– Test #2 Topics (Ch.11) – Spring 2011 Math 1351 14

Math 1351 – Test #2 Topics (Ch.11) – Spring 2011
14 problems (≈ 6–8 pts each problem)
All problems are short answer/partial credit and some contain multiple parts
Topics (from Chapter 11):
Identify types of angles
(complementary, supplementary, vertical, right, straight, acute, obtuse, corresponding,
alternate interior, alternate exterior)
Basic notions from Section 11.1 (know how to recognize them, not define them)
(segment, ray, line, collinear, coplanar, concurrent, skew, intersecting, parallel,
Find the measures of angles given a picture
Determine if a figure is a polygon (if so, concave or convex?)
The sum of the interior angles of a polygon (memorize)
The sum of the exterior angles of a polygon (memorize)
The number of diagonals in a polygon (memorize)
Calculate the supplement or complement of an angle
Determine the number of vertices, faces, edges of a polyhedron (basic prism or pyramid)
Draw prisms and pyramids
Determine if two lines are parallel or not (based on the angles)
Euler’s Formula (memorize)