes committed in the United States t years after 1960.
V(t) is measured in thousands and t = 0 means 1960, t = 1 means 1961, etc.
The YEAR in which the most violent crimes were committed was ___________.
Approximately ____________________violent crimes were committed that year.
3. John wants to build a corral next to his barn. He has 300 feet of fencing to
enclose the three sides of his rectangular corral.
The dimensions that will result in the largest corral are ________ft by ________ ft
The largest area that can be enclosed is ___________________ft2.