
The Reagan Years

The Great Communicator

Ronald Reagan

B-February 6, 1911

B film actor

1966 -Governor of California

Re-elected in 1970

Reagan’s cabinet

Secretary of State-Alexander Haig

Sec of Defense -Caspar Weinberger

Secretary of Treasury-Donald Regan

"The Troika"

(from left to right) Chief of Staff James Baker III

Counselor to the President Ed Meese

Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver

Assassination attempt

69 days after inauguration, he was shot by a would-be assassin, John


Press Secretary James Brady was also shot

"Honey, I forgot to duck“

Left the hospital 12 days later

Nearly died

America never knew this.

Brady Bill, 1993

Named for James Brady

Purchasers to wait up to five days for a background check to occur before being allowed to purchase a handgun

• was replaced by a computerized criminal background check prior to any firearm purchase from a dealer holding a Federal Firearms License

Fighting stagnation

High inflation

Combined with economic stagnation


Economic recession

Reagan sought a solution

across-the-board tax cuts

combined with reductions in social welfare spending


Two key ideas:

Lower taxes

Smaller government controls

"Trickledown economics“

"Voodoo Economics”


Economic Recovery and Tax Act, 1981

Stimulate business activity by lowering taxes overall and slashing rates for the rich..

Reduced personal income taxes 25% OVER THE NEXT THREE YEARS

Free capitalists from government regulations to increase business efficiency and innovation


But less money for federal programs

In fact, Congress shifted $70 billion per year from domestic programs to military

It worked?

Inflation dipped 3% per year

National economy boomed in the short term.

20 million jobs for professional and managerial workers, support staff


Record deficit spending

Tripling of the national debt by the end of his second term.

Balanced Budget ,1984

America will forgive deficits if we are strong militarily

Budget Director-David Stockman

Slash military

Slash Social Security


Summer of 1981

Set limits for public employee unions

Signaled that it was acceptable for businesses to play hardball with unions

Air traffic controllers were on strike

Reagan fired them

Proved to be a political coup as the public came to perceive the strikers as greedy and unconcerned with public safety.

Decline of labor unions

Lessened by one million members.

New problems

Employers might move a factory to a new site.

Sell out to a new owner.

Overall there was the decline of blue-collar jobs

But we were looking good!


Young urban professionals

James G. Watt

Secretary of the Interior

Controversial appointment

He had worked to open federal lands in the West for more intensive development

Once blamed air pollution on the natural emissions from trees and compared environmentalist to Nazis

What a winner!

A public controversy erupted after a speech by Watt on Sept. 21, 1983, when he said about his staff: "I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent."

Within weeks of making this statement, Watt resigned.


Things ain’t looking too good!

The nation sinks into its worst recession since the Great Depression.

Reagan fears budget deficits as high as $200 billion.

On November 1, more than 9 million Americans are officially unemployed

Poverty level rose

But it usually had more to do with the isolation of many job seekers in poverty neighborhoods without access to the jobs in suburbia

Homelessness in America became even more of a problem

Talked about the poverty in America was due to laziness, poor education or drugs

The First Lady

"Just Say No"

Sandra Day O'Connor

First woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court

Cold war is HOT again

Renewed arms race

Oversaw a massive military build-up

"Peace through strength."

Goal to win the Cold War

Win the Cold War against the “evil empire”





Decrease Soviet access to high technology

Diminish their resources, including depressing the value of Soviet commodities on the world market


Increase American defense expenditures to strengthen the US negotiating position

Force the Soviets to devote more of their economic resources to defense

Get what you need

Caspar Willard "Cap" Weinberger

Secretary of Defense

• Don’t worry about the budget

Spent $34 million per hour


Support anti-Soviet factions around the world from Afghanistan resistance fighters in his early years to Solidarity later in his presidency.

“Star wars”

SDI Strategic Defense Initiative

Space-based systems to protect USA from attack by strategic nuclear missiles

Spent nearly $50 billion between 1983 and 1993

Never produced any deployable systems or major technological breakthroughs

Reagan is scary!

Freeze Movement

• freeze all production of new nuclear arms and to leave levels of nuclear armament where they currently were

Patty Davis

“Focus of evil in the modern world”

Wanted to get into the fight with Communism as a morale battle

Rhetoric of the 1950’s

Did not trust DETENTE

You can’t make a treaty with the Soviets

Murder in the Air

Korean Air Lines Flight 007 shot down over Soviet air space

September, 1983

Over 200 people died

Missiles are put in Europe

Diplomacy through a show of strength

Deployment of missiles in Italy and Germany

The super power talks end!

For the first time, in 20 years, no talks were going on.

Reagan Doctrine

• “We must not break faith with those who are risking their lives...on every continent, from Afghanistan to Nicaragua ... to defy Soviet aggression and secure rights which have been ours from birth. Support for freedom fighters is self-defense."

Doctrine aimed to justify American support of the Contras in Nicaragua, support of fighters in Afghanistan, and our help to Angola.


U.S. involvement was limited

UN mandate for a Multinational Force

Force of 800 U.S. Marines was sent to Beirut to evacuate PLO forces

Forces were withdrawn shortly after the October 23,1983 bombing of a barracks in which 241 Marines were killed.

The saddest day of his life and of his presidency


We just left

October 23,1983 bombing of a barracks in which 241 Marines were killed.

Operation Urgent Fury

Communist coup on the small island nation of Grenada in 1983

Developed an invasion plan to restore the former government

It worked.

Iran-Iraqi war



Mainly sided with Iraq

Believed that Saddam Hussein was less dangerous than Ayatollah


Americans feared an Iranian victory would embolden Islamic fundamentalists


America is working again and this upward trend will continue for 8 more years

Mondale for President?





TV debate Reagan seemed confused

Stand on Russia

1984 Election




New Chief of Staff

Don Regan

He was told to get someone to handle Nancy , and he did not.

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev

A New Leader

Strove for significant reforms to help the economic growth of Russia

Two key phrases of the Gorbachev era:

"glasnost" (openness)

"perestroika" (reform)

Let’s go to Europe

Reagan goes on a goodwill tour

The Bitburg Doctrine?

May 1985

Visit Kolmesholhe Cemetery near Bitburg to pay respects to the soldiers interred there.

White House thought that American and German soldiers were interred there

Symbolic of the goodwill between the two countries


49 of the graves contained the remains of men who had served in the SS

About 2000 other German soldiers who had died in both World Wars, but no



Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court

The President has cancer?

July 1985

He did not have cancer, something inside him had cancer and it had been removed.

Nancy had wanted to put it off

(Her astrologer said so)

But he had the surgery and removed 2 feet of his colon

Rock Hudson is dead

October 1985

AIDS came out of the closet and a turning point was reached with the public awareness and funding for the disease

Very little response from the White House


Summit in Geneva

November , 1985

Gorbachev and Reagan

Nuclear war should never be fought and can never be won.

Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget Act

"the first binding constraint imposed on federal spending, and its spending caps have become part of every subsequent U.S. budget. Together with a rapidly growing economy it produced the first balanced federal budget in a quarter of a century."

The Challenger

January 28, 1986

"We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved good-bye and 'slipped the surly bonds of earth' to 'touch the face of God.'"

Reykjavik Summit

October, 1986

Gorbachev proposes drastic cuts in all classes of nuclear weapons.

Reagan agrees.

Gorbachev tells Reagan this is alright provided U.S. confines SDI to the laboratory.

Reagan walks away from Summit

READ---Chernobyl disaster

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall."

Arms for Hostages

Improve U.S.-Iranian relations

Iran would do there best to try to get the hostages being held by the Lebanese radical group Hezbollah

Iran-Contra Affair

Concurrent with the support of Iraq, the Administration also engaged in covert arms sales to Iran in order to fund Contra rebels in Nicaragua.

Reagan professed ignorance of the plot's existence and quickly called for an

Independent Counsel to investigate the scandal.

“I don’t remember, period”

READ about the Iran-Contra Affair

Regan resigns

Howard Baker is the new chief of staff

Reagan admits that he did it!

• “I did not mean it, but it did happen.”


October 19, 1987

The Black Monday decline was the largest one-day percentage decline in stock market history.

1987 budget

Reagan submits his 1987 budget -- deficit of $143.6 billion.

Cumulative deficits reach one trillion.

But the interest rates had declined steadily since 1982

Washington Summit

Reagan and Gorbachev sign the INF, Intermediate Force treaty,, which only eliminates 4% of the superpowers’ nuclear arsenals.

First U.S.-Soviet treaty

to provide for destruction of nuclear weapons

• to provide for on-site monitoring of the destruction.

1988 Election


Had been VP under Reagan

• “Read my lips




The 80’s



Mass Media invaded


Published the an annual list of the nation’s 400 richest people

Dressing from Bloomingdales and Neiman-Marcus

Helped by catalogs

Greed is all right, you shouldn't feel guilty




Refugee immigration

Southeast Asian immigrants

Cuban immigrants

Russian immigrants
